运输署署长霍文 Commissioner for Transport Mr Robert Footman惩教署署长伍静国 Commissioner of Correctional Services Mr Ng Ching-kwok海关关长黄鸿超 Commissioner of Customs and Excise Mr Raymond Wong Hung-chiu税务局局长刘麦懿明 Commissioner of Inland Revenue Mrs Lau Mak Yee-ming警务处处长曾荫培 Commissioner of Police Mr Tsang Yam-pui差饷物业估价署署长彭赞荣 Commissioner of Rating and Valuation Mr Kenneth Pang
Tsan-wing,廉政专员李少光 Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption Mr Ambrose
Lee Siu-kwong廉政专员黄鸿超 Commissioner, Independent Commission Against Corruption Raymond
Wong Hung-chiu贪污 commit corruption做大案 commit some serious crimes发动自杀式炸弹袭击 commit suicide bombings服安眠药自杀 commit suicide by taking sleeping spills额外拨款二十七亿元扶贫 committed an extra $2.7 billion in the next two years to
relieve the plight of the poor以一氧化碳中毒方式集体自杀 committed collective suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning
首次提出加强司级、局级主要官员的问责制度 committed for the first time to a system to improve
the accountability of policy secretaries倾向萧规曹随,多于创新求变 committed more to policy continuity than to renewal and
change大学教育资助委员会主席林李翘如 Committee chairman Alice Lam Lee Kiu-yu联合国人口奖委员会 Committee for the United Nations Population Award议员个人利益监察委员会 Committee on Members' Interests议事规则委员会 Committee on Rules of Procedure联合国宪章问题委员会 Committee on the Charter of the United Nations公民教育委员会 Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education(英国)药物安全委员会 Committee on the Safety of Medicines双双自杀 committing suicide in pairs期货 commodities/futures 语际翻译 版权所有
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