全面检讨香港的教育制度 conduct a comprehensive review of our education system重估住宅物业的应缴差饷租值 conduct a general revaluation of the rateable values of
properties打长期游击战 conduct a long drawn-out guerilla war为何伟途做身体检查 conduct a medical checkup for Mr Ho彻查这类收取回佣的指控 conduct a thorough inquiry into the kickback allegations进行彻底搜查 conduct a thorough search(的士)接过境生意 conduct cross-border runs突击检查安老院 conduct surprise checks at homes for the elderly在公共屋村逐户调查 conducted door-to-door chicks on public housing estates进行多几次无人飞行诚验,才载人上太空 conducted more unmanned flights before putting
cosmonauts in space(替人)做手术 conducted the operation洗楼 conducting door-to-door visits进行较多移植手术 conducts more transplants喉舌 conduit视锥细胞 cones对婴儿健康有益 confers benefits to infants招供 confession (n)/confess (vi)(vt); confess/confess to doing sth/confess
that/confess to murder/设骗局的人 confidence tricksters接受《时代杂志》访问时证实 confirmed in an interview with Time证实程介明的讲法 confirmed Professor Cheng Kai-ming's account没收回乡证 confiscated her Home Return Permit充公某人的货物 confiscated somebody's goods孔教 Confucianism乱码 confusion code产生混乱 confusion reigned 语际翻译 版权所有
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