

第三十六条 制定电价,应当合理补偿成本,合理确定收益,依法计入税金,坚持公平负担,促进电力建设。    Article 36 The formulation of electricity price shall be based on the principles of reasonably compensating the cost, reasonable profits, computing tax according to law, fairly dividing the cost, andpromotingpower construction.
第三十七条 上网电价实行同网同质同价。具体办法和实施步骤由国务院规定。    Article 37 The power purchase price shall follow the principle of equal price for the same electricity quality on the same power network. Specific methods and implementation procedures shall be worked out by the State Council.
第三十八条 跨省、自治区、直辖市电网和省级电网内的上网电价,由电力生产企业和电网经营企业协商提出方案,报国务院物价行政主管部门核准。    Article 38 For the power purchase price of a power network spanning different provinces, autonomous regions, or municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as in a provincial power network, a proposal shall be made through consultation by the enterprises engaged in power production and power network operation, and shall be examined and approved by the pricing administrative department of the State Council.
第三十九条 跨省、自治区、直辖市电网和独立电网之间、省级电网和独立电网之间的互供电价,由双方协商提出方案,报国务院物价行政主管部门或者其授权的部门核准。    Article 39 For the mutual-supply electricity price between independent power networks and networks spanning different provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government,orbetween independent networks and provincial networks, a proposal shall be made through consultation by the two parties, and shall be examined and approved by the pricing administrative department of the State Council or its authorized department.
第四条 电力设施受国家保护。    Article 4 Electric power facilities shall be under the protection of the State.
第四条进口机电产品应当符合我国有关安全、卫生和环境保护等法律、行政法规和技术标准等的规定。    Article 4 Import of mechanical and electronic products shall comply with provisions of Chinese laws, administrative regulations and technical standards concerning safety, sanitation and environmental protection etc.
第四条 电力设施受国家法律保护,禁止任何单位或个人从事危害电力设施的行为。任何单位和个人都有保护电力设施的义务,对危害电力设施的行为,有权制止并向电力管理部门、公安部门报告。    Article 4 Power facilities are protected by law from any harm brought about by units or individuals whatsoever. Any unit or individual is obliged to protect power facilities and has the right to stop or report to power administrative departments or public security organs acts that threaten or sabotage power facilities.
第四条(安装使用原则)安装、使用空调设备应当维护市容整洁,保障交通畅通,避免妨碍他人的正常工作、生活。    Article 4 Principles of Installation and Use The installation and use of air-conditioning equipment shall help maintain the city appearance, ensure smooth traffic, and avoid disturbing the normal work and life of others.
第四条一般贸易(包括外商投资企业进口内销料件)、易货贸易、租赁、援助与赠送、捐赠等方式进口,以及我国驻外机构或者境外企业在境外购置需调回自用的属于进口自动许可机电产品目录的产品均需申请《中华人民共和国进口自动许可证》(以下简称《进口自动许可证》)。    Article 4 The application for Automatic Import License of People’ Republic of China (hereafter referred as Automatic Import License) is need for the following products: the products listed in the catalogue of automatic import license of mechanical and electronic products and imported in forms of general trade (including domestic sale of materials and parts of foreign-invested enterprises), barter trade, lease, aid and presentation, donation and etc. as well as those purchased abroad and sent back for self-use by Chinese institutions functioning abroad or overseas enterprises.
第四条 《重点旧机电产品进口目录》纳入《进口许可证管理货物目录》,由商务部会同海关总署、质检总局制定、调整并公布。    Article 4 The Catalogue of Import of Specified Used mechanical and Electronic Products is incorporated in the Catalogue of Commodities Subject to Import License Administration, and is made, adjusted and promulgated by the Ministry of Commerce (hereafter referred as MOFCOM), together with the General Administration of Customs (hereafter referred as GAC) and the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (hereafter referred as GAQSIQ).
第四十条 跨省、自治区、直辖市电网和省级电网的销售电价,由电网经营企业提出方案,报国务院物价行政主管部门或者其授权的部门核准。    Article 40 For the sale price of electricity of power networks spanning different provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government, as well as provincial networks, a proposal shall be made by the power network operation enterprises and shall be examined and approved by the pricing administrative department of the State Council or its authorized department.
第四十一条 国家实行分类电价和分时电价。分类标准和分时办法由国务院确定。    Article 41 The State adopts a categorized electricity price and time-of-use electricity price. The standard for categorization and the method for division of the time period shall be stipulated by the State Council.
第四十二条 用户用电增容收费标准,由国务院物价行政主管部门会同国务院电力管理部门制定。    Article 42 The charge standard for power capacity expansion of the users shall be stipulated by the pricing administrative department in conjunction with the administrative department of electric power of the State Council.
第四十三条 任何单位不得超越电价管理权限制定电价。供电企业不得擅自变更电价。    Article 43 No unit may set the price of electricity beyond its authority. No power supply enterprise may change the price of electricity without authorization.
第四十四条 禁止任何单位和个人在电费中加收其他费用;但是,法律、行政法规另有规定的,按照规定执行。    Article 44 All units or individuals are forbidden to levy a surcharge on the electricity charges, however, for cases with other provisions in laws and administrative regulations, those provisions shall be observed.
第四十五条 电价的管理办法,由国务院依照本法的规定制定。    Article 45 The regulations of power pricing management shall be worked out by the State Council based on the provisions of this law.
第四十六条 省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当制定农村电气化发展规划,并将其纳入当地电力发展规划及国民经济和社会发展计划。    Article 46 The people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate the planning for the development of rural electrification and shall put the planning into the plan of local electric power development as well as the plan of national economy and social development.
第四十七条 国家对农村电气化实行优惠政策,对少数民族地区、边远地区和贫困地区的农村电力建设给予重点扶持。    Article 47 The State adopts preferential policies for rural electrification, and provides special support to rural power constructioninminority nationality areas, frontier and remote areas, and poverty-stricken areas.
第四十八条 国家提倡农村开发水能资源,建设中、小型水电站,促进农村电气化。    Article 48 The State advocates the exploitation of rural hydropower resources, the construction of medium and small size hydropower stations to promote rural electrification.
第四十九条 县级以上地方人民政府及其经济综合主管部门在安排用电指标时,应当保证农业和农村用电的适当比例,优先保证农村排涝、抗旱和农业季节性生产用电。    Article 49 The local people's governments at and above the county level and their comprehensive economic departments, when allocating electricity quotas, shall guarantee the proper proportion of electricity for rural and agricultural utilization, and give priority to the electricity for rural floodwater drainage, combat of drought, andseasonalagricultural production.
第五条(主管部门和协管部门)上海市环境保护局(以下简称市环保局)对全市空调设备的安装、使用实施监督管理。    Article 5 Competent Department and Assisting Departments The Environmental Protection Bureau of Shanghai Municipality (hereinafter referred to as the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau) shall be responsible for the supervision and administration of the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment in this Municipality.
第五条进口属于进口自动许可的机电产品,进口单位在办理海关手续前,应当向商务部或其授权的机构申请《进口自动许可证》。    Article 5 Import entities shall apply for Automatic Import License from the MOFCOM or its authorized agencies before handling of clearance procedures, if imports are mechanical and electronic products subject to automatic import license.
第五条 电力建设、生产、供应和使用应当依法保护环境,采用新技术,减少有害物质排放,防治污染和其他公害。    Article 5 The construction, production, supply and utilization of electric power shall protect the environment according to law, adopt new technologies, minimize discharge of poisonous waste, and prevent pollution and other public hazards.
第五条商务部负责全国机电产品进口管理工作。国家机电产品进出口办公室设在商务部。    Article 5 The Ministry of Commerce (hereafter referred as MOFCOM) is responsible for national administration of the import of mechanical and electronic products. The National Office for Import and Export of Mechanical and Electronic Products is set up under the MOFCOM.
第五条 商务部负责全国重点旧机电产品进口管理工作。    Article 5 The MOFCOM is responsible for national administration of import of specified used mechanical and electronic products.
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