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(一)申请进口的重点旧机电产品用途说明。    (1)Explanations of purposes of the specified used mechanical and electronic products applied for import.
(三)从海关特殊监管区域和海关保税监管场所进入(境内)区外的;    (3)Entry in outside areas of areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas (within boundaries of China) from areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas;
(四)申请进口单位连续3年内无走私罪、走私行为,偷、逃汇,倒卖进口证件等不法行为。    (4)Entities applying for import shall have no illegal acts such as crimes of smuggling, smuggling acts, dodging and evasion of exchanges, and scalping of import certificates in straight three years.
(四)申请进口的重点旧机电产品的制造年限证明材料。    (4)Evidentiary materials of manufacturing time of the specified used mechanical and electronic products applied for import.
5、进口旧机电产品的,应提供国家质检总局授权或许可的检验检疫机构出具的进口产品的预检验报告;    e.?Pre-inspection report of import products issued by inspection and quarantine agencies authorized or approved by the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine PRC shall be provided if used mechanical and electronic products are to be imported.
电力运行事故由下列原因之一造成的,电力企业不承担赔偿责任:    Electric power enterprises are exempt from compensation liability if an electric power operation fault is caused by one of the following factors:
电力企业应当对电力设施定期进行检修和维护,保证其正常运行。    Electric power enterprises shall carry out regular check, inspection and maintenance on power facilities in order to guarantee their normal operation.
电力企业应当执行前款的用电安排,不得减少农业和农村用电指标。    Electric power enterprises shall comply with the allocation of electricity as set forth in the preceding section, and shall not reduce the quotas for rural and agricultural utilization.
电力企业违反本法第二十八条、第二十九条第一款的规定,未保证供电质量或者未事先通知用户中断供电,给用户造成损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。    Electric power enterprises, in violation of the provisions of Article 28 or Section 1 of Article 29 of this law, that do not ensure the quality of power supply or interrupt the power supply without prior notice to users and thereby cause users losses, shall be liable for compensation according to law.
电力监督检查人员应当公正廉洁,秉公执法,熟悉电力法律、法规,掌握有关电力专业技术。    Electric power supervisory and inspective personnel shall be impartial and honest, enforce laws justly, be familiar with the electricity laws and regulations, and master relevant specialized electric power techniques.
中华人民共和国电力法    Electricity Law of the People's Republic of ChinaChapter I General Provisions
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