(一)不可抗力; (1) force major;(一)进口属于地方、部门机电办办理的机电产品,地方或者部门机电办自收到内容正确、形式完备的《机电产品进口申请表》和相关材料后,应当立即签发《进口自动许可证》;在特殊情况下,最长不超过10个工作日。 (1)For the import of mechanical and electronic products that shall be handled by local and departmental mechanical and electronic offices, local and departmental mechanical and electronic offices shall issue the Automatic Import License at once upon receipt of the Application Form for Import of Mechanical and Electronic Products and relevant materials with accurate contents and complete forms; in special circumstances, said issuance shall not exceed 10 workdays.(二)进口属于商务部办理的机电产品,地方、部门机电办收到齐备的申请材料后3个工作日内将核实后的电子数据转报商务部。商务部在收到相应数据后,应当立即签发《进口自动许可证》;在特殊情况下,最长不超过10个工作日。 (2)For the import of mechanical and electronic products that shall be handled by the MOFCOM, local and departmental mechanical and electronic offices shall submit verified electronic data to the MOFCOM within 3 days upon receipt of complete application materials. The MOFCOM shall issue the Automatic Import License at once upon receipt of corresponding data; in special circumstances, said issuance shall not exceed 10 workdays.(三)伪造、变造或者买卖机电产品进口证件(包括《进口许可证》、《进口自动许可证》,下同); (3)Forgery, compilation, purchase or sale of certificates for import of mechanical and electronic products (including Import License and Automatic Import License, similarly hereafter);(一)、发电厂、变电所内与发、变电生产有关设施; 1. Facilities inside power plants, power transformation stations, current exchange stations and switching stations.6、进口旧机电产品用于翻新(含再制造,下同)的,应提供可从事翻新业务的相关证明材料; f.Relevant evidentiary materials concerning approval of renovation businesses shall be provided if the used mechanical and electronic products to be imported are used for renovation (including remanufacturing, similarly hereafter).安装制冷额定电功率5千瓦以上不满30千瓦空调设备,未向环境保护部门办理申请审批手续的,环境保护部门可以责令停止使用、补办手续,并可处以500元以上5000元以下的罚款。 For installation of air-conditioning equipment with a rated refrigerating power of above 5 kilowatts but below 30 kilowatts without application to the environmental protection departments for examination and approval, the environmental protection departments may order the suspension of the use of such equipment and demand the making up for the required formalities. In addition, a fine of RMB 500 to 5,000 may be imposed.从境内海关特殊监管区外进入海关特殊监管区域,供区内企业使用和供区内基础设施建设项目所需的机器设备转出区外的,如属于旧机电产品,不适用本办法。 For machinery and equipment that entered areas under special customs supervision from outside of the areas under special customs supervision (within boundaries of China) for purposes of use by enterprises in the said areas, and those required by infrastructure projects in the said areas and transferred to the outside of the said areas, if they are used mechanical and electronic products, the provisions hereof are applicable.列入《禁止进口机电产品目录》,属中国生产并出口的机电产品,如需进入出口加工区进行售后维修的,需报商务部审核,具体办法另行制定。 For mechanical and electronic products listed in the Catalogue of Mechanical and Electronic Products under Forbidden Import Category and produced in China for export, approval of the MOFCOM shall be needed if they need to enter export processing zones for after-sale maintenance. Specific measures shall be formulated separately.地方集资办电在电费中加收费用的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府依照国务院有关规定制定办法。 For surcharges in the charges of electricity generated for locally funded power projects, the pricing methods shall be worked out by the people's governmentsoftheprovinces,autonomousregions,or municipalities directly under the Central Government based on the relevant regulations of the State Council.独立电网与独立电网之间的互供电价,由双方协商提出方案,报有管理权的物价行政主管部门核准。 For the mutual-supply electricity price among independent power networks, a proposal shall be made through consultation by the two parties and shall be examined andapprovedbytheauthorizedpricing administrative department.基于进口监测需要,对部分自由进口的机电产品实行进口自动许可。 For the need of import supervision, some mechanical and electronic products under free import category are subject to automatic import license.外商投资企业在投资额内进口新机电产品,经过使用,未到海关监管年限,企业要求提前解除监管并在境内自用或转内销的,参照进口时的状态办理相关手续; For the new mechanical and electronic products imported by foreign-invested enterprises within their amount of investment, if they are used and within the customs supervising term while the enterprises require to release them from the supervision of customs in advance for purposes of self-use or sale in China, relevant procedures shall be handled referring to conditions in import;地方投资的电力生产企业所生产的电力,属于在省内各地区形成独立电网的或者自发自用的,其电价可以由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理。 For the power produced by locally funded power production enterprises, if forming an independent power network within different regions of the province or generated for local use, the price may be under the control of the people's governments of the province,autonomousregionor municipality directly under the Central Government.独立电网内的上网电价,由电力生产企业和电网经营企业协商提出方案,报有管理权的物价行政主管部门核准。 For the power purchase price of an independent power network, a proposal shall be made through consultation by the enterprises engaged in power production and power network operation, and shall be examined and approved by the authorized pricing administrative department.独立电网的销售电价,由电网经营企业提出方案,报有管理权的物价行政主管部门核准。 For the sale price of electricity of independent power networks, a proposal shall be made by the power network operation enterprises and be examined and approved by the authorized pricing administrative department.电力生产企业有特殊情况需另行制定上网电价的,具体办法由国务院规定。 For those power production enterprises which need to set the purchase price differently under a special situation, specific methods shall be worked out by the State Council.