(五)违反噪声污染治理规定的; 5. Violating the provision concerning noise pollution control; or在依法划定电力设施保护区前已经种植的植物妨碍电力设施安全的,应当修剪或者砍伐。 Vegetation that imperils the safety of power facilities but was planted before the area was demarcated according to law as a power facility protection area, shall be trimmed or cut.违反本规定,安装空调设备占用人行道的,由市政工程管理部门和公安部门依照城市道路交通管理的有关规定予以处罚。 Violation of these Provisions by taking up the space of sidewalks in installing air-conditioning equipment shall be penalized by the Municipal Works Administration and public security departments in accordance with the relevant provisions regarding urban road traffic administration.语际翻译 版权所有
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