(二)扰乱电力生产企业、变电所、电力调度机构和供电企业的秩序,致使生产、工作和营业不能正常进行的; (2) Disturbing the order of power productionenterprises, substations, or power dispatching agencies and power supply enterprises, and thereby making it impossible for normal production, work, or service to be conducted normally;(五)申请进口单位提供设备状况说明。 (5)Descriptions of the equipment situation by the entities applying for import.(四)排放冷凝水不符合规定的; 4. Discharging condensed water in violation of the relevant provision;4、实行生产许可管理的机电产品,企业申请进口相关的零件、部件用于生产的,应提供生产许可证明材料(复印件); d.For the mechanical and electronic products subject to production license administration, evidentiary materials of production license (copies) shall be provided if entities apply for import of relevant components and parts for production.语际翻译 版权所有
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