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(五)遵守其它法律、行政法规的有关规定。    (5)Observance of relevant provisions provided in other laws and administrative regulations.
(五)商务部规定的其他需要提交的材料。    (5)Other materials required by the MOFCOM.
(六)其他相关法律、行政法规规定需要提供的文件。    (6)Other documents required by other relevant laws and administrative regulations.
(七)其他违反法律、行政法规有关进口机电产品规定的行为。    (7)Other acts in violation of laws and administrative regulations regarding import of mechanical and electronic products.
(一)架空电力线路保护区:导线边线向外侧延伸所形成的两平行线内的区域,在一般地区各级电压导线的边线延伸距离如下:    1. Overhead power line protection zones: zones within the two plane areas fromed by the horizontal extension line from the outside conductor lines and the line vertical to the ground. In usual circumstances, the outer extension distances for all voltage conducting lines are:
(一)架空电力线路:杆塔、基础、拉线、接地装置、导线、避雷线、金具、绝缘子、登杆塔的爬梯和脚钉,导线跨越航道的保护设施,巡(保)线站,巡视检修专用道路、船舶和桥梁,标志牌及附属设施;    1. Overhead power lines: poles and towers, basements, wires, gounding devices, conducting wires, lightening arresting wires, metal tools, insulators, pole or tower climbing ladders and foot-grapnels, cross- navigation channel wire protection facilities, line patrol (protection) stations, patrol and overhaul special roads, ships and bridges, marks and other related ancillary equipment.
(十一)其他危害电力线路设施的行为。    11. Other acts that would endanger electric line facilities.
(五)其他危害发电、变电设施的行为。    5. Other acts that would endanger power and power transformation facilities.
(六)其他危害环境的行为。    6. Other acts endangering the environment.
“一批一证”是指同一份《进口自动许可证》不得分批次累计报关使用。    “One-batch-one-license” means the same Import License shall not be used for clearance for several times accumulatively.
“一批一证”是指同一份《进口许可证》不得分批次累计报关使用。    “One-batch-one-license” means the same Import License shall not be used for clearance for several times accumulatively.
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