- 中国机电行业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (一)为维护国家安全、社会公共利益或者公共道德,需要禁止进口的; (1)?Import shall be forbidden for maintenance of state security, social public interests or public morality;
- (一)为维护国家安全、社会公共利益或者公共道德,需要限制进口的; (1)?Import shall be restricted for maintenance of state security, social public interests or public morality;
- (一)进口属于禁止进口管理的机电产品,或者未经批准、许可进口属于限制进口管理的机电产品; (1)Import of mechanical and electronic products under forbidden import administration, or import of mechanical and electronic products under restrictive import administration without approval or license;
- (一)外商投资企业在投资总额内作为投资和自用进口新机电产品的; (1)Import of new mechanical and electronic products by foreign-invested enterprises within their amount of investment for purposes of investment and self-use
- (一)外商投资企业在投资总额内作为投资和自用进口的新机电产品的; (1)Import of new mechanical and electronic products by foreign-invested enterprises within their amount of investment for purposes of investment and self-use;
- (一)外商投资企业进口用于国内销售或加工后国内销售的; (1)Import of said products by foreign-invested enterprises for purposes of sale in China or sale in China after processing;
- (二)为保护人的健康或者安全,保护动物、植物的生命或者健康,保护环境,需要禁止进口的; (2)?Import shall be forbidden for protection of human health or safety, life or health of fauna and flora, and environment;
- (二)为保护人的健康或者安全,保护动物、植物的生命或者健康,保护环境,需要限制进口的; (2)?Import shall be restricted for protection of human health or safety, life or health of fauna and flora, and environment;
- (二)超出批准、许可的范围进口属于限制进口管理的机电产品; (2)Import of mechanical and electronic products under restrictive import administration exceeding the scope of approval and license;
- (二)加工贸易项下进口的作价设备及加工贸易项下进口机电产品用于内销、内销产品或者留作自用的; (2)Import of priced equipment under processing trade and mechanical and electronic products under processing trade for purposes of sale in China, products sold in China or self-use;
- (三)依照其他法律、行政法规的规定,需要禁止进口的; (3)?Import shall be forbidden according to provisions of other laws and administrative regulations;
- (三)为建立或者加快建立国内特定产业,需要限制进口的; (3)?Import shall be restricted for establishment or promotion of establishment of Chinese specific industries;
- (四)根据中华人民共和国所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定的规定,需要禁止进口的。 (4)?Import shall be forbidden according to provisions of international treaties and conventions that concluded or participated by the People’s Republic of China.
- (四)为保障国家国际金融地位和国际收支平衡,需要限制进口的; (4)?Import shall be restricted for guarantee of international financial status and international payments equilibrium of the state;
- (四)租赁贸易、补偿贸易等贸易方式进口机电产品的; (4)Import of mechanical and electronic products in manners of leasing trade, compensatory trade and etc.
- (五)依照其他法律、行政法规的规定,需要限制进口的; (5)?Import shall be restricted according to provisions of other laws and administrative regulations;
- (五)非法转让机电产品进口证件;? (5)Illegal Transference of certificates for import of mechanical and electronic products;
- (五)租赁贸易、补偿贸易等贸易方式进口机电产品的,适用本办法。 (5)Import of mechanical and electronic products in manners of leasing trade, compensatory trade and etc.
- (五)无偿援助、捐赠或经济往来赠送等方式进口机电产品的; (5)Import of mechanical and electronic products in manners of non-reimbursable assistance, donation or presentation in economic intercourse and etc.
- (五)进口货样和广告品、实验品,每批次价值不超过5000元人民币的; (5)Import samples, advertising samples and experimental products; the value of each batch is less than RMB5000;
- (六)根据中华人民共和国所缔结或者参加的国际条约、协定的规定,需要限制进口的。 (6)?Import shall be restricted according to provisions of international treaties and conventions that concluded or participated by the People’s Republic of China.
- (六)无偿援助、捐赠或者经济往来赠送等方式进口机电产品的,适用本办法。 (6)Import of mechanical and electronic products in manners of non-reimbursable assistance, donation or presentation in economic intercourse and etc.
- (一)违反安装高度规定安装空调设备的; 1. Installing air-conditioning equipment in violation of the provision regarding the height for installation of such equipment;
- (一)不得堆放谷物,、草料、垃圾、矿渣、易燃物、易爆物及其它影响安全供电的物品; 1. It is not allowed to pile up crops, grass, garbage, slags, inflammables, explosion-prone objects and other objects that would affect safe power supply.
- (一)不得在地下电缆保护区内堆放垃圾、矿渣、易燃物、易爆物,倾倒酸、碱、盐及其它有害化学物品,兴建建筑物或种植树木、竹子; 1. It is not allowed to pile up garbage, slages, inflammables, explosion-prone objects, dump acids, soda, salt or other harmful chemicals, or put up buildings or structures or plant trees or bamboo.
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