(二)违反安装距离规定又未与相对方协商而安装空调设备的; 2. Installing air-conditioning equipment in violation of the provision regarding the distance between such equipment and the opposite residents without consultation with them;(二)不得在海底电缆保护区内抛锚、拖锚。 2. It is not allowed to lay in anchor or drag anchor within the sea- bottom cable protection zones.(二)不得烧窑、烧荒; 2. It is not allowed to operate kilns or slash and burn for growing crops.(三)在建筑物内共用部位安装空调设备的; 3. Installing air-conditioning equipment in the shared space of buildings;(三)不得在江河电缆保护区内抛锚、拖锚、炸鱼、挖沙。 3. It is not allowed to lay in anchor or drag anchor, catch fish by using explosives or dig sand in river cable protection zones.(三)不得兴建建筑物、构筑物; 3. It is not allowed to put up buildings or structures.(四)不得种植可能危及电力设施安全的植物。 4. It is not allowed to grow plants that would endanger the safety of power facilities.如需征求相关部门或行业协会意见的,商务部应在正式受理后35日内决定是否批准进口申请。 If collection of opinions from relevant departments or trade associations are needed, the MOFCOM shall determine whether approve the import application or not within 35 days after official acceptance.因供电设施检修、依法限电或者用户违法用电等原因,需要中断供电时,供电企业应当按照国家有关规定事先通知用户。 If it is necessary to interrupt the supply due to such reasons as checking and repairing the power supply facilities, legally limiting power utilization amount, or due to illegal utilization of electricity by users, the power supply enterprises shall notify users in advance according to relevant State regulations.因用户或者第三人的过错给电力企业或者其他用户造成损害的,该用户或者第三人应当依法承担赔偿责任。 If losses or damages are caused to electric power enterprises or other users because of the fault of a user or the third party, the user or the third party causing the losses shall be liable for compensation according to law.监管期满后,设备留在原企业继续使用的,经企业申请海关可解除监管,企业免于办理机电产品进口证件和入境检验检疫手续; If said equipment that still remains in original enterprises for use after expiration of supervising term of customs, said supervision can be released by the enterprise’s application to customs and the enterprise do not need to handle import certificates of mechanical and electronic products and go through procedures of entry inspection and quarantine.情节特别严重的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,可以并处没收财产。 if the case is extremely serious, the person shall be sentenced to more than 10 years' imprisonmentorlife imprisonment, and may concurrently be sentenced to a confiscation of property.情节特别恶劣的,处三年以上七年以下有期徒刑。 if the case is extremely serious,the person shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to seven years.情节严重或者拒绝改正的,可以中止供电,可以并处五万元以下的罚款。 If the case is serious or in case of refusing to make rectification, the administrative department of electric power may suspend their power supply and impose a fine of up to 50000 yuan.情节严重的,对有关主管人员和直接责任人员给予行政处分;造成损失的,责令赔偿损失。 If the case is serious, an administrative penalty shall be imposed upon the involved person in charge and those persons who beardirect responsibility. If losses are thereby caused, the violator shall be ordered to make the compensation.实行“非一批一证”的《进口许可证》需要延期或变更,核减原证已报关数量后,按剩余数量发放新证。 If the Import License subject to “non-one-batch-one-license” is needed to be extended or altered, new license can be issued according to the rest amount deducted those have cleared from the total amount in the original license.进口单位应当对所提交的申请材料的真实性负责,经营活动应遵守国家法律、行政法规的规定。 Import entities shall be responsible for the accuracy of the application materials provided and their operating activities shall comply with provisions of state laws and administrative regulations.进口单位凭《进口许可证》对外签约,向银行购汇,并持《进口许可证》(“商品名称”栏后标注“(旧)”字样)和《入境货物通关单》(备注栏内标注“旧机电产品进口备案”字样)向海关办理通关手续。 Import entities shall conclude overseas contracts and purchase exchanges from banks with the Import License, and handle clearance procedures in customs with the Import License (mark “old” in “product name” column) and the Customs Clearance Form of Entry of Goods (mark “file of import of used mechanical and electronic products” in Remark column).进口单位应当配合与协助检查,检查部门应当为进口单位保守商业秘密。 Import entities shall cooperate and assist the inspections and inspection departments shall keep business secrets for the import entities.进口单位持《进口许可证》按海关规定办理通关手续。 Import entities shall handle clearance procedures according to provisions of customs against the Import License.因特殊原因需要对《进口许可证》延期的,进口单位应当在有效期内到原发证机构申请办理延期换证手续,《进口许可证》只能延期1次,最长可延长3个月。 Import entities that need to extend Import License for special reasons shall apply for transaction of procedures for extended replacement of license. Import License can be extended for only once and for 3 month to the maximal extent.加工贸易项下进口机电产品用于内销、内销产品或者留作自用的,适用本办法。 Import mechanical and electronic products under processing trade for purposes of sale in China, products sold in China or self-use are subject to provisions hereof.外商投资企业在外商投资数额之外以自有资金进口新机电产品以及进口旧机电产品的; Import of new and used mechanical and electronic products by foreign-invested enterprises with their self-possessed funds beyond their amount of investment;确因客观条件所限,暂时不能通过治理消除空调设备噪声污染的,必须把噪声污染危害减少到最低程度,并与受污染的单位和个人协商,达成书面协议。 In case of the real limitations given by the objective circumstances where the noise pollution from air-conditioning equipment can not be eliminated for the time being, care must be taken to minimize the harm caused by noise pollution and a written agreement shall be reached through consultation with the affected units or individual persons.确因客观条件所限,无法达到前款规定距离的,应当采取其他保护相对方权益的措施,并通过协商,与相对方订立书面协议。 In case of the real limitations given by the objective circumstances where the requirement in distance set in the preceding paragraph can by no means be met, measures shall be taken to protect the rights and interests of the opposite residents, and a written agreement shall be reached with him/her through consultation.