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确因客观条件所限,无法达到前款规定高度的,应当与周围居民协商解决,但因此造成他人人身伤害的,应当承担相应的民事责任。    In case of the real limitations given by the objective circumstances where the requirement in height set in the preceding paragraph can by no means be met, consultations shall be held with neighboring residents to find a solution, but the owner of the air-conditioning equipment shall bear the civil liabilities for personal injuries resulting therefrom.
确因客观条件所限,无法达到规定高度的,经所在地的区、县环境保护部门审批同意,可以适当降低安装高度,但空调设备托架底端距室外地面的最低高度不得小于1.9米。    In case of the real limitations given by the objective circumstances where the requirement of 2.5 meters in height can by no means be met, the height of installation may be appropriately lowered with the examination and approval of the district/county environmental protection departments in the locality, but the minimum height from the ground outside to the bottom of the racks shall be no less than 1.9 meters.
用户对供电质量有特殊要求的,供电企业应当根据其必要性和电网的可能,提供相应的电力。    In case that a user has special requirement on electricity quality power, supply enterprises shall supply corresponding electric power according to its necessity and the possibility of the power network.
当事人对行政处罚决定逾期不申请复议、不向人民法院起诉又不履行的,作出处罚决定的行政管理部门可以按照《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》的规定申请人民法院强制执行。    In case the party concerned neither applies for review, nor takes legal action, nor complies with the administrative decision within the prescribed time limit, the administrative departments that made the administrative decision may apply to the people''s court for enforcement according to the administrative Litigation Law of the People''s Republic of China.
在厂矿、城镇等人口密集地区,架空电力线路保护区的区域可略小于上述规定,但各级电压导线边线延伸的距离,不应小于导线边线在最大计算弧垂及最大计算风偏后的水平距离和风偏后距建筑物的安全距离之和。    In densely populated mining and urban areas, the protection zones for overhead power line may be smaller than what is prescribed above. But the outer extension distances for all voltage conducting lines should not be smaller than the total distance between the horizontal distance after the maximum circular sag and maximum windage yaw are computed and the safe distance from buildings, deducting windage yaw.
在有效期内,需要变更《进口自动许可证》中有关项目内容的,进口单位应当持原《进口自动许可证》到原签发机构申请办理变更换证手续。对交货期较长的产品,在有效期内需要延期的,进口单位应当持原《进口自动许可证》到原签发机构申请办理延期手续。    In the case of some contents of the Automatic Import License are needed to be altered within the valid term, import entities shall take the original Automatic Import License to the original issuance agency to apply for alteration or replacement of license. For products with long delivery period and the license needed to be extended within the valid term, import entities shall take the original Automatic Import License to the original issuance agency to apply for transaction of extension procedures.
在有效期内因特殊原因需要变更《进口许可证》中有关项目内容的,进口单位应当持原《进口许可证》到原发证机构申请办理变更换证手续;原发证机构应当收回旧证。    In the case of some contents of the Import License are needed to be altered for special reasons within the valid term, import entities shall take the original Import License to the original issuance agency to apply for alteration or replacement of license; the original issuance agency shall withdraw the used license.
并网双方达不成协议的,由省级以上电力管理部门协调决定。    in the case where the two parties fail to reach a parallel operation agreement, the administrative department of electric power at and above the provincial level shall coordinate and make a decision.
安装空调设备不得擅自改变房屋承重结构,影响房屋安全。    In the installation of air-conditioning equipment, the weight-bearing structure of the building shall not be altered without authorization and the safety of the building shall not be jeopardized.
违反本市优秀近代建筑保护管理规定安装空调设备的,由文物管理部门和房地管理部门依照优秀近代建筑保护管理的有关规定予以处罚。    Installation of air-conditioning equipment in violation of the provisions regarding the administration of superior modern buildings protection in this Municipality shall be penalized by the historical relics administrative departments and the real estate administrative departments in accordance with the relevant provisions regarding the administration of superior modern buildings protection in this Municipality.
安装制冷额定电功率30千瓦以上空调设备,未按照建设项目环境保护的有关规定办理申请审批手续的,由环境保护部门依照建设项目环境保护的有关规定予以处罚。    Installation of air-conditioning equipment with a rated refrigerating power of above 30 kilowatts without application for examination and approval in accordance with the provisions in the construction project with respect to the environmental protection shall be penalized by the environmental protection departments in accordance with the aforesaid provisions.
电力事业投资,实行谁投资、谁收益的原则。    Investment in the power industry shall implement the principle of ""whoever invests, benefits.""
禁止任何单位和个人危害电力设施安全或者非法侵占、使用电能。    It is forbidden for any unit or individual to endanger the safety of electric power facilities or to illegally occupy or utilize electric energy.
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