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中国机电行业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)加工贸易项下进口的作价设备,适用本办法。    (1)Provisions hereof is applicable to priced import equipment under processing trade;
(一)符合《中华人民共和国标准化法》有关保障人体健康和人身财产安全的标准、强制执行标准的规定;    (1)Provisions of the Standardization Law of People’s Republic of China in terms of standards and compulsory execution standards concerning protection of human health and security of human bodies and properties;
(十二)其他法律、行政法规有规定的。    (12)Provisions of other laws and administrative regulations.
(二)符合《中华人民共和国环境保护法》等环境保护法律、行政法规的规定;    (2)Provisions of laws and administrative regulations concerning environmental protection, such as the Environmental Protection Law of People’s Republic of China;
(三)外商投资企业进口机电产品用于国内销售或用于加工后国内销售的和外商投资额外以自有资金进口新机电产品,以及进口旧机电产品的,适用本办法。    (3)Provisions hereof are applicable to mechanical and electronic products imported by foreign-invested enterprises for purposes of sale in China or sale in China after processing, and new and used mechanical and electronic products imported by foreign-invested enterprises with their self-possessed funds beyond their amount of investment.
(三)符合《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》等大气环境保护法律、行政法规的规定;    (3)Provisions of laws and administrative regulations concerning air environmental protection such as the Law of the People’s Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Atmospheric Pollution;
(五)其他法律、行政法规另有规定的。    (5)Provisions of other laws and administrative regulations.
(六)其他法律、行政法规有规定的。    (6)Provisions in other laws and administrative regulations.
(六)其他法律、行政法规另有规定的。    (6)Provisions of other laws and administrative regulations.
上海市政府令1995年第2号颁布日期:19950426实施日期:19950601颁布单位:上海市政府    (Promulgated by Decree No. 2 of the Shanghai Municipal People''s Government on April 26, 1995)
(二)电力电缆线路:架空、地下、水底电力电缆和电缆联接装置,电缆管道、电缆隧道、电缆沟、电缆桥,电缆井、盖板、人孔、标石、水线标志牌及其有关辅助设施;    2. Power cable lines: overhead, underground and underwater power cables and cable connection devices, cable conduits, cable tunnels, cable ditches, cable bridges, cable wells, lids, man-holes, stone mark, water mark plates and other related ancillary equipment.
(二)电力电缆线路保护区:地下电缆为线路两侧各零点七五米所形成的两平行线内的区域;海底电缆一般为线路两侧各二海里(港内为两侧各一百米),江河电缆一般不小干线路两侧各一百米(中、小河流一般不小于各五十米)所形成的两平行线内的水域。    2. Power cable route protection zone: the areas between two parallel lines formed by 0.75 meters on both sides of the ground mark of underground cable route; for sea-bottom cables, the zones should be the water surface between the two parallel lines formed by two nautical miles on both sides of the line (100 on both sides of the line in port) and no less than 100 meters on both sides of the line in rivers (not less than 50 meters for mid-sized and small rivers).
(四)电力调度设施:电力调度场所、电力调度通信设施、电网调度自动化设施、电网运行控制设施。    4. Power dispatch facilities: power dispatching stations, power dispatch communications facilities, power grid dispatch automatic devices and power grid operation control facilities.
并网运行必须符合国家标准或者电力行业标准。    Parallel operation must be consist with the standards of the State or the power industry.
电力建设应当贯彻切实保护耕地、节约利用土地的原则。    Power construction shall carry out the principles of giving practical protection to cultivated land and economizing on land utilization.
电力企业应加强对电力设施的保护工作,对危害电力设施安全的行为,应采取适当措施,予以制止。    Power enterprises should strengthen the protection of power facilities. Proper measures should be adopted to stop acts that jeopardize power facilities.
在依法划定的电力设施保护区内种植的或自然生长的可能危及电力设施安全的树木、竹子,电力企业应依法予以修剪或砍伐。    Power enterprises should trim or cut planted or natural trees or bamboo in the legally demarcated power facility protection zones that would endanger the safety of power facilities.
对危害供电、用电安全和扰乱供电、用电秩序的,供电企业有权制止。    Power supply enterprises are entitled to stop anyone from endangering the safety of power supply and utilization or disturbing the order of power supply and utilization.
禁止供电企业在收取电费时,代收其他费用。    Power supply enterprises are forbidden to charge power users on others' behalf.
供电营业机构持《供电营业许可证》向工商行政管理部门申请领取营业执照,方可营业。    Power supply enterprises shall not begin operation until they apply for and obtain the business licenses from the industrial and commercial administrations by showing the Power Supply Business Permit.
供电企业应当在其营业场所公告用电的程序、制度和收费标准,并提供用户须知资料。    Power supply enterprises shall, at their business places,publicize the procedures, rules and the charge standard on electricity utilization, and shall provide any other relevant information the users must know.
用户应当按照国家核准的电价和用电计量装置的记录,按时交纳电费;对供电企业查电人员和抄表收费人员依法履行职责,应当提供方便。    Power users shall pay electricity fees on time according to the electricity price examined and approved by the State and the records of electricity meters, and shall provide convenience and assistance to the safety inspectors, meter readers, and fee collectors in fulfilling their duties in conformity with legal provisions.
网上申请程序:(1)申请进口单位登录商务部授权网站(https://www.chinabidding.com/),进入机电产品进口许可证申领系统;(2)按要求如实在线填写《机电产品进口申请表》(须在规格型号栏中填写设备制造日期,旧船舶类则填写技术评定书号);(3)地方、部门机电办核实相关信息后报商务部。    Procedures for online application: (1) Entities applying for import can visit the website authorized by the MOFCOM (https://www.chinabidding.com/) to enter the application system of import license for mechanical and electronic products; (2) Fill the Application Form for Import of Mechanical and Electronic Products with true information according to requirements (write down the manufacturing date of the equipment in the “specification and type” column or technical assessment number if the imports are used vessels); (3) Mechanical and Electronic Import and Export Offices in local areas and departments report to the MOFCOM after check of relevant materials.
书面申请程序:(1)申请进口单位可到发证机构领取或从商务部授权网站(https://www.chinabidding.com/)下载《机电产品进口申请表》(可复印);(2)按要求如实填写《机电产品进口申请表》(须在规格型号栏中填写设备制造日期,旧船舶类则填写技术评定书号);(3)同时提供本办法第八条至第十条规定的相关书面材料;(4)地方、部门机电办核实相关材料后报商务部。    Procedures for written application: (1) Entities applying for import can obtain the Application Form for Import of Mechanical and Electronic Products (copyable) from issuance agencies or download it in the website authorized by the MOFCOM (https://www.chinabidding.com/); (2) Fill the Application Form for Import of Mechanical and Electronic Products with true information according to requirements (write down the manufacturing date of the equipment in the “specification and type” column or technical assessment number if the imports are used vessels); (3) Provide relevant written materials stipulated from Article 8 to Article 10 hereof at the meantime; (4) Mechanical and Electronic Import and Export Offices in local areas and departments report to the MOFCOM after check of relevant materials.
我国驻外机构或者境外企业(中方控股,下同)在境外购置的机电产品需调回自用的,适用本办法。    Provisions hereof are applicable to mechanical and electronic products purchased abroad and sent back for self-use by Chinese institutions functioning abroad or overseas enterprises (Chinese is the major shareholder, similarly hereafter).
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