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(二)加工贸易项下进口的不作价设备监管期满后留在原企业使用的;加工贸易项下为复出口而进口的;    (2)Said products as non-priced import equipment under processing trade which remain to be used by original enterprises after expiration of supervising term of customs; and those imported under processing trade for purposes of export;
(三)殴打、公然侮辱履行职务的查电人员或者抄表收费人员的;    (3) Striking or openly insulting electricity inspector, meter reader or fee collector who is carrying out his duty;
(三)从境外进入海关特殊监管区域或海关保税监管场所及海关特殊监管区域或海关保税监管场所之间进出的;    (3)Said products that entered areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas from abroad or those entered or exited among areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas;
(四)由海关监管,暂时进口后复出口或暂时出口后复进口的;    (4)Said products supervised by customs that imported temporarily for re-export or exported temporarily for re-import;
(四)进口机电产品货样、广告物品、实验品的,每批次价值不超过5000元人民币的;    (4)Samples of mechanical and electronic products to be imported, advertising samples and experimental products; the value of each batch is less than RMB5000;
供电企业查电人员和抄表收费人员进入用户,进行用电安全检查或者抄表收费时,应当出示有关证件。    Safety inspectors, meter readers, and fee collectors of a power supply enterprise shall present proper identification when entering user's house to conduct safety inspections, read the meters, or collect the fees.
监管期内,原设备使用单位申请提前解除监管,或监管期满后设备不再由原企业使用的,适用本办法。    Said equipment that within the supervising term of customs and applied for release from the supervision of customs in advance by the original using entities or with expired supervising term and not used by the original using entities are subject to provisions hereof.
从(境内)区外进入海关特殊监管区域或海关保税监管场所,供区内(场所内)企业使用和供区内(场所内)基础设施建设项目所需的机器设备转出区外(场所外)的;    Said products that entered areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas from outside of said areas (within boundaries of China) for purposes of use by enterprises in the said areas, and those required by infrastructure projects in the said areas and transferred to the outside of the said areas;
重点旧机电产品进口实行进口许可证管理。    Specific used mechanical and electronic products are subject to import license administration.
街道办事处、乡(镇)人民政府以及居民委员会应当做好本地区内因安装、使用空调设备引起纠纷的调解工作。    Subdistrict office, the people''s governments of townships (towns) and the residents'' committees shall do a good job of mediation when disputes arise out of the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment in their localities.
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