(一)申请进口重点旧机电产品应当符合国家安全和公共利益的要求,符合保护人的健康或者安全、动植物的生命或者健康的要求。 (1)The specified used mechanical and electronic products applied for import shall meet requirements of state security and public interests and those of protection of human safety or health and life or health of fauna and flora.(一)进口列入《进口自动许可机电产品目录》的产品,进口单位应当向商务部或地方、部门机电办申请办理进口自动许可手续。 (1)To import products in the Catalogue of Automatic Import License of Mechanical and Electronic Products, import entities shall apply for transaction of automatic import license procedures from the MOFCOM and local and departmental mechanical and electronic offices.(二)用户自身的过错。 (2) the user's own fault.(二)《机电产品进口申请表》(见附件2)。 (2)The Application Form for Import of Mechanical and Electronic Products (see appendix 2).(二)申请进口重点旧机电产品须符合我国有关安全、卫生、环境保护等国家技术规范的强制性要求。 (2)The specified used mechanical and electronic products applied for import shall meet compulsory requirements of state technical norms concerning safety, sanitation and environmental protection.(三)申请进口单位所申请进口的重点旧机电产品应当与其经营范围相符合。 (3)The specified used mechanical and electronic products applied for import by entities applying for import shall coincide with the entities’ business scopes.(一)在架空电力线路保护区内进行农田水利基本建设工程及打桩、钻探、开挖等作业; 1. To engage in farmland water conservancy capital construction projects or such operations as stamping, drilling and digging.(一)闯入厂、所内扰乱生产和工作秩序,移动、损害标志物; 1. To gate-crash into power plants or power transformation stations to disrupt production and work order, move or damage marks.(一)非法侵占电力设施建设项目依法征用的土地; 1. To occupy illegally the land requisitioned for the building of power facilities.(一)在必要的架空电力线路保护区的区界上,应设立标志牌,并标明保护区的宽度和保护规定; 1. To put up marks on the boundaries of overhead power line protection zones, specifying the width of the protection zone and the rules for protection.(一)对破坏电力设施或哄抢、盗窃电力设施器材的行为检举、揭发有功; 1. To report or expose acts that sabotage power facilities or mob-rob or steal power facilities.(一)、向电力线路设施射击; 1. To shoot at power lines and related facilities.(一)、监督、检查本条例及根据本条例制定的规章的贯彻执行; 1. To supervise and examine the implementation of this set of regulations and detailed rules formulated in compliance with this set of regulations.(十)、拆卸杆塔或拉线上的器材,移动、损坏永久性标志或标志牌; 10. To remove devices or supplies from electric poles or towers or bracing wires, remove or damage permanent marks or marking plates.(二)涂改、移动、损害、拔除电力设施建设的测量标桩和标记; 2. To alter, remove, damage or pull out measuring poles or marks used by power facility projects.(二)起重机械的任何部位进入架空电力线路保护区进行施工。 2. To conduct engineering by putting any part of lifting machinery into the overhead power line protection zones.(二)、开展保护电力设施的宣传教育工作; 2. To publicize and promote works of power facilities protection.(二)在架空电力线路导线跨越重要公路和航道的区段,应设立标志牌,并标明导线距穿越物体之间的安全距离; 2. To put up marks in major roads or navigation sections where power lines cross, specifying the safe distance between the conducting wires and the objects to cross.(二)对破坏电力设施或哄抢、盗窃电力设施器材的行为进行斗争,有效地防止事故发生; 2. To struggle against acts that sabotage power facilities or against mob-rob or stealing of power facilities and effectively checked the incidents.(二)危及输水,排灰管道(沟)的安全运行; 2. To threaten the safe operation of water, oil and heat supply and ash discharge pipelines (ditches).(二)、向导线抛掷物体; 2. To throw objects at conducting lines.(三)、在架空电力线路导线两侧各三百米的区域内放风筝; 3. To fly kite(s) in areas 300 meters from power lines on both sides.(三)小于导线距穿越物体之间的安全距离,通过架空电力线路保护区; 3. To go through the power line protection zone at a distance smaller than the safety distance between conducting wires and the objects to run through.(三)影响专用铁路、公路、桥梁、码头的使用; 3. To hamper the use of special feeder railways, roads, bridges and docks.(三)为保护电力设施而同自然灾害作斗争,成绩突出; 3. To perform outstanding deeds in fighting against natural disasters for the protection of power facilities.语际翻译 版权所有
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