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(三)地下电缆铺设后,应设立永久性标志,并将地下电缆所在位置书面通知有关部门;    3. To put up permanent marks for underground cables after their completion and notify related departments in writing of the position of the underground cables.
(三)破坏、封堵施工道路,截断施工水源或电源。    3. To sabotage or block roads for construction, cut off water sources or power sources used by power facility projects.
(三)、会同有关部门及沿电力线路各单位,建立群众护线组织并健全责任制;    3. To set up power line protection organizations in cooperation with related departments and units along the power transmission lines and improve the responsibility system for the protection.
(三)电力线路上的变压器、电容器、电抗器、断路器、隔离开关、避雷器、互感器、熔断器、计量仪表装置、配电室、箱式变电站及其有关辅助设施;    3. Transformers, capacitors, resistors, circuit breakers, isolation switches, lightening arresters, mutual inductors, fuses, measuring instruments and meters, power distribution rooms, box-type sub-stations and other related ancillary equipment on the power lines.
(四)、会同当地公安部门,负责所辖地区电力设施的安全保卫工作。    4. To be responsible for the safety and protection of the power facilities within their jurisdiction areas in cooperation with local public security departments.
(四)、擅自在导线上接用电器设备;    4. To connect electric equipment to conducting wires without authorization.
(四)在用于水力发电的水库内,进入距水工建筑物三百米区域内炸鱼、捕鱼、游泳、划船及其他危及水工建筑物安全的行为;    4. To enter into areas 300 meters from the hydraulic structures in reservoirs used for power generation to engage in fishing by using explosives, fish nets, swimming, boating or other acts that would threaten the safety of hydraulic structures.
(四)在电力电缆线路保护区内进行作业。    4. To operate within the power cable line protection zones.
(四)为维护电力设施安全,做出显著成绩。    4. To perform outstandingly in protecting the safety of power facilities.
(四)水底电缆敷设后,应设立永久性标志,并将水底电缆所在位置书面通知有关部门。    4. To put up permanent marks for under-water cables after their completion and notify related departments in writing of the positions of the under-water cables.
(五)、擅自攀登杆塔或在杆塔上架设电力线、通信线,广播线,安装广播喇叭;    5. To climb, without authorization, electric poles or towers to lay wires, communications lines, broadcasting lines or install loudspeakers.
(六)、利用杆塔、拉线作起重牵引地锚;    6. To use electric poles or towers as anchoring point for lifting or tracting objects.
(七)、在杆塔、拉线上拴牲畜、悬挂物体、攀附农作物;    7. To tie animals, hang up objects or wind crops to electric poles, towers and bracing wires.
(八)、在杆塔、拉线基础的规定范围内取土、打桩、钻探、开挖或倾倒酸、碱、盐及其它有害化学物品。    8. To fetch soil and do pole stamping, drilling or digging or dump acids, alkaline, salt and other harmful chemicals within the prescribed scope covered by the base of electric poles or towers and bracing wires.
(九)、在杆塔内(不含杆塔与杆塔之间)或杆塔与拉线之间修筑道路;    9. To build roads within the electric line towers (not including areas between poles or towers) or in between electric poles or towers and bracing wires.
居民安装的空调设备,应当达到前款规定的高度;    The air-conditioning equipment installed by residents shall meet the requirement in height set in the preceding paragraph.
单位和个体经营者沿道路两侧(包括街坊、里弄内的公共通道两侧)建筑物安装的空调设备,其托架底端距室外地面的高度不得低于2.5米;    The air-conditioning equipment installed by units or self-employed workers in the buildings along the streets (including the public passageways in the neighborhoods, lanes and alleys) shall be no less than 2.5 meters high from the ground outside to the bottom of the racks.
申请进口单位所提供的申请材料应当真实、有效。    The application information provided by the entities applying for import shall be accurate and valid.
《进口自动许可机电产品目录》至迟应当在实施前21天公布。    The Catalogue of Automatic Import License of Mechanical and Electronic Products shall be promulgated no later than 21 days of the date of implementation.
县级以上地方人民政府经济综合主管部门是本行政区域内的电力管理部门,负责电力事业的监督管理。    The comprehensive administrative departments of economy under the local people's governments at and above the county level, acting as the administrative departments of electric power in their own administrative divisions, shall be responsible for the supervision and control of the electric power industry.
沿道路两侧(包括街坊、里弄内的公共通道两侧)建筑物安装空调设备的,禁止将空调设备的冷凝水排放到建筑物的外墙面和室外地面上。    The condensed water from air-conditioning equipment installed in buildings along the streets including public passageways in neighborhoods, lanes and alleys shall not be discharged onto the outside walls of the buildings or the ground outside.
县级以上地方人民政府有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责电力事业的监督管理。    The departments concerned under the local people's governments at and above the county level shall, within the scope of their respective authorities, be responsible for the supervision and control of electric power industry.
国务院有关部门在各自的职责范围内负责电力事业的监督管理。    The departments concerned under the State Council shall, within the scope of their respective authorities, be responsible for the supervision and control of electric power industry.
用户受电装置的设计、施工安装和运行管理,应当符合国家标准或者电力行业标准。    The design, construction and installation, as well as operation management of power-receiving devices of users shall be consistent with the State standards or the standards of the power industry.
空调设备与相对方门窗不得小于下列距离:    The distance between the air-conditioning equipment and the doors and windows of the opposite residents shall not be less than the following requirements:
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