国家鼓励和支持利用可再生能源和清洁能源发电。 The State encourages and supports electricity generation by using renewable and clean energy resources.国家鼓励和支持农村利用太阳能、风能、地热能、生物质能和其他能源进行农村电源建设,增加农村电力供应。 The State encourages and supports rural areas to utilize solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy, biomass energy, and other energy resources to develop rural electric power sources and to increase the rural power supply.并网双方应当按照统一调度、分级管理和平等互利、协商一致的原则,签订并网协议,确定双方的权利和义务; The two parties in parallel operation shall sign the parallel operation agreements and stipulate the rights and obligations of each in accordance with the principles ofunifieddispatch,hierarchical management, equality and mutual benefits, and reaching unanimity through consultation;城市人民政府应当按照规划,安排变电设施用地、输电线路走廊和电缆通道。 The urban people's governments shall arrange to provide land for substation facilities,transmission line corridors, and cable channels in accordance with the planning.国家根据旧机电产品对国家安全、社会公共利益以及安全、卫生、健康、环境保护可能产生危害的程度,将超过规定制造年限的旧机电产品,合并列入上述目录。 The used mechanical and electronic products exceeding the stated quality guarantee periods are jointly listed in the said catalogue by the state in accordance with the degrees they may bring harm to the state security, social public interests as well as safety, sanitation, health and environmental protection.本办法所称旧机电产品是指具有下列情形之一的机电产品:(一)已经使用(不含使用前测试、调试的设备),仍具备基本功能和一定使用价值的;(二)未经使用,但超过质量保证期(非保修期)的;(三)未经使用,但存放时间过长,部件产生明显有形损耗的;(四)新旧部件混装的;(五)经过翻新的。 The used mechanical and electronic products hereof refer to mechanical and electronic products in any conditions as follows: (1) used (excluding equipment tested and adjusted before use) yet with basic functions and certain use-value; (2) unused yet exceeding the quality guarantee period (not warranty period); (3) unused yet with obviously tangible depreciation of some parts due to long time storage; (4) mixed assembling of new and used parts; (5) with renovation.境外进入海关特殊监管区域或海关保税监管场所的重点旧机电产品,以及(境内)区外进入海关特殊监管区域后再出区的重点旧机电产品,不适用本办法。 These Measures do not apply to the specified used mechanical and electronic products in areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas from abroad, and the specified used mechanical and electronic products in areas under special customs supervision from outside of the areas (within boundaries of China) and waiting to leave the areas.境外进入海关特殊监管区域或海关保税监管场所的重点旧机电产品,再从海关特殊监管区域或海关保税监管场所进入(境内)区外的重点旧机电产品,适用本办法。 These Measures shall apply to the specified used mechanical and electronic products in areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas from abroad to the outside (within boundaries of China) of areas under special customs supervision and customs bonded and supervisory areas.违反本法第十四条规定,电力建设项目使用国家明令淘汰的电力设备和技术的,由电力管理部门责令停止使用,没收国家明令淘汰的电力设备,并处五万元以下的罚款。 Those electric power construction projects that violate the provisions of Article 14 of this law by utilizing electric power equipment or technology declared obsolete by formal decree of theState,the administrative department of electric power shall order them to stop the use of such equipment or technology,confiscate the obsolete electric equipment and impose a fine of up to 50000 yuan.对妨碍、阻挠国家工作人员依法执行公务的,由公安部门依法处理;构成犯罪的,由司法部门依法追究刑事责任。 Those who hinder or obstruct the government employees in performing their duties shall be penalized by the public security departments in accordance with the law. In case the violation constitutes a crime, the offender shall be prosecuted for the criminal liability by the judicial departments.过失犯前款罪的,处七年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。 Those who negligently commit the crime mentioned in the preceding section shall be sentenced to imprisonment of up to seven years or criminal detention.进口重点旧机电产品,进口单位持《进口许可证》和国家检验检疫机构签发的《入境货物通关单》(在备注栏标注“旧机电产品进口备案”字样)按海关规定办理通关手续。 To import the specified used mechanical and electronic products, import entities shall handle clearance procedures according to provisions of customs with the Import License and the Customs Clearance Form of Entry of Goods (mark “file of import of used mechanical and electronic products” in Remark column) issued by state inspection and quarantine agencies.进口列入进口自动许可机电产品目录的旧机电产品(不含重点旧机电产品),进口单位持《进口自动许可证》和国家检验检疫机构签发的《入境货物通关单》(在备注栏标注“旧机电产品进口备案”字样)按海关规定办理通关手续。 To import the used mechanical and electronic products listed in the catalogue of automatic import license of mechanical and electronic products (excluding specified used mechanical and electronic products), import entities shall handle clearance procedures according to provisions of customs with the Automatic Import License and the Customs Clearance Form of Entry of Goods (mark “file of import of used mechanical and electronic products” in Remark column) issued by state inspection and quarantine agencies.进口列入《进口自动许可机电产品目录》的旧机电产品的,进口单位须持《进口自动许可证》和《入境货物通关单》(在备注栏标注“旧机电产品进口备案”字样)按海关规定办理通关手续。 To import the used mechanical and electronic products listed in the Catalogue of Automatic Import License of Mechanical and Electronic Products, import entities shall handle clearance procedures with the Automatic Import License and the Customs Clearance Form of Entry of Goods (mark “file of import of used mechanical and electronic products” in Remark column) according to provisions of customs.安装制冷额定电功率30千瓦以上空调设备的,应当按照建设项目环境保护的有关规定办理申请审批手续。 To install air-conditioning equipment with a rated refrigerating power of above 30 kilowatts, application shall be submitted for examination and approval in accordance with the provisions in the construction project with respect to the environmental protection.安装制冷额定电功率5千瓦以上不满30千瓦的空调设备的,应当向所在地的区、县环境保护部门提出申请,经审核批准后,方可办理有关安装手续。 To install air-conditioning equipment with a rated refrigerating power of above 5 kilowatts but below 30 kilowatts, application shall be submitted to the district/county environmental protection departments in the locality.Installation procedures shall not start until the application is examined and approved.