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中国机电行业法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


城乡建设规划主管部门应将电力设施的新建、改建或扩建的规划和计划纳入城乡建设规划。    Urban construction planning departments shall incorporate the plan for building, rebuilding or expanding power facilities into their urban construction plans.
对列入《禁止进口机电产品目录》的旧机电产品,我国驻外机构或者境外企业在境外购置时为新品的,可调回自用。    Used mechanical and electronic products listed in the Catalogue of Mechanical and Electronic Products under Forbidden Import Category yet new when purchased abroad by Chinese institutions functioning abroad or overseas enterprises are allowed to send back for self-use.
用户对供电企业中断供电有异议的,可以向电力管理部门投诉;受理投诉的电力管理部门应当依法处理。    Users having disagreements with a power shut-off by a power supply enterprise may complain to the administrative departments of electric power; the complaints shall be handled by the said departments in conformity with legal provisions.
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