- 中国机电行业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 第二十七条 电力供应与使用双方应当根据平等自愿、协商一致的原则,按照国务院制定的电力供应与使用办法签订供用电合同,确定双方的权利和义务。 Article 27 The power supply party and utilization party shall, on the basis of the principles of equality,voluntary participationandreaching unanimity through consultation, sign the power supply and utilization contract to stipulate the rights and obligations of both parties in line with the regulation of power supply and utilization drawn up by the State Council.
- 第二十八条 违反本条例规定,在依法划定的电力设施保护区内进行烧窑、烧荒、抛锚、拖锚、炸鱼、挖沙作业,危及电力设施安全的,由电力管理部门责令停止作业,恢复原状并赔偿损失。 Article 28 For cases of opening kilns, burning wasteland for growing crops, lay anchor, drag anchor, fishing by using explosives or dig sand in the legally demarcated power facility protection zone thus endangering the safety of power facilities in violation of the provisions of this set of regulations, the power administrative departments shall order the violators to stop operation, restore to the original and compensate for the losses.
- 第二十八条 供电企业应当保证供给用户的供电质量符合国家标准。对公用供电设施引起的供电质量问题,应当及时处理。 Article 28 Power supply enterprises shall guarantee that the quality of the electricity they supply to the users is in conformity to the standards of the State. Problems of electricity quality caused by utility power supply facilities shall be solved without delay.
- 第二十八条有下列情形之一的, 不适用本办法: Article 28 Provisions hereof are inapplicable in any of the following circumstances:
- 第二十九条 违反本条例规定,危害电力设施建设的,由电力管理部门责令改正、恢复原状并赔偿损失。 Article 29 For cases that have violated the provisions of this set of regulations and would endanger the construction of power facilities, the power administration departments shall order the violators to correct, restore to the original and compensate for the losses.
- 第二十九条 供电企业在发电、供电系统正常的情况下,应当连续向用户供电,不得中断。 Article 29 Power supply enterprises shall supply power to users continuously without interruption under normal operation of the power production and supply systems.
- 第二十九条依据我国法律、法规或者我国与有关国际金融组织、外国政府贷款国达成的协议的规定,经国际招标后中标的机电产品的进口依照本办法执行。 Article 29 Provisions hereof are applicable to the import of bid-winning mechanical and electronic products in international bidding according to Chinese laws, regulations and provisions of agreements reached with relevant international financial organizations and foreign lending countries.
- 第三条 电力设施的保护,实行电力管理部门、公安部门、电力企业和人民群众相结合的原则。 Article 3 Power facilities shall be protected by concerted efforts of power administrative departments, public security organs, power enterprises and the common people.
- 第三条(适用范围)本规定适用于本市范围内空调设备的安装、使用及其监督管理活动。 Article 3 Scope of Application These Provisions shall be applicable to the installation and use of air-conditioning equipment and the supervision and administration in this Municipality.
- 第三条 重点旧机电产品是指涉及国家安全、社会公共利益、人的健康或者安全、动植物的生命或者健康、污染环境的旧机电产品。对重点旧机电产品实行限制进口管理。 Article 3 Specified used mechanical and electronic products refer to the used mechanical and electronic products concerning state security, social public interests, human health or safety, life or health of fauna and flora and polluting environment. The administration of restrictive import shall be implemented for the specified used mechanical and electronic products.
- 第三条 电力事业应当适应国民经济和社会发展的需要,适当超前发展。国家鼓励、引导国内外的经济组织和个人依法投资开发电源,兴办电力生产企业。 Article 3 The electric power industry shall fit the needs of national economy and social development and develop in advance appropriately. The State encourages and guides legal investment in the development of power sources and the establishment of power production enterprises by domestic and overseas economic organizations or individuals.
- 第三条商务部负责全国机电产品进口自动许可的管理工作,并会同海关总署制定、调整并公布《进口自动许可机电产品目录》。 Article 3 The Ministry of Commerce (hereafter referred as MOFCOM) is responsible for the national administration of automatic import license of mechanical and electronic products, and joint with the Ministry of the General Administration of Customs (hereafter referred as GAC) the formulation, adjustment and promulgation of the Catalogue of Automatic Import License of Mechanical and Electronic Products with.
- 第三条本办法适用于将机电产品进口到中华人民共和国关境内的行为。 Article 3 These Measures shall be applicable to the import of mechanical and electronic products to the People’s Republic of China.
- 第三十条 凡违反本条例规定而构成违反治安管理行为的单位或个人,由公安部门根据《中华人民共和国治安管理处罚条例》予以处罚;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。 Article 30 If a unit or an individual has violated the provisions of this set of regulations and constituted an act that violate the public security regulations, the public security organ shall punish the cases according to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration and Punishment Concerning Public Security Cases. If a case is serious enough to constitute a crime, the law-enforcement organ shall fix criminal responsibilities.
- 第三十条 因抢险救灾需要紧急供电时,供电企业必须尽速安排供电, Article 30 In the event of emergency power supply for rescue and relief work, power supply enterprises must arrange power supply as soon as possible.
- 第三十条国家禁止以任何方式进口列入《禁止进口旧机电产品目录》中的旧机电产品。 Article 30 The used mechanical and electronic products listed in the Catalogue of Used Mechanical and Electronic Products under Forbidden Import Category are forbidden from import in any way by the state.
- 第三十一条 国务院电力主管部门可以会同国务院有关部门制定本条例的实施细则。 Article 31 Power administrative department under the State Council may work out datailed rules for the implementation of this set of regulations in cooperation with related departments of the State Council.
- 第三十一条本办法由商务部、海关总署、质检总局负责解释。以往有关规定凡与本办法不一致的,以本办法为准。 Article 31 The power of interpretation hereof rest with the MOFCOM, the GAC and the GAQSIQ. Any inconsistencies of former relevant provisions shall subject to the provisions hereof.
- 第三十一条 用户应当安装用电计量装置。用户使用的电力电量,以计量检定机构依法认可的用电计量装置的记录为准。 Article 31Power users shall install electricity meters. Theamountof electricity utilized by the user shall be the amount indicated by the electricity meters certified by an institution of measurement appraisal in conformity with legal provisions.
- 第三十二条 用户用电不得危害供电、用电安全和扰乱供电、用电秩序。 Article 32 Electricity utilization by users shall not endanger the safety of power supply and utilization, nor disturb the order of power supply and utilization.
- 第三十二条本办法自二OO八年五月一日起施行。原《机电产品进口管理办法》(外经贸部、海关总署、质检总局2001年第10号令)、《机电产品自动进口许可管理实施细则》(外经贸部2001年第25号令)、《关于加强旧机电产品进口的通知》(国经贸机[1997]877号)、《关于加强旧机电产品进口管理的补充通知》(国经贸机[1998]555号)、《关于进一步明确加工贸易项下外商提供的不作价进口设备解除海关监管有关问题的通知》(署法发2001年420号)、《关于进一步明确加工贸易项下外商提供的不作价进口设备解除海关监管有关问题的通知》(署法发2002年348号)、《关于“不作价设备”解除监管问题的紧急通知》(署法发[2002]1号)、《海关总署办公厅关于明确加工贸易项下进口旧机电产品管理有关问题的通知》(署办法[2002]211号)、《关于重申进口旧机电产品有关管理的通知》(国质检联2001年42号)、《关于进口机电产品备案与办理进口许可工作的衔接问题的通知》质检办检联[2003]279号同时废止。 Article 32 These Measures take effect as of May 1, 2008, and meanwhile following regulations are repealed: former Measures for Administration of the Import of Mechanical and Electronic Products (decree No.10 [2001] of the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the GAC and the GAQSIQ), the Detailed Rules for Administration of Automatic Import License of Mechanical and Electronic Products (Decree No.25 [2001] of the Ministry of Foreign Trade), the Notice on Promotion of Import of Used Mechanical and Electronic Products (Guo Jing Mao Ji [1997] No.877), the Supplementary Notice on Enhancement of Administration of Import of Used Mechanical and Electronic Products (Guo Jing Mao Ji [1998] No.555), the Notice on Further Clarification of Issues Concerning the Elimination of Customs Supervision on Non-priced Import Equipment under Processing Trade Provided by Foreign Enterprises (Shu Fa Fa 2001 No.420), the Notice on Further Clarification of Issues Concerning the Elimination of Customs Supervision on Non-priced Import Equipment under Processing Trade Provided by Foreign Enterprises (Shu Fa Fa 2002 No.348), the Urgent Notice on Issues Concerning Elimination of Supervision on “Non-Priced Equipment” (Shu Fa Fa [2002] No.1), the Notice on Clarification of Issues Concerning Administration of Import of Used Mechanical and Electronic Products under Processing Trade by the General Office of the GAC (Shu Ban Fa [2002] No.211), the Notice on Restatement of Administration on Import of Used Mechanical and Electronic Products (Guo Zhi Jian Lian [2001] No.42), and the Notice on Connection of Filing of Import of Mechanical and Electronic Products and Transaction of Import License (Zhi Jian Ban Jian Lian [2003] No.279).
- 第三十二条 本条例自发布之日起施行。 Article 32 This set of regulations shall be implemented starting from the date of promulgation.
- 第三十三条 供电企业应当按照国家核准的电价和用电计量装置的记录,向用户计收电费。 Article 33 Power supply enterprises shall calculate and collect the electricity fees from users according to the electricity price that has been examined and approved by the State and the records of the electricity meters.
- 第三十四条 供电企业和用户应当遵守国家有关规定,采取有效措施,做好安全用电、节约用电和计划用电工作。 Article 34 Power supply enterprises and users shall both observe the relevant regulations of the State by adopting efficient measures to achieve the safe, economical and planned use of power.
- 第三十五条 本法所称电价,是指电力生产企业的上网电价、电网间的互供电价、电网销售电价。 Article 35 Electricity price herein refers to the power purchase price from the power production enterprises by the power network, the mutual-supply electricity price among interconnectedpowernetworks,andthe electricity sale price of the power networks to the users.