

第十四条(空调设备冷凝水排放的限制)空调设备冷凝水的排放,不得妨碍他人的正常工作、生活。    Article 14 Restrictions on the Discharge of Condensed Water from Air-conditioning Equipment The discharge of condensed water from air-conditioning equipment shall not interfere with the normal work and life of others.
第十四条《进口自动许可证》在公历年内有效,有效期为6个月。实际用汇额低于或不超过原定用汇额10%的,不需变更《进口自动许可证》。    Article 14 The Automatic Import License is valid within the calendar year and the valid term is 6 months. No alteration of the Automatic Import License is needed if the actual foreign exchange used is less than 10% of the foreign exchange quota.
第十四条 商务部应当遵循下列要求审核申请:    Article 14 The MOFCOM shall verify applications in accordance with following requirements:
第十五条 任何单位或个人在架空电力线路保护区内,必须遵守下列规定:    Article 15 Any unit or individual should observe the following rules in the overhead power line protection zones:
第十五条(噪声污染的治理)使用空调设备,应当避免噪声妨碍他人的正常工作、生活。    Article 15 Control of Noise Pollution In using air-conditioning equipment, care shall be taken not to allow noise to disturb the normal work and life of others.
第十五条《进口自动许可证》如有遗失,进口单位应当立即向原发证机构书面报告挂失。原发证机构收到挂失报告后,经核实后决定是否补发。    Article 15 If the Automatic Import License is lost, the import entity shall report the loss to the original issuance agency immediately. The original issuance agency shall decide whether to reissue a license after verification upon receipt of loss report.
第十五条 输变电工程、调度通信自动化工程等电网配套工程和环境保护工程,应当与发电工程项目同时设计、同时建设、同时验收、同时投入使用。    Article 15 Projects for power networks such as transmission, substation, power dispatching telecommunication and automation projects, and environmental protection projects, shall be designed,constructed, inspected for acceptance and put into operation simultaneouslywithelectricity generation projects.
第十五条商务部会同海关总署制定并公布《机电产品进口许可管理实施办法》,商务部会同海关总署、质检总局制定并公布《重点旧机电产品进口管理办法》。    Article 15 The MOFCOM and the GAC shall formulate and promulgate the Measures for Implementation and Administration of Import License of Mechanical and Electronic Products. The MOFCOM, together with the GAC and GAQSIQ shall formulate and promulgate the Measures for Administration of Specified Used Mechanical and Electronic Products.
第十五条 商务部应在正式受理后20日内决定是否批准进口申请。    Article 15 The MOFCOM shall determine whether approve the import application or not within 20 days after official acceptance.
第一百五十一条 盗窃、诈骗、抢夺公私财物数额较大的,处五年以下有期徒刑、拘役或者管制。    Article 151 Those who steal, cheat, or rob a large amount of public or private property shall be sentenced to imprisonment of up to five years, criminal detention, or criminal surveillance.
第一百五十二条 惯窃、惯骗或者盗窃、诈骗、抢夺公私财物数额巨大的,处五年以上十年以下有期徒刑;    Article 152 Habitual thieves, cheats, or those who steal, cheat, or rob a huge amount of public or private property shall be sentenced to imprisonment between five to ten years;
第十六条 任何单位或个人在电力电缆线路保护区内,必须遵守下列规定:    Article 16 Any unit or individual should observe the following rules within the power cable line protection zones:
第十六条进口单位已申领的《进口自动许可证》,如未使用或确定不需要使用时,应当及时交回原发证机构。    Article 16 If import entities that applied and obtained the Automatic Import License have not used or determine not to use the licenses, they shall return the license to the original issuance agency in a timely manner.
第十六条 电力建设项目使用土地,应当依照有关法律、行政法规的规定办理;依法征用土地的,应当依法支付土地补偿费和安置补偿费,做好迁移居民的安置工作。    Article 16 Land used for power construction projects shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and administrative regulations; and in the case where the land is legally requisitioned, the land compensation fee and relocation compensation fee shall be paid therefor according to law, and the relocation of residents shall be handled properly.
第十六条(对危害环境行为的处罚)对违反本规定,有下列行为之一的单位和个体经营者,环境保护部门可给予警告、责令限期改正的处罚,并可处以500元以上5000元以下的罚款:    Article 16 Penalties for Acts Endangering the Environment Units or self-employed workers who commit one of the following acts in violation of these Provisions shall be enjoined by the environmental protection departments to make rectification within the prescribed period of time and given a disciplinary warning or a fine of RMB 500 to 5,000:
第十六条 商务部配额许可证事务局凭商务部的批准文件发放《进口许可证》。    Article 16 The Bureau of Quota License Affairs of the MOFCOM shall issue Import License against approval documents by the MOFCOM.
第十六条为了监测机电产品进口情况,国家对部分自由进口的机电产品实行进口自动许可。    Article 16 To monitor the import of mechanical and electronic products, the state implements automatic import license to some mechanical and electronic products under free import category.
第十七条 任何单位或个人必须经县级以上地方电力主管部门批准,并采取安全措施后,方可进行下列作业或活动:    Article 17 Any unit or individual should get the approval of power administrative departments at and above the county level and take safety measures before carrying out the following operations or activities:
第十七条 申请进口单位凭进口旧机电产品备案相关证明及其他相关单证向检验检疫机构办理检验手续,检验检疫机构对符合条件的产品出具《入境货物通关单》(备注栏内标注“旧机电产品进口备案”字样)。    Article 17 Entities applying for import shall go through inspecting procedures in inspection and quarantine agencies with relevant certificates of import of used mechanical and electronic products and other relevant documents, and inspection and quarantine agencies shall issue an Inbound Goods Notice for the products met requirements (write “for file of import of used mechanical and electronic products” in the remark column).
第十七条(对违反安装申请审批规定行为的处罚)    Article 17 Penalties for Violation of the Provisions Regarding the Examination and Approval of Application for Installation of Air-conditioning Equipment
第十七条 地方人民政府应当支持电力企业为发电工程建设勘探水源和依法取水、用水。电力企业应当节约用水。    Article 17 The local people's governments shall support power enterprises in exploring water resources, tapping and using water according to law for the construction of electricity generation projects. The power enterprises shall economize on water.
第十七条商务部会同海关总署制定、调整并公布《进口自动许可机电产品目录》。    Article 17 The MOFCOM, together with the GAC and the GAQSIQ, formulate, adjust and promulgate the Catalogue of Automatic Import License of Mechanical and Electronic Products.
第十七条有下列进口属于进口自动许可的机电产品情形之一的,适用本办法:    Article 17 These Measures shall be applicable to the import of mechanical and electronic products subject to automatic import license in any of following circumstances:
第十八条 电力生产与电网运行应当遵循安全、优质、经济的原则。    Article 18 Electric power production and power network operation shall be in line with the principles of safety, high quality and economy.
第十八条 任何单位或个人不得从事下列危害电力设施建设的行为:    Article 18 No unit or individual is allowed to conduct the following acts that would endanger the construction of power facilities:
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