第二十一条(居民公约)居民委员会可根据本地区的实际情况,组织居民订立居民公约,对居民安装空调设备作出相应规定。 Article 21 Residents'' Joint Pledge Residents'' committees may, in light of the actual circumstances of their locality, initiate a residents'' joint pledge whereby to formulate some appropriate Provisions for residents to install air-conditioners.第二十一条 电网运行实行统一调度、分级管理。任何单位和个人不得非法干预电网调度。 Article 21 Unified dispatch and hierarchical management shall be implemented in the operation of power networks. No unit or individual may illegally intervene in the dispatch of power networks.第二十二条(对本规定施行前事项的处理)在本规定施行前安装的空调设备不符合本规定的,应当在本规定施行之日起规定的期限内自行整改或补办有关审批手续,具体期限由市环保局另行规定。 Article 22 Handling of Matters Occurring Before the Implementation of These Provisions For air-conditioning equipment installed before the implementation of these Provisions that does not conform to these Provisions, self-rectification shall be made or make-up formalities for examination and approval be completed within the prescribed period of time upon the implementation of these Provisions. The specific time limit for such proceedings shall be set by the Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau separately.第二十二条 《进口许可证》如有遗失,进口单位应当立即向原发证机关挂失。经原发证机关核实后,如无不良后果,予以重新补发。 Article 22 If the Import License is lost, the import entity shall report the loss to the original issuance agency immediately. If there is no negative consequence after check of the original issuance agency, license shall be reissued.第二十二条商务部及地方、部门机电办可以对限制进口的机电产品的进口情况依法进行检查。 Article 22 The MOFCOM and local and departmental mechanical and electronic offices can undertake inspections on import of mechanical and electronic products under restrictive import category according to laws.第二十二条 国家提倡电力生产企业与电网、电网与电网并网运行。具有独立法人资格的电力生产企业要求将生产的电力并网运行的,电网经营企业应当接受。 Article 22 The State advocates parallel operation between power production enterprises and power networks or among networks. Requests by power production enterprises with the qualifications of an independent legal entity to feed its electricity generated into a power network shall be accepted by the network operation enterprises.第二十二条 公用工程、城市绿化和其他工程在新建、改建或扩建中妨碍电力设施时,或电力设施在新建、改建或扩建中妨碍公用工程、城市绿化和其化工程时,双方有关单位必须按照本条例和国家有关规定协商,就迁移、采取必要的防护措施和补尝等问题达成协议后方可施工。 Article 22 Whereas the presence of hamperings between newly built, rebuilt or expanding public utilities, urban greening area and other projects that would obstruct existing, newly built, rebuilding or expanding power facilities, related units of the two sides should consult with one another according to the provisions of this set of regulations and related rules of the State and reach agreements concerning removal or necessary protective measures, necessary compensations and other matters before engineering can be started.第二十三条(应用解释部门)本规定的具体应用问题,由市环保局负责解释。 Article 23 Application and Interpretation Authorities The Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau shall be responsible for the interpretation of the practical application of these Provisions.第二十三条进口单位不得从事下列行为: Article 23 Import entities shall not have following acts:第二十三条 电力管理部门应将经批准的电力设施新建、改建或扩建的规划和计划通知城乡建设规划主管部门,并划定保护区域。 Article 23 Power administrative departments shall notify urban construction planning departments of the plan for building, rebuilding or expanding powe projects approved by the authorities and have the protection zones demarcated.第二十三条 本办法由商务部、海关总署、质检总局负责解释。 Article 23 The power of interpretation hereof rest with the MOFCOM, the GAC and the GAQSIQ.第二十三条 电网调度管理办法,由国务院依照本法的规定制定。 Article 23 The regulations for power network dispatch and management shall be worked out by the State Council subject to the provisions in this law.第二十四条进口单位有第二十三条规定的行为之一并构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任,尚不构成犯罪的,由公安、海关等具有行政处罚权的行政机关依法对相关当事人作出处理。 Article 24 Any import entity having any act provided in Article 23 hereof and constituting a crime shall bear criminal responsibilities according to law. If the act is not enough for criminal punishment, relevant party shall be punished by administrative agencies with rights of administrative penalty such as public security bureaus and customs according to laws.第二十四条(施行日期)本规定自1995年6月1日起施行。 Article 24 Date of Implementation These Provisions shall take effect on June 1, 1995.第二十四条 国家对电力供应和使用,实行安全用电、节约用电、计划用电的管理原则。 Article 24 The State adopts the principles of safe,economical and planned supply and utilization of electric power.第二十四条 本办法自二ΟΟ八年五月一日起施行。 Article 24 These Measures take effect as of May 1, 2008.第二十四条 新建、改建或扩建电力设施,需要损害农作物,砍伐树木、竹子,或拆迁建筑物及其他设施的,电力建设企业应按照国家有关规定给予一次性补尝。 Article 24 Whereas the building, rebuilding or expansion of power facility projects should damage farm crops, fell trees, bamboo or require the removal of buildings or other structures, the power construction enterprises shall give a lump-sum compensation according to the prescribed provisions by the State.第二十五条 任何单位或个人有下列行为之一,电力管理部门应给予表章或一次性物质奖励: Article 25 A unit or individual should be commended or given a lump-sum reward for one of the following acts:第二十五条进口单位对国家行政机关作出的有关行政决定或行政处罚决定不服的,可依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼。 Article 25 Import entities can apply for administrative reconsideration or institute an administrative procedure against relevant administrative decisions or administrative penalties by state administrative agencies.第二十五条 供电企业在批准的供电营业区内向用户供电。 Article 25 Power supply enterprises shall supply power to the users within their franchised service areas.第二十六条 违反本条例规定,未经批准或未采取安全措施,在电力设施周围或在依法划定的电力设施保护区内进行爆破或其他作业,危及电力设施安全的,由电力管理部门责令停止作业、恢复原状并赔偿损失。 Article 26 For carrying out explosion or other operations around power facilities or within the legally damarcated power facility protection zones without approval or without adopting safety measures thus endangering the safety of power facilities in violation of the provisions of this set of regulations, power administrative departments shall order the operators to stop operation, restore to the normal state and compensate for the losses.第二十六条 供电营业区内的供电营业机构,对本营业区内的用户有按照国家规定供电的义务;不得违反国家规定对其营业区内申请用电的单位和个人拒绝供电。 Article 26 Power supply enterprises in any electricity service area shall be obligated to supply power as the State stipulated to the users within their service areas. Power supply enterprises shall not be permitted to violate the State's regulations by refusing to supply power to any unit or individual applying for electricity within their service areas.第二十六条进口管理工作人员玩忽职守、徇私舞弊、滥用职权的,根据情节轻重,由相应的行政主管部门按有关规定给予处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 26 Where any staff member responsible for administration of import neglects his duties, abuses his power or resorts to cheating for his self purposes, he shall be given penalties by relevant administrative competent authorities depending on seriousness of his mistakes according to relevant provisions; if a criminal is constitute, he shall bear criminal responsibilities.第二十七条下列情形,从以下规定: Article 27 Following provisions hereof are applicable in any of the following circumstances:第二十七条 违反本条例规定,危害发电设施、变电设施和电力线路设施的,由电力管理部门责令改正;拒不改正的,处10000元以下的罚款。 Article 27 For cases that would endanger power plant equipment, power transformation facilities and power transmission lines in violation of the provision of this set of regulations, the power administrative departments shall order the violators to correct. Failure to correct shall be fined for less than RMB10,000.