第十条 电力发展规划应当根据国民经济和社会发展的需要制定,并纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。 Article 10 The planning for electric power development shall be drawn up on the basis of the requirements of national economy and social development and shall be put into the plan of national economy and social development.第一百零九条 破坏电力、煤气或者其他易燃易爆设备,危害公共安全,尚未造成严重后果的,处三年以上十年以下有期徒刑。 Article 109 Those who destroy electric power, gas,or other inflammable or explosive equipment and thereby endanger public safety, if serious consequences have not yet resulted in, shall be sentenced to imprisonment between three to ten years.第十一条进口单位凭加盖进口自动许可证专用章的《进口自动许可证》向银行办理售付汇手续,向海关办理通关手续。 Article 11 Entities applying for import shall handle payment of foreign exchanges in banks and clearance procedures in customs against the Automatic Import License with the seal of the automatic import license stamp.第十一条 进口单位可以通过网上申请或书面申请向商务部提出重点旧机电产品的进口申请。 Article 11 Import entities can make online or written applications on the import of specified used mechanical and electronic products to the MOFCOM.第十一条 县以上地方各级电力主管部门应采取以下措施,保护电力设施: Article 11 Power administrative departments at and above the county level shall take following measures to protect power facilities:第十一条(优秀近代建筑安装空调设备的要求)在属于本市优秀近代建筑的建筑物上安装空调设备的,必须符合本市优秀近代建筑保护管理的有关规定。 Article 11 Requirements on the Installation of Air-conditioners in Superior Modern Buildings Installation of air-conditioners in superior modern buildings of this Municipality must conform to the relevant regulations concerning the administration of superior modern buildings protection in this Municipality.第十一条 城市电网的建设与改造规划,应当纳入城市总体规划。 Article 11 The construction and retrofit planning of urban power networks shall be put into the overall urban planning.第十一条国家限制进口的旧机电产品称为重点旧机电产品。 Article 11 The used mechanical and electronic products under state restrictive import category are called as specified used mechanical and electronic products.第一百一十条 破坏交通工具、交通设备、电力煤气设备、易燃易爆设备造成严重后果的,处十年以上有期徒刑、无期徒刑或者死刑。 Article 110 Those who destroy vehicles, traffic equipment, electric power or gas equipment, or inflammable or explosive equipment, thus causing serious consequences, shall be sentenced to more than 10 years' imprisonment, life imprisonment, or death.第一百一十四条 工厂、矿山、林场、建筑企业或者其他企业、事业单位的职工,由于不服管理、违反规章制度,或者强令工人违章冒险作业,因而发生重大伤亡事故,造成严重后果的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役; Article 114 If any staff member or employee of a factory, mine, forestry farm, construction enterprise or other enterprise or institution disobeys management, violates rules and regulations, or forces workers to disobey instructions and work in an operational risks, and thereby causes serious injury or death, the person shall be sentenced to imprisonment of up to three years or criminal detention;第十二条 任何单位或个人在电力设施周围进行爆破作业,必须按照国家有关规定,确保电力设施的安全。 Article 12 Any unit or individual should ensure the safety of power facilities according to related regulations by the State when conducting explosion operations around power facilities.第十二条(道路两侧安装空调设备的市容要求)沿城市道路两侧建筑物安装的空调设备,应当统一安装位置,符合市容要求。 Article 12 Requirements on the Installation of Air-conditioners Along the Streets With Respect to City Appearance Air-conditioners in buildings along the streets of the city shall be installed in the uniformly planned positions so as to meet the requirements of city appearance.第十二条《限制进口机电产品目录》及《重点旧机电产品进口目录》至迟应当在实施前21天公布。在紧急情况下,应当不迟于实施之日公布。 Article 12 The Catalogue of Mechanical and Electronic Products under Restrictive Import Category and the Catalogue of Import of Specified Used Mechanical and Electronic Products shall be promulgated 21 days before implementation. In urgent circumstances, the date of promulgation shall not be later than that of implementation.第十二条 申请进口单位申请材料齐全后,商务部应正式受理,并向申请进口单位出具受理通知单。 Article 12 The MOFCOM shall accept an application officially and issue a notice of acceptance to the entity applying for import if its application materials are complete.第十二条 国家通过制定有关政策,支持、促进电力建设。 Article 12 The State formulates relevant policies to support and promote electric power construction.第十二条机电产品《进口自动许可证》实行“一批一证”或“非一批一证”管理。 Article 12 The “one-batch-one-license” and “non-one-batch-one–license” is applicable to the administration of Automatic Import License of mechanical and electronic products.第十三条 电力投资者对其投资形成的电力,享有法定权益。 Article 13 Investors in electric power shall enjoy legal rights and interests over the electricity generated from their investment.第十三条 任何单位或个人不得从事下列危害发电厂、变电所设施的行为: Article 13 No unit or individual is allowed to commit the following acts that would endanger power facilities and power transformation facilities:第十三条(安全要求)空调设备的使用者应当采取相应的安全保障措施,并定期检查,防止意外事故发生。 Article 13 Safety Requirements Users of air-conditioning equipment shall take appropriate safety measures and conduct periodic checks so as to avoid accidents.第十三条实行配额管理的限制进口机电产品,依据国务院颁布的有关进口货物配额管理办法的规定实施管理。 Article 13 The mechanical and electronic products under restrictive import category of quotation administration shall be administrated according to the provisions of relevant measures for import quotation administration of goods issued by the State Council.第十三条 正式受理申请后,商务部如认为有必要,可征求相关部门或行业协会的意见。 Article 13 The MOFCOM can collect opinions of relevant departments or trade associations, if necessary, after formal acceptance of application.第十三条商务部根据海关留存的《进口自动许可证》使用纪录,对《进口自动许可证》项下机电产品的进口情况进行统计。 Article 13 The MOFCOM shall take statistics of import of the mechanical and electronic products subject to the Automatic Import License according to the used records of Automatic Import License kept by customs.第十四条实行进口许可证管理的机电产品,地方、部门机电办核实进口单位的申请材料后,向商务部提交。 Article 14 For the mechanical and electronic products subject to import license administration, local and departmental mechanical and electronic offices shall submit application materials of import entities to the MOFCOM after verification.第十四条 任何单位或个人,不得从事下列危害电力线路设施的行为: Article 14 No unit or individual is allowed to engage in the following acts that would endanger power transmission lines and facilities:第十四条 电力建设项目应当符合电力发展规划,符合国家电力产业政策。 Article 14 Power construction projects shall conform to the electric power development planning as well as the State's industrial policies on the power industry.