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收货人的权利依照本法第一百二十条规定开始时,托运人的权利即告终止;    The right conferred on the shipper shall cease at the moment when that of the consignee begins in accordance with the provisions of Article 120 of this Law;
租用的船舶转租后,原租船合同约定的权利和义务不受影响。    The rights and obligations agreed upon in the head charter shall not be affected by the sub-charter.
飞行规则由国务院、中央军事委员会制定。    The rules of the air shall be formulated jointly by the State Council and the Central Military Commission.
实施打捞作业不得使用危害海洋资源、海洋环境、海底设施、海上军事设施和其他损害中华人民共和国利益的方法。    The salvage operators shall not in their operations use methods which would damage marine resources, maritime environment, undersea installations and naval installations or harm the interests of PRC.
本条所称救助费用,是指救助方在救助作业中直接支付的合理费用以及实际使用救助设备、投入救助人员的合理费用。    The salvor's expenses referred to in this Article means the salvor's outofpocket expenses reasonably incurred in the salvage operation and the reasonable expenses for the equipment and personnel actually used in the salvage operation.
收到通知的搜寻援救协调中心,应当设法将已经采取的搜寻援救措施通知遇到紧急情况的民用航空器。    The search and rescue coordination centre which has received the notice shall manage to notify the civil aircraft in emergency of the search and rescue measures already taken.
秘书处向申请人和被申请人发出仲裁通知时,应指定一名秘书处的人员负责仲裁案件的程序管理工作。    The Secretariat, when sending the Notice of Arbitration to the Claimant and Respondent, shall appoint one of its staff-members to take charge of procedural administration of the case.
在仲裁庭组成前申请撤销案件的,由仲裁委员会秘书长作出决定;在仲裁庭组成后申请撤销案件的,由仲裁庭作出决定。    The Secretary-General of the Arbitration Commission shall decide on the request for a dismissal of the case if the request is made before the formation of the arbitration tribunal, and the arbitration tribunal shall decide if the request is put forward after the formation of the arbitration tribunal.
经证明,货物的灭失、损坏或者迟延交付是由于承运人的受雇人、代理人的故意或者明知可能造成损失而轻率地作为或者不作为造成的,承运人的受雇人或者代理人不得援用本法第五十六条或者第五十七条限制赔偿责任的规定。    The servant or agent of the carrier shall not be entitled to the benefit of limitation of liability provided for in Article 56 or 57 of this Code, if it is proved that the loss, damage or delay in delivery resulted from an act or omission of the servant or agent of the carrier done with the intent to cause such loss, damage or delay or recklessly and with knowledge that such loss, damage or delay would probably result.
托运人的受雇人、代理人对承运人、实际承运人所遭受的损失或者船舶所遭受的损坏,不负赔偿责任;但是,这种损失或者损坏是由于托运人的受雇人、代理人的过失造成的除外。    The servant or agent of the shipper shall not be liable for the loss sustained by the carrier or the actual carrier, or for the damage sustained by the ship, unless the loss or damage was caused by the fault of the servant or agent of the shipper.
拍卖船舶委员会组织对船舶鉴定、估价;组织和主持拍卖;与竞买人签订拍卖成交确认书;办理船舶移交手续。    The ship auction committee organizes appraisal and valuation of the ship; organizes and presides over the auction; signs a letter of confirmation for conclusion of the auction with the bidder; and handles procedures for the transfer of the ship.
拍卖船舶委员会由海事法院指定的本院执行人员和聘请的拍卖师、验船师三人或者五人组成。    The ship auction committee shall be composed of three or five persons, that is, execution officers appointed, as well as auctioneers and surveyors engaged by the maritime court.
拍卖船舶委员会对海事法院负责,受海事法院监督。    The ship auction committee shall be responsible to the maritime court and subject to supervision of the maritime court.
拍卖船舶委员会组织和监督船舶的移交,并在船舶移交后与买受人签署船舶移交完毕确认书。    The ship auction committee shall organize and supervise the delivery of the ship, and sign a letter of confirmation of ship's delivery with the vendee after the delivery of the ship.
交付的船舶应当适于合同约定的用途。    The ship delivered shall be fit for the agreed service.
交付的船舶应当适于约定的用途。    The ship delivered shall be fit for the intended service.
因出租人过失延误提供船舶致使承租人遭受损失的,出租人应当负赔偿责任。    The shipowner shall be liable for the charterer's loss resulting from the delay in delivery of the ship due to the shipowner's fault.
前款所称的船舶所有人,包括船舶承租人和船舶经营人。    The shipowners referred to in the preceding paragraph shall include the charterer and the operator of a ship.
托运人与承运人可以约定运费由收货人支付;但是,此项约定应当在运输单证中载明。    The shipper and the carrier may reach an agreement that the freight shall be paid by the consignee. However, such an agreement shall be noted in the transport documents.
因办各项手续的有关单证送交不及时、不完备或者不正确,使承运人的利益受到损害的,托运人应当负赔偿责任。    The shipper shall be liable for any damage to the interest of the carrier resulting from the inadequacy or inaccuracy or delay in delivery of such documents.
因没有此种资料、文件,或者此种资料、文件不充足或者不符合规定造成的损失,除由于承运人或者其受雇人、代理人的过错造成的外,托运人应当对承运人承担责任。    The shipper shall be liable to the carrier for any damage occasioned by the absence, insufficiency or irregularity of any such information or documents, unless the damage is due to the fault of the carrier, his servants or agents.
托运人对承运人因运输此类货物所受到的损害,应当负赔偿责任。    The shipper shall be liable to the carrier for any loss, damage or expense resulting from such shipment.
因航空货运单上所填的说明和声明不符合规定、不正确或者不完全,给承运人或者承运人对之负责的其他人造成损失的,托运人应当承担赔偿责任。    The shipper shall indemnify the carrier against all damage suffered by him, or by any other person to whom the carrier is liable, by reason of the irregularity, incorrectness or incompleteness of the particulars and statements inserted in the air waybill.
互有过失的船舶,对碰撞造成的船舶以及船上货物和其他财产的损失,依照前款规定的比例负赔偿责任。    The ships in fault shall be liable for the damage to the ship, the goods and other property on board pursuant to the proportions prescribed in the preceding paragraph.
前款所列处罚的具体办法,由主管机关商国务院有关主管部门制定。    The specific measures for imposing the penalties as mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be formulated by the competent authorities in conjunction with other competent authorities concerned under the State Council.
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