- 中国交通运输业法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 要求检验的一方应当支付检验费用,是有权向造成货物损失的责任方追偿。 The party requesting such inspection shall bear the cost thereof but is entitled to recover the same from the party causing the damage.
- 旅客违反本条第一款规定,造成损害的,应当负赔偿责任。 The passenger shall be liable for compensation if any loss or damage occurs as a result of his breach of the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
- 已经安全检查的旅客应当在候机隔离区等待登机。 The passengers already gone through security inspection shall wait in the departure sterile area for boarding the aircraft.
- 保险人对前款规定的费用的支付,以相当于保险金额的数额为限。 The payment by the insurer of the expenses referred to in the preceding paragraph shall be limited to that equivalent to the insured amount.
- 第二审人民法院应当在收到上诉状之日起十五日内作出裁定。 The people's court of second instance shall make an order within fifteen days from the date of the receipt of appeal petition.
- 盛自治区、直辖市人民政府应当根据全国民用机场的布局和建设规划,制定本行政区域内的民用机场建设规划,并按照国家规定的程序报经批准后,将其纳入本级国民经济和社会发展规划。 The People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall formulate the civil airport construction plans of their own administrative areas on the basis of the national plan of civil airport distribution and construction, and incorporate such plans into the national economic and social development programs at their respective levels after being approved in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the State.
- 中华人民共和国对领空享有完全的、排他的主权。 The People's Republic of China has complete and exclusive sovereignty over its territorial airspace.
- 拍卖船舶的公告期间不少于三十日。 The period of a public notice for auction of a ship shall not less than 30 days.
- 旅客的自带行李,运送期间同前款规定。旅客自带行李以外的其他行李,运送期间自旅客将行李交付承运人或者承运人的受雇人、代理人时起至承运人或者承运人的受雇人、代理人交还旅客时止。 The period of carriage for the cabin luggage of the passengers shall be the same as that stipulated in the preceding paragraph. The period of carriage for luggage other than the cabin luggage commences from the time when the carrier or his servant or agent receives it into his charge and terminates at the time when the carrier or his servant or agent redelivers it to the passengers.
- 拘留的期限,为十五日以下。 The period of detention shall not be longer than 15 days.
- 前款第(一)项的一年期限,不得中止或者中断。 The period of one year specified in sub-paragraph (1) of the preceding paragraph shall not be suspended or interrupted.
- 船舶优先权催告期间为六十日。 The period of publication of a notice for maritime liens shall be sixty days.
- 航空运输期间,不包括机场外的任何陆路运输、海上运输、内河运输过程; The period of the transport by air does not extend to any transport by land, by sea or by river performed outside an airport;
- 常驻代表机构及其人员,必须遵守我国的法律、法规和本办法,在批准的业务范围内开展正当业务活动。 The permanent offices and their staff must abide by Chinese laws and decrees and the rules hereof and carry out proper business activities within their business scope.
- 承运人未能在本条第一款规定的时间届满六十日内交付货物,有权对货物灭失提出赔偿请求的人可以认为货物已经灭失。 The person entitled to make a claim for the loss of goods may treat the goods as lost when the carrier has not delivered the goods within 60 days from the expiry of the time for delivery specified in paragraph 1 of this Article.
- 接送旅客的人员和其他人员不得进入候机隔离区。 The persons meeting or seeing off the passengers as well as other personnel must not enter the departure sterile area.
- 机长应当由具有独立驾驶该型号民用航空器的技术和经验的驾驶员担任。 The pilot-in-command shall be a pilot possessing the technique and experience of independently piloting that type of civil aircraft.
- 机长、航空安全员和机组其他成员,应当严格履行职责,保护民用航空器及其所载人员和财产的安全。 The pilot-in-command, aviation security officer and other crew members shall strictly fulfill their duties and protect the safety of the civil aircraft and of the persons and property carried therein.
- 全国民用机场的布局和建设规划,由国务院民用航空主管部门会同国务院其他有关部门制定,并按照国家规定的程序,经批准后组织实施。 The plan of distribution and construction of civil airports in the whole country shall be formulated jointly by the competent civil aviation authority under the State Council and other departments concerned under the State Council, and shall be implemented after being approved in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the State.
- 前款所称船舶留置权,是指造船人、修船人在合同另一方未履行合同时,可以留置所占有的船舶,以保证造船费用或者修船费用得以偿还的权利。船舶留置权在造船人、修船人不再占有所造或者所修的船舶时消灭。 The possessory lien referred to in the preceding paragraph means the right of the ship builder or repairer to secure the building or repairing cost of the ship by means of detaining the ship in his possession when the other party to the contract fails in the performance thereof. The possessory lien shall be extinguished when the ship builder or repairer no longer possesses the ship he has built or repaired.
- 拍卖所得价款,用于清偿保管、拍卖货物的费用和运费以及应当向承运人支付的其他有关费用; The proceeds from the auction sale shall be used to pay off the expenses for the storage and auction sale of the goods, the freight and other related charges to be paid to the carrier.
- 拍卖所得价款,在扣除保管和拍卖过程中的一切费用后,依照本法规定支付救助款项;剩余的金额,退还被救助方;无法退还、自拍卖之日起满一年又无人认领的,上缴国库; The proceeds of the sale shall, after deduction of the expenses incurred for the storage and sale, be used for the payment in accordance with the provisions of this Code. The remainder, if any, shall be returned to the party salved, and, if there is no way to return the remainder or if the remainder has not been claimed after one year of the forced sale, it shall go to the State Treasury.
- 前款规定的禁区和限制区,依照国家规定划定。 The prohibited area and restricted area specified in the preceding paragraph are defined in accordance with State regulations.
- 保证金的提供、使用或者退还,不影响各方最终的分摊责任。 The provision, use and refund of the deposits shall be without prejudice to the ultimate liability of the contributing parties.
- 本法第四章海上货物运输合同的规定,不适用于中华人民共和国港口之间的海上货物运输。 The provisions concerning contracts of carriage of goods by sea as contained in Chapter IV of this Code shall not be applicable to the maritime transport of goods between the ports of the People's Republic of China.