

由自然人创作的布图设计,该自然人是创作者。    Where a natural person invents a layout-design, the natural person is the inventor.
当事人因正当理由而延误专利法或者本细则规定的期限或者国务院专利行政部门指定的期限,导致其权利丧失的,可以自收到国务院专利行政部门的通知之日起2个月内向国务院专利行政部门说明理由,请求恢复权利。    Where a party concerned has delayed past the time limit provided in the Patent Law or these Rules or that specified by the administrative department for patent under the State Council due to a justified reason, thus resulting in the loss of his/its rights, he/it may, within 2 months as of the receipt of the notice from the administrative department for patent under the State Council, request the administrative department for patent under the State Council to recover his/its rights by stating the reason.
当事人请求延长国务院专利行政部门指定的期限的,应当在期限届满前,向国务院专利行政部门说明理由并办理有关手续。    Where a party concerned requests extension of the time limit specified by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, he/it shall, before the expiry of the said time limit, state the reason to the administrative department for patent under the State Council and fulfill relevant formalities.
表演者为制作录音录像和广播、电视节目进行表演使用他人作品的,适用本法第三十七条、第四十条的规定。    Where a performer performs a work created by others for the purpose of producing a sound recording, video recording, radio programme or television programme, the provisionsof Article 37 and 40 of this Law shall apply.
出质人请求质权人及时行使质权,因质权人怠于行使权利造成损害的,由质权人承担赔偿责任。    Where a pledger has requested the pledgee to exercise the pledge right in a timely manner, but the pledgee is lazy to do so and thus damages are caused, the pledgee shall make compensations.
权利人悬赏寻找遗失物的,领取遗失物时应当按照承诺履行义务。    Where a right holder promises to offering a reward for finding the object, he shall, when claiming the object, perform the obligation of granting the reward.
第三人为债务人向债权人提供担保的,可以要求债务人提供反担保。反担保适用本法和其他法律的规定。    Where a third party provides security to the obligee for an obligor, countersecurity from the obligor may be required. The countersecurity shall be pursuant to the present Law and other related laws.
期限以年或者月计算的,以其最后一月的相应日为期限届满日;    Where a time limit is counted by years or by months, it shall expire on the corresponding day of the last month;
由法人或者非法人单位主持,代表法人或者非法人单位意志创作,并由法人或者非法人单位承担责任的作品,法人或者非法人单位视为作者。如无相反证明,在作品上署名的公民、法人或者非法人单位为作者。    Where a work is created according to the will and under the sponsorship and the responsibility of a legal or entity without legal personality, such legal person or entity without legal personality shall be deemed to be the author of the work. The citizen, legal person or entity without legal personality whose name is indicated on a work shall, in the absence of proof to the contrary, be deemed to be the author of the work
专利权无效宣告请求书不符合规定格式的,无效宣告请求人应当在专利复审委员会指定的期限内补正;    Where a written request for invalidation of a patent right is not conformity with the provided format, the person making the request shall rectify it within the time limit specified by the Patent Re-examination Board.
外观设计专利申请的图片或者照片的修改,应当按照规定提交替换页。    Where an amendment to the drawings or photographs of an application for a patent for design is made, a replacement sheet in the provided form shall be submitted.
申请人要求本国优先权,在先申请是发明专利申请的,可以就相同主题提出发明或者实用新型专利申请;    Where an applicant claims the right of domestic priority, and the earlier application is one for a patent for invention, he/it may file an application for a patent for invention or utility model for the same subject;
申请人委托专利代理机构向国务院专利行政部门申请专利和办理其他专利事务的,应当同时提交委托书,写明委托权限。    Where an applicant entrusts a patent agency to file an application for a patent or to handle other patent matters in the administrative department for patent under the State Council, he/it shall meanwhile submit a power of attorney indicating the scope of the power entrusted.
专利申请人对国务院专利行政部门驳回申请的决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起三个月内,向专利复审委员会请求复审。    Where an applicant for patent is not satisfied with the decision of?the said department?rejecting the application,?the applicant may, within three months from the date of receipt of the notification, request the Patent Reexamination Board to make a reexamination.
同时请求保护色彩的外观设计专利申请,应当提交彩色图片或者照片一式两份。    Where an application for a patent for design seeking concurrent protection of colors is filed, the drawing or photograph in color shall be submitted in duplicate.
发明专利申请包含一个或者多个核苷酸或者氨基酸序列的,说明书应当包括符合国务院专利行政部门规定的序列表。    Where an application for a patent for invention contains one or more sequences of nucleotide or amino acid, the specification shall include a sequence table in conformity with the provisions of the administrative department for patent under the State Council.
国务院专利行政部门受理的涉及国防方面的国家秘密需要保密的发明专利申请,应当移交国防专利机构审查,由国务院专利行政部门根据国防专利机构的审查意见作出决定。    Where an application for a patent for invention which involves any State secret in respect to national defense that needs to be maintained confidential has been accepted by the administrative department for patent under the State Council, it shall be transferred to the institution for patent of national defense for examination, and the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall make its decision upon the opinions from the examination by the institution for patent of national defense.
企业在接受外商委托从事上述活动时,应当通过有关的知识产权管理部门或者知识产权服务机构查明外商是否为该项知识产权的合法拥有者、是否有权使用,在合同中应约定企业履行合同所进行的定牌加工或制作、发行音像制品活动被第三方指控侵权时的应诉责任以及指控成立时的赔偿责任。    Where an enterprise is entrusted by a foreign firm with such activities, it should find out through the relevant intellectual property administrative authority or service agency whether the foreign firm is the lawful proprietor of the particular item of intellectual property and has the right to its use, and it should be stipulated in the contract the liability in a litigation when the enterprise is accused by a third party of infringement for the activities of processing brand-name audio-visual products or manufacturing and distributing such products while performing the contract, and the liability for making compensation where the accusation is found tenable.
要求获得发明专利权的国际申请,由国际局以中文进行国际公布的,自国际公布日起适用专利法第十三条的规定;    Where an international application claiming for the patent right for invention is internationally published by the International Bureau in Chinese, it shall be subject to Article 13 of the Patent Law as of the date of international publication;
由于发明人或者设计人的建议被其所属单位采纳而完成的发明创造,被授予专利权的国有企业事业单位应当从优发给奖金。    Where an invention-creation was made on the basis of an inventor's or designer's proposal adopted by the entity to which he belongs, the state-owned enterprise or institution which has been granted a patent right shall award to him a money higher prize liberally.
向外输出新技术、新产品时,也要做好有关知识产权查询工作,防止技术或产品出口后被他人仿制或侵犯他人的知识产权。    Where an item of new technology or a new product is exported, proper inquiries should also be made with respect to intellectual property so that after the technology or product is exported it may not be copied by others or infringe the intellectual property of others.
从国外引进技术或进口产品时,要全面了解有关技术或产品的知识产权状况,避免发生侵权纠纷或引起其他损失;    Where an item of technology or a product is imported from abroad, a comprehensive investigation should be carried out of the status of the relevant technology or product in respect of intellectual property in order to avoid infringement disputes or other losses.
债务人以自己的财产设定抵押,抵押权人放弃该抵押权、抵押权顺位或者变更抵押权的,其他担保人在抵押权人丧失优先受偿权益的范围内免除担保责任,但其他担保人承诺仍然提供担保的除外。    Where an obligor creates the mortgage by its/his own properties, and the mortgagee abandons the mortgage right or the sequence thereof or alter such mortgage right, other security providers shall, within the scope for which the said mortgagee has lost the right to seek preferred payments, be exempted from the security liability, unless any of other security providers promises to provide the security all the same.
债务人不履行到期债务或者发生当事人约定的实现质权的情形,质权人可以与出质人协议以质押财产折价,也可以就拍卖、变卖质押财产所得的价款优先受偿。    Where an obligor fails to pay off its due debts or any circumstance for realizing the pledge right as stipulated by the parties concerned happens, the pledgee may, by negotiating with the pledger, convert the pledge into money or seek preferred payments from the money generated from the auction or sell-off of the pledged properties.
依照专利法和本细则规定提交的各种证件和证明文件是外文的,国务院专利行政部门认为必要时,可以要求当事人在指定期限内附送中文译文;期满未附送的,视为未提交该证件和证明文件。    Where any certificate or certified document which is to be submitted in accordance with the Patent Law or these Rules is in a foreign language, the administrative department for patent under the State Council may, when considered necessary, request the party concerned to submit a Chinese translation within a specified time limit; where the translation has not been submitted at the expiry of the time limit, the certificate or certified document shall be deemed to have not been submitted.
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