在依照前款规定给予实施强制许可的情形下,国务院专利行政部门根据前一专利权人的申请,也可以给予实施后一发明或者实用新型的强制许可。 Where, according to the preceding paragraph, a compulsory license is granted, the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council? may, upon the request of the earlier patentee, also grant a compulsory license to exploit the later invention or utility model.申请人陈述意见或者补正后,国务院专利行政部门仍然认为不符合前款所列各项规定的,应当予以驳回。 Where, after the applicant has stated opinions or made rectifications, the administrative department for patent under the State Council still considers the application not in conformity with any item in the preceding paragraph, the application shall be rejected.经陈述意见或者进行修改后,专利复审委员会认为仍不符合专利法和本细则有关规定的,应当作出维持原驳回决定的复审决定。 Where, after the opinions have been stated or the rectifications have been made, the Patent Re-examination Board still considers the request as not in conformity with the Patent Law or these Rules, it shall make a re-examination decision sustaining the original decision of rejection.在专利复审委员会就无效宣告请求作出决定之后,又以同样的理由和证据请求无效宣告的,专利复审委员会不予受理。 Where, after the Patent Re-examination Board has made a decision on the request for invalidation, the person making the request again requests invalidation with the same reason and evidence, the Patent Re-examination Board shall not accept it.提交的证明材料中,在先申请人的姓名或者名称与在后申请的申请人姓名或者名称不一致的,应当提交优先权转让证明材料; Where, among the submitted certified documents, the name of the earlier applicant is inconsistent with that of the later applicant, the certified documents on the assignment of the right of property shall be submitted.申请时未写明的,应当自申请日起4个月内补正;期满未补正的,视为未提交保藏。 where, at the time of application, they are not indicated, a rectification shall be made within 4 months as of the date of application; where no rectification has been made at the expiry of the time limit, the sample shall be deemed to have not been deposited.在国际阶段,国际申请或者国际申请中对中国的指定撤回或者视为撤回的,该国际申请在中国的效力终止。 Where, in the International Phase, an international application or the designation of China in the international application is withdrawn or is deemed to have been withdrawn, the effectiveness of the international application shall be terminated in China. 在国际阶段,国际检索单位或者国际初步审查单位认为国际申请不符合专利合作条约规定的单一性要求时,申请人未按照规定缴纳附加费,导致国际申请某些部分未经国际检索或者未经国际初步审查,在进入中国国家阶段时,申请人要求将所述部分作为审查基础,国务院专利行政部门认为国际检索单位或者国际初步审查单位对发明单一性的判断正确的,应当通知申请人在指定期限内缴纳单一性恢复费。 Where, in the International Phase, when the international retrieval entity or international preliminary examination entity considers the international application is not in conformity with the requirement of singularity provided in the Patent Cooperation Treaty, the applicant does not pay the additional fee as provided, thus causing some parts of the international application to not undergo international retrieval or international preliminary examination, or when entering the National Phase in China, the applicant requires the above-mentioned parts to be regarded as the basis of examination, and the administrative department for patent under the State Council considers the singularity of the invention has been well-judged by the international retrieval entity or the international preliminary examination entity, it shall notify the applicant to pay the fee for recovering singularity within a specified time limit.经检索,国务院专利行政部门认为所涉及的实用新型专利不符合专利法第二十二条关于新颖性或者创造性的规定的,应当引证对比文件,说明理由,并附具所引证对比文件的复印件。 Where, upon retrieval, the administrative department for patent under the State Council considers the patent for utility model as not in conformity with the provisions in Article 22 of the Patent Law on novelty or inventiveness, it shall cite the comparative documents, state the reasons therefor, and affix the copies of the cited comparative documents.申请人自发明或者实用新型在中国第一次提出专利申请之日起十二个月内,又向国务院专利行政部门就相同主题提出专利申请的,可以享有优先权。 Where, within twelve months from the date on which any applicant first filed in China an application for a patent for invention or utility model, he or it files with the Patent Administration Department Under the State Council? an application for a patent for the same subject matter , he or it may enjoy a right of priority.在进行基本建设工程或者农业生产中,任何单位或者个人发现文物,应立即报告当地文化行政管理部门。遇有重要发现,当地文化行政管理部门必须及时报请上级文化行政管理部门处理。 While carrying out capital construction or agricultural production, any unit or individual that discovers cultural relics shall immediately report the discoveries to the local department for cultural administration. In case of important discoveries, the local department for cultural administration must submit timely reports for handling by the departments for cultural administration at higher levels.致使保护范围小于国际申请的原文所表达的范围的,以授权时的保护范围为准。 while if the protection scope is narrower than the scope expressed in the original text of the international application due to the same reason, the protection scope at the time of authorization shall prevail.各级各类文物、博物馆单位组织的陈列展览和导游讲解活动,要坚持弘扬爱国主义、社会主义和革命传统,发挥自身优势,有计划、有重点地推出优秀文物陈列展览及文物图书和文物影视音像制品。 While organizing display, exhibitions and guided tour briefings, units of cultural relics and museums of all types and at all levels must persist in carrying forward the patriotic, socialist and revolutionary traditions, making full use of one’s own advantages, and introducing displays and exhibitions of fine cultural relics, books on cultural relics and audiovisual products on cultural relics in a planned way and with focuses.有前款所列行为,违反治安管理的,由公安机关依照治安管理处罚条例的有关规定给予处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Whoever commits any of the acts specified in the preceding paragraph and violates the administration of public security shall be punished by the public security organ in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security; if the case constitutes a crime, the offender shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law.在竞技体育活动中,有贿赂、诈骗、组织赌博行为,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Whoever commits bribery, fraud, or the organizing of gambling shall, if the cases constitutes a crime, be investigated for criminal responsibility in accordance with law.为了保证文物安全、进行科学研究和充分发挥文物的作用,省、自治区、直辖市文化行政管理部门,必要时可以报经省、自治区、直辖市人民政府批准,调用本行政区域内的出土文物;国家文化行政管理部门经国务院批准,可以调用全国的重要出土文物。 With a view to ensuring the safety of the cultural relics, conducting scientific research and making full use of cultural relics, the departments for cultural administration of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, when necessary, transfer and use the cultural relics within their respective administrative areas after reporting to and securing the approval of the people's governments of these administrative divisions; the state department for cultural administration may, upon approval by the State Council, transfer and use major cultural relics unearthed anywhere in the country.国务院有关主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,对本系统内或者所管辖的全民所有制单位开发的对于国家利益和公共利益具有重大意义的软件,有权决定允许指定的单位使用,由使用单位按照国家有关规定支付使用费。 With regard to software which possesses major significance for national or public security interests and is developed by organizations within this system or organizations under their jurisdiction, responsible departments of the State Council or the People's Governments of provinces, autonomous regions, or centrally administered cities have the right to permit designated organizations to use the software. The organization using such software will pay a fee according to relevant national regulations.内容涉及到全国的大型丛书,应事先征得国家出版局的同意; With respect to a project of co-operative publication of full-length book series whose contents have a nation-wide bearing, consent of the State Bureau of Publication shall have to be solicited in advance.所有对外合作出版的送审报告、中外文合同(或协议书)、样本,均应报国家出版局备案。 With respect to a publication project of co-operation with a foreign party, the report submitted requesting the examination and approval of the project proposal, copies of the contract (or agreement) both in Chinese and in the foreign language concerned and the sample version of the item to be published shall be submitted to the State Bureau of Publication for the record.凡我方提供的书稿或图片,未经我方同意,对方不得转让版权,不得扩大使用权,不得扩大发行区域。 With respect to manuscripts and pictures that are provided by the Chinese party, without the consent of the Chinese party, the other party may not transfer the copyright, or extend the use thereof, or extend the areas where they shall be distributed.凡涉及党和国家重大方针和外交政策的书稿,党和国家领导人的著作或传记,须经国家出版局会签后,报国务院或中央审批; With respect to manuscripts whose contents involve the major principles of the Party and the State and China’s foreign policy and to works by, or biographies of, the leaders of the Party and the State, the project proposals shall, after being counter-signed by the State Bureau of Publication, be submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.对时代较晚、有大量复品、又无收藏价值的一般文物,可适当地组织出口。 With respect to ordinary cultural relics which are of relatively recent times, for which there are plenty of replicas and which are not valuable enough for collection, an appropriate amount may be exported in an organized way.凡国内已公开出版的出版物,中央一级出版社由出版社自行决定,报上级主管部门备案,地方出版社报省、市、自治区出版局审批; With respect to publications that have been published domestically, publishing houses at the central level may make their own decisions and report the projects to the higher competent authority for the record, whereas publishing houses in the localities shall submit their project proposals to the publication bureaus of the provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government or autonomous regions for examination and approval.凡国内尚未出版的出版物,中央一级出版社报上级主管部门审批,地方出版社报省、市、自治区人民政府审批。 With respect to publications that have not come off the press domestically, publishing houses at the central level shall submit their project proposals to the higher competent authority for examination and approval, and publishing houses in the localities shall submit their project proposals to the people’s governments of the provinces, municipalities directly under the Central Government or autonomous regions for examination and approval.关于历史上曾经是宗教活动场所的古建筑重新恢复宗教活动问题,必须按党中央、国务院的有关文件规定执行。 With respect to the question of resumption of religious activities in ancient architectures which were once sites of religious activities in history, provisions laid down in the relevant documents of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council must be observed.