- 中国文化与知识产权法律法规中英数据库 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 实用新型或者外观设计专利申请人自申请日起2个月内,可以对实用新型或者外观设计专利申请主动提出修改。 Within 2 months as of the application date, the applicant for a patent for utility model or design may amend the application for a patent for utility model or design on his/its own initiative.
- 在作品完成两年内,经单位同意,作者许可第三人以与单位使用的相同方式使用作品所获报酬,由作者与单位按约定的比例分配。 Within 2 years after the creation of the work, the author may, with the permission of the institution, permit a third party to use the work in the manner as the institution may have done. Remunerations thus obtained shall be divided between them according to agreed proportion.
- 凡经我方审定的书稿,未经我方同意,对方不得擅自增删或作其他改动。 Without the consent of the Chinese party, no part of the contents of a manuscript that has been examined and finalized by the Chinese party may be supplemented, deleted or otherwise altered by the other party.
- 抵押期间,抵押人未经抵押权人同意,不得转让抵押财产,但受让人代为清偿债务消灭抵押权的除外。 Without the mortgagee's consent, a mortgagor may not alienate the mortgaged property during the mortgage term,, unless the transferee pays off the debts on behalf of the mortgagor so as to terminate the mortgage right.
- 未经原出版社同意,任何出版社不得同国外合作出版其他出版社出版的书刊。 Without the permission of the original publishing houses, no publishing houses may co-operate with foreign parties in publishing books or journals published by other publishing houses.
- 外国人作品在中国境外首先出版后,三十天内在中国境内出版的,视为该作品首先在中国境内发表。 Works of foreigners first published outside China shall be deemed first published in China if it is published in China within 30 days after its first publication.
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