

(60)建设若干国家知识产权人才培养基地。加快建设高水平的知识产权师资队伍。设立知识产权二级学科,支持有条件的高等学校设立知识产权硕士、博士学位授予点。大规模培养各级各类知识产权专业人才,重点培养企业急需的知识产权管理和中介服务人才。    (60) We shall set up several national intellectual property human resource training bases, speed up building high-level teaching human resources for intellectual property, establish secondary subject of intellectual property, support universities, where conditions permissible, to establish master and doctor degree programs in intellectual property, and train professionals in all kinds and levels of intellectual properties in a large scale way, especially those specialized in administration of and provision of intermediary service in intellectual property, who are needed by enterprises.
(62)完善吸引、使用和管理知识产权专业人才相关制度,优化人才结构,促进人才合理流动。结合公务员法的实施,完善知识产权管理部门公务员管理制度。按照国家职称制度改革总体要求,建立和完善知识产权人才的专业技术评价体系。    (62) We shall improve relevant systems concerning absorption, utilization and management of professionals in intellectual property, optimize structure of human resource and promote reasonably flow of human resource. The management system for civil servants in administrative agencies involving intellectual property shall be improved with consideration of the implement of the civil servant law. The professional technology appraisal system shall be established and improved according to general requirements of the reform of the national professional-title system.
(七)美术作品,指绘画、书法、雕塑、建筑等以线条、色彩或者其他方式构成的有审美意义的平面或者立体的造型艺术作品;    (7) Works of fine art are two- or three-dimensional works created in lines, colours or other medium which, when being viewed, impart esthetic effect, such as paintings, works of calligraphy, sculptures and works of architecture;
十一、对于开展对外合作出版所必需的业务人员同国外的往来,主管部门应简化审批手续,提供方便,以利于合同的顺利执行。    11. With respect to trips abroad and back to China by professional personnel needed in effecting publication in co-operation with foreign countries, the competent departments shall simplify the examining and approving formalities and provide convenience so as to facilitate the smooth implementation of the contract.
(二)专利权人以书面声明放弃其专利权的。    ?(2) where the patentee abandons his or its patent right by a written declaration.
非自愿许可的理由消除并不再发生时,国务院知识产权行政部门应当根据布图设计权利人的请求,经审查后作出终止使用布图设计非自愿许可的决定。    ?When the conditions for the non-voluntary license cease to exit and do not arise again, the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council shall terminate, upon examination, the decision on the non-voluntary license for the exploitation of the layout-design at the request by the holder of right of the layout-design.
布图设计专有权属于法人或者其他组织的,法人或者其他组织变更、终止后,其专有权在本条例规定的保护期内由承继其权利、义务的法人或者其他组织享有;没有承继其权利、义务的法人或者其他组织的,该布图设计进入公有领域。    ?Where the exclusive rights in a layout-design are owned by a legal entity or any other organisation, the exclusive rights are enjoyed by the legal entity or other organisation that inherits its rights and obligations within the duration of protection under the Regulations after the legal entity or other organisation reorganises or discontinues; where there is no legal entity or other organisation that inherits its rights and obligations, the layout-design falls into the public domain.
分案申请应当依照专利法及本细则的规定办理有关手续。    When a division of application is filed, relevant formalities shall be fulfilled in accordance with the Patent Law and these Rules.
举办人委托他人设计、制作、发布体育竞赛广告,应当委托具有合法经营资格的广告经营者和广告发布者。    When commissioning the design, production and release of advertisements for sports contests, the sponsor must commission the advertisers and releasers of advertisements with legal operational qualification.
抵押财产折价或者变卖的,应当参照市场价格。    When converting into money or selling off the mortgaged property, its marker price shall be referred to.
质押财产折价或者变卖的,应当参照市场价格。    When converting the pledged properties into money or selling off them, their market price shall be referred to.
征收集体所有的土地,应当依法足额支付土地补偿费、安置补助费、地上附着物和青苗的补偿费等费用,安排被征地农民的社会保障费用,保障被征地农民的生活,维护被征地农民的合法权益。    When requisitioning land owned collectively, it is required to, in accordance with law and in full amount, pay land compensation fees, placement subsidies, compensations for the above-ground fixtures of the lands and seedlings and other fees, arrange for social security fees for the farmers with land requisitioned, guarantee their livelihood and protect their lawful rights and interests.
征收单位、个人的房屋及其他不动产,应当依法给予拆迁补偿,维护被征收人的合法权益;征收个人住宅的,还应当保障被征收人的居住条件。    When requisitioning the premises owned by entities and individuals or other realties, it is required to compensate for demolishment and re[] in accordance with law and protect the lawful rights and interests of the owners of the requisitioned realties; when requisitioning the individuals' residential houses, it is required to guarantee the housing conditions of the owners of the requisitioned houses.
提交分案申请时,申请人应当提交原申请文件副本;    When submitting the division of application, the applicant shall submit a copy of the original application document;
管理专利工作的部门处理时,认定侵权行为成立的,可以责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,    When the administrative authority for patent affairs handling the matter considers that the infringement is established, it may order the infringer to stop the infringing act immediately.
??? 投保方要求终止合同时,? 保险方有权按照国家保险管理机关规定的短期费率表的规定,收取自保险生效日起至终止合同日为止的保险费,退还投保方原己交付的保险费。    When the contract is terminated at the request of the Insured, the Insurer shall be entitled to charge the premium calculated on the basis of the short period rating schedule set by the State Insurance Supervisory Authority for the time the contract has been in force, and refund to the Insured the premium paid by him.
国务院知识产权行政部门处理时,认定侵权行为成立的,可以责令侵权人立即停止侵权行为,没收、销毁侵权产品或者物品。当事人不服的,可以自收到处理通知之日起15日内依照《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》向人民法院起诉;    When the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council handles the matter and it decides that the infringement is constituted, the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council may order the infringer to immediately desist from the infringing act, confiscate and destroy the infringing products or material. Where an interested party is not satisfied, he or it may institute legal proceedings in the People's Court according to the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China within fifteen days from the date of the receipt of the notification.
留置财产折价或者变卖的,应当参照市场价格。    When the property under lien is converted into money or sold off, its market price should be referred to.
期满不履行也不起诉的,国家软件著作权行政管理部门可以申请人民法院强制执行。    When this period has expired and no lawsuit has been brought, the national copyright executive administrative department may apply to the People's Court to force action.
请求变更发明人姓名、专利申请人和专利权人的姓名或者名称、国籍和地址、专利代理机构的名称、地址和代理人姓名的,应当向国务院专利行政部门办理著录事项变更手续,并附具变更理由的证明材料。    Where a change of the name of the inventor, the name, nationality or address of the applicant or the patent holder, or the name or address of the patent agency, or the name of the patent agent is requested, a request for a change in the bibliographic data shall be made to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, and the supporting documents with reasons for the change shall be affixed.
构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    Where a crime is established, the person concerned shall be prosecuted for his criminal liability according to the law.
撤回专利申请的声明在国务院专利行政部门作好公布专利申请文件的印刷准备工作后提出的,申请文件仍予公布;    Where a declaration to withdraw an application for a patent is made after the printing preparation has been done by the administrative department for patent under the State Council for publishing the application documents, the application documents shall still be published as scheduled.
通过邮局或者银行汇付的,应当在送交国务院专利行政部门的汇单上写明正确的申请号或者专利号以及缴纳的费用名称。不符合本款规定的,视为未办理缴费手续。    Where a fee is remitted by bank or post, the correct application number or patent number and the names of the paid fees shall be indicated in the remittance slip submitted to the administrative department for patent under the State Council. In case of any inconsistency with the provisions in this Paragraph, it shall be deemed that the payment formalities have not been fulfilled.
由法人或者其他组织主持,依据法人或者其他组织的意志而创作,并由法人或者其他组织承担责任的布图设计,该法人或者其他组织是创作者。    Where a layout-design is the one which is invented under the charge, and according to the will, of a legal entity or any other organisation and for which a legal entity or any other organisation is responsible, the legal entity or the organisation is the inventor.
抵押人未依照前款规定一并抵押的,未抵押的财产视为一并抵押。    Where a mortgagor fails to mortgage the properties in accordance with the provisions in the preceding paragraph, the properties not mortgaged shall be treated as having been mortgaged together.
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