图书出版者重印、再版作品的,应当通知著作权人,并支付报酬。图书脱销后,图书出版者拒绝重印、再版的,著作权人有权终止合同。 The book publisher shall notify, and pay remuneration to, the copyright owner when the work is to be reprinted or republished. If the book publisher refuses to reprint or republish the work when the stocks of the book are exhausted, the copyright owner shall have the right to terminate the contract.外观设计的简要说明应当写明使用该外观设计的产品的设计要点、请求保护色彩、省略视图等情况。 The brief explanation of the design shall include the design essentials for the use of the design, the colors for which protection is sought and the omission of the view of the product incorporating the design.简要说明不得使用商业性宣传用语,也不能用来说明产品的性能。 The brief explanation shall not contain any commercial advertising diction or be used to indicate the functions of the product.原有文物商店的业务人员和不动产(包括仓库)以及外贸部门和其它部门不准出口的库存文物一并移交文化部门。 The business personnel and real estate (including the warehouses) of the original antique shops, as well as the cultural relics in stock which the foreign trade departments and other departments have banned from being exported, shall be handed over to cultural departments.经批准录制的音像资料目录,必须定期报所在地的广播电视、公安和国家安全部门备案。 The catalogue of the audio-visual materials recorded upon approval shall be submitted regularly for the records to the departments of radio and television, public security and state security in the locality where the unit is situated..现将外贸部、商业部、文物局《关于加强文物商业管理和贯彻执行文物保护政策的意见》转发给你们,请参照执行。 The Circular The Proposals on Strengthening the Commercial Administration of Cultural Relics and Implementing the Policy for the Protection of Cultural Relics, submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Trade, the Ministry of Commerce and the State Administration for Protection of Cultural Relics, is hereby transmitted to you for you to act upon accordingly.占有人返还原物的请求权,自侵占发生之日起一年内未行使的,该请求权消灭。 The claim of a possessor for returning the original object shall perish, if the possessor fails to exercise it within one year as of the date of encroachment.权利要求书应当以说明书为依据,说明要求专利保护的范围 The claims sha1l be supported by the description and shal1 state the extent of the patent protection asked for.为提升我国知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理能力,建设创新型国家,实现全面建设小康社会目标,制定本纲要。 The Compendium herein is formulated with a view to improve China’s abilities in creation, utilization, protection and administration of intellectual property, to build an innovative country and to achieve the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.任何单位和个人不得贪污、挪用、私分、截留、拖欠征收补偿费等费用。 The compensation fees for requisition and other fees may not be embezzled, misappropriated, privately shared, detained or delayed in the payment of by any entity or individual.按照专利合作条约提出并指定中国的专利国际申请(以下简称国际申请)进入中国国家阶段的条件和程序适用本章的规定; The conditions and procedures for international applications for patent which are filed in accordance with Patent Cooperation Treaty and designated as China (hereinafter referred to as ""international application""), to enter the National Phase in China, shall be subject to the provisions in this Chapter;法人必须符合民法通则规定的条件。不具备法人条件,经核准登记的社会团体、经济组织或者组成法人的各个相对独立的部门,为非法人单位。 The conditions laid down by the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People's Republic of China must be satisfied to be a legal entity. Social institutions and economic organizations, by not being able to meet the conditions to be legal entities, and the relatively independent departments forming a legal entity are non-legal entities for the purpose of the Law.应把控制和减轻自然力对文物的损害作为重要课题,确定一批重点项目,组织联合攻关,充分运用现代科学技术和挖掘传统技术保护文物。 The control and lessening of damage to cultural relics by natural forces should be taken up as an important subject, a number of key projects should be chosen for joint tackling, and modern science and technology shall be fully utilized and traditional techniques tapped into for the protection of cultural relics.文物鉴定的标准和办法由国家文化行政管理部门制定,并报国务院批准。 The criteria and measures for the verification of cultural relics shall be formulated by the state department for cultural administration, which shall report them to the State Council for approval.文物部门应防止只注意收藏、不注意出口的片面思想,要积极鉴选可供出口的文物,供应外贸部门出口。 The cultural relics department shall guard against the one-sided mentality of caring only about collection while neglecting export and shall adopt a more active approach in assessing and selecting cultural relics that are exportable and supply them to foreign trade departments for export.移交的文物可按原来收进的价格作价。文物部门资金、仓库不足的,可适当增加。 The cultural relics taken over may be priced at the same level as when they were formerly purchased. Funds and warehouses of cultural relics departments may be appropriately increased if they are in shortage.海关要加强与有关部门的联系和配合,依法严格实施知识产权的边境保护措施。 The customs authorities should strengthen the liaison and cooperation with the relevant departments and strictly carry out the border measures concerning intellectual property according to law.宣告专利权无效的决定,由国务院专利行政部门登记和公告。 The decision declaring the patent right invalid shall be registered and announced by the patent administration department under the State Council.宣告专利权无效的决定,对在宣告专利权无效前人民法院作出并已执行的专利侵权的判决、裁定,已经履行或者强制执行的专利侵权纠纷处理决定,以及已经履行的专利实施许可合同和专利权转让合同,不具有追溯力。但是因专利权人的恶意给他人造成的损失,应当给予赔偿。 The decision declaring the patent right invalid shall have no retroactive effect on any judgement or ruling of patent infringement which has been pronounced and enforced by the people's court, on any decision concerning the handling of a dispute over patent infringement which has been complied with or compulsorily executed, or? on any contract of patent license or of assignment of patent right which has been performed? prior to the declaration of the patent right invalid; however, the damage caused to other persons in bad faith on the part of the patentee shall be compensated.国务院专利行政部门作出的给予实施强制许可的决定,应当限定强制许可实施主要是为供应国内市场的需要; The decision made by the administrative department for patent under the State Council on granting a compulsory license for exploitation shall define that the compulsory license for exploitation is mainly for supplying the needs in domestic market;给予使用布图设计非自愿许可的决定,应当根据非自愿许可的理由,规定使用的范围和时间,其范围应当限于为公共目的非商业性使用,或者限于经人民法院、不正当竞争行为监督检查部门依法认定布图设计权利人有不正当竞争行为而需要给予的补救。 The decision on non-voluntary license for the exploitation of the layout-design shall be made according to the conditions for the non-voluntary license, specifying the scope and time of the exploitation thereof. The scope shall be limited to non-commercial exploitation for the public purposes, or to the remedy as required by the determination by the People's Court or the supervising and inspecting department against acts of unfair competition according to law on the ground that the holder of right of the layout-design is involved in an act of unfair competition and needs remedies.对单位的直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员,省、自治区、直辖市广播电视、公安、国家安全厅(局)可以建议其主管部门给予行政处分; The department (or bureau) of radio and television, the department (of bureau) of public security and the department (or bureau) of state security of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government may suggest to the competent department concerned that administrative sanctions be imposed on the unit’s leading personnel in charge of the work and other persons directly responsible.国家文物行政管理部门要加强对全国文物工作的宏观管理,搞好全国文物事业发展的总体规划,根据工作需要对现行的法律法规加以补充完善,逐步健全我国文物保护的法律体系。 The department of administration of cultural relics of the State should step up the macro control over the work related to cultural relics throughout the country, work out a sound overall plan for the development of the undertakings of cultural relics nationwide, supplement and perfect the existing laws and regulations in the light of the work requirements and build step by step a sound legal system for the protection of cultural relics in China.省、自治区、直辖市广播电视厅(局)负责本行政区卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的管理工作。 The departments (or bureaus) of radio and television of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be in charge of administration of the reception of the television programs transmitted via foreign satellites by ground satellite receiving facilities in their respective administrative areas..政府有关部门要充分调动这些组织的积极性,使其成为行政管理部门在保护知识产权方面的有力助手。 The departments concerned of the government should fully bring into play the initiative of these organizations so that they may become capable assistants of the administrative authorities in protecting intellectual property.