

权利要求书中使用的科技术语应当与说明书中使用的科技术语一致,可以有化学式或者数学式,但是不得有插图。    The technical terminology used in the patent claim shall be consistent with that used in the specification.
本法所称物权,是指权利人依法对特定的物享有直接支配和排他的权利,包括所有权、用益物权和担保物权。    The term ""real right"" as mentioned in the present Law means the exclusive right of direct control over a specific res enjoyed by the holder in accordance with law, including ownership, usufractuary right and real rights for security.
前款所称他人的不动产为供役地,自己的不动产为需役地。    The term ""realty of someone else"" as referred to in the preceding Paragraph shall be the servient tenement, and ""one's own realty"" shall be the dominant tenement.
按照工程设计、产品设计图纸及其说明进行施工、生产工业品,不属于本法所称的复制。    The term ""reproduction"" as used in this Law does not cover the construction or manufacture of industrial products on the basis of drawings of engineering designs and product designs, and descriptions thereof.
本法所称物,包括不动产和动产。法律规定权利作为物权客体的,依照其规定。    The term ""res"" as mentioned in the present Law means realties and chattels. Where it is prescribed in any provision that certain right shall be taken as an object of real right, such provision shall be applicable.
电影、电视、录像和摄影作品的发表权、使用权和获得报酬权的保护期为五十年,截止于作品首次发表后第五十年的12月31日,但作品自创作完成后五十年内未发表的,本法不再保护。    The term of protection of the right of publication, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of a cinematographic, television, video-graphic or photographic work shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first publication of such work, provided that any such work that has not been published within fifty years after the completion of its creation shall no longer be protected under this Law.
法人或者非法人单位的作品、著作权(署名权除外)由法人或者非法人单位享有的职务作品,其发表权、使用权和获得报酬权的保护期为五十年,截止于作品首次发表后第五十年的12月31日,但作品自创作完成后五十年内未发表的,本法不再保护。    The term of protection of the right of publication, the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration in respect of a work where the copyright belongs to a legal person or entity without legal personality, or in respect of a work created in the course of employment where the legal person or entity without legal personality enjoys the copyright (except the right of authorship), shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first publication of such work, provided that any such work that has not been published within fifty years after the completion of its creation shall no longer be protected under this Law.
前款规定的权利的保护期为五十年,截止于该节目首次播放后第五十年的12月31日。    The term of protection of the rights specified in the preceding paragraph shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first broadcasting of the programme.
合同约定图书出版者享有专有出版权的期限不得超过十年,合同期满可以续订。    The term of the exclusive right to publish the work, enjoyed by the book publisher as specified in the contract, shall not exceed ten years. The contract may be renewed on expiration of that term.
商标评审委员会收到裁定申请后,应当通知有关当事人,并限期提出答辩。    The Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall, after receipt of the application for adjudication, notify the interested parties and request them to respond with arguments within a specified period.
各有关部门要在机构改革中加强知识产权的管理机构并理顺关系。    The various departments concerned should strengthen their administration organizations for intellectual property affairs in the organizational reform and sort out interdepartmental relations.
各有关部门要互相支持,密切配合,以形成统一、协调的知识产权保护体系。    The various relevant departments should support each other and co-operate closely so as to form a unified and harmonious system of intellectual property protection.
样品或者模型的体积不得超过30厘米×30厘米×30厘米,重量不得超过15公斤。    The volume of the sample or model submitted shall not exceed 30cm*30cm*30cm, and its weight shall not surpass15 kilograms.
摘要文字部分不得超过300个字。摘要中不得使用商业性宣传用语。    The whole text of the abstract shall contain not more than 300 Chinese characters. There shall be no commercial advertising diction in the abstract.
体育工作坚持以开展全民健身活动为基础,实行普及与提高相结合,促进各类体育协调发展。    The work of physical culture and sports shall adhere to the principle of combining popularization with the raising of standards based on the unfolding of the national fitness campaign so as to promote coordinated development of various sports.
请求书、说明书、权利要求书、附图和摘要应当分别用阿拉伯数字顺序编号。    The written request, specification, patent claim, appended drawings and abstract shall be numbered separately in Arabic numerals and arranged in numerical order.
造成文物损失的法人违法案件有所增加.    there has been an increase in law-breaking cases by legal entities causing losses of cultural relics;
软件开发者的开发者身份权的保护期不受限制。    There is no limit on the period of protection of the software developer's right of authorship.
财政预算中安排的文物保护经费应逐年有所增加,同时要制定相应的政策鼓励、引导并广泛吸收有关部门和企事业单位及个人参与文物保护事业。    There should be an increase year by year in expenditures for the protection of cultural relics in the financial budgets and in the meantime corresponding policy incentives should be worked out to guide and extensively draw the departments concerned, enterprises and institutions as well as individuals into undertakings for the protection of cultural relics.
因此,必须以党的十四届六中全会精神为指导,继续坚持“保护为主,抢救第一”的方针,贯彻“有效保护,合理利用,加强管理”的原则;    Therefore, the spirit of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Fourteenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China must be taken as the guidance, the policy of ""putting protection and rescue first” must continue to be adhered to, the principle of ""effective protection, rational utilization and enhanced control"" shall be implemented.
这些特征和前序部分写明的特征合在一起,限定发明或者实用新型要求保护的范围。    these features, in combination with the features indicated in the preamble portion, serve to define the scope of protection of the invention or utility model.
为了加强对外合作出版工作的领导和管理,特制订本规定。    These Provisions are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the leadership over, and administration of, the work of publication in co- operation with foreign countries.
利用知识产权信息制定正确的研究开发和生产经营战略,确定恰当的研究方向和技术路线,提高研究开发的起点、水平和效率,避免在科研和生产中出现不必要的重复开发或者发生侵权纠纷。    They should make use of information on intellectual property to formulate correct strategies of research, development, production and operation and decide on an appropriate direction of research and technical line, raise the starting point, level and efficiency of research and development and avoid the emergence of unnecessary repetitive developments or the arising of infringement disputes in scientific research and in production.
这项工作要逐步形成制度,以切实保障知识产权法律的有效实施。    This is to be shaped gradually into a system to ensure the effective implementation of the intellectual property laws.
对玩忽职守、滥用职权、徇私舞弊、索贿受贿、枉法执行者,由其所在单位或者上级主管部门给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    Those found guilty of dereliction, power abuse, malpractice, bribe-extorting and/or taking, and distortion of the law must be sanctioned administratively by the unit they work for or its competent superior department. If the irregularities constitute a crime, the offender shall be investigated for their criminal liability accordingly.
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