

(一) 查验申请人提供的权属证明和其他必要材料;    (1) to examine the ownership certificate and other necessary materials as provided by the applicant;
(一) 制定和修改业主大会议事规则;    (1) to formulate and revise the rules of procedure for the owners' assembly;
(一) 违反法律规定或者合同约定,滥用地役权;    (1) to go against the legal provisions or the contract, or misuse the easement; or
(一)贯彻实施著作权法律、法规,制定与著作权行政管理有关的办法;    (1) To implement copyright-related laws and regulations and to promulgate rules in relation to copyright administration;
(一)根据使用的需要把该软件装入计算机内;    (1) To install and use in a computer according to the needs of use;
(1)未经注册商标所有人的许可,在同一种商品或者类似商品上使用与其注册商标相同或者近似的商标的;    (1) to use a trademark that is identical with or similar to a registered trademark in respect of the same or similar goods without the authorization of the proprietor of the registered trademark;
(10)强化知识产权在经济、文化和社会政策中的导向作用。加强产业政策、区域政策、科技政策、贸易政策与知识产权政策的衔接。制定适合相关产业发展的知识产权政策,促进产业结构的调整与优化;针对不同地区发展特点,完善知识产权扶持政策,培育地区特色经济,促进区域经济协调发展;建立重大科技项目的知识产权工作机制,以知识产权的获取和保护为重点开展全程跟踪服务;健全与对外贸易有关的知识产权政策,建立和完善对外贸易领域知识产权管理体制、预警应急机制、海外维权机制和争端解决机制。加强文化、教育、科研、卫生等政策与知识产权政策的协调衔接,保障公众在文化、教育、科研、卫生等活动中依法合理使用创新成果和信息的权利,促进创新成果合理分享;保障国家应对公共危机的能力。    (10) The guiding role of the intellectual property in economic, cultural and social policies shall be enhanced. Linkage between industrial, regional, scientific and technological and trade policies and intellectual policies shall be strengthened. Intellectual property policies suitable for development of relevant industries shall be formulated to adjust and optimize industrial structures. Efforts shall be made in perfecting supporting policies on intellectual property, cultivating economies with regional characteristics and boosting coordinating development of regional economies according to developing features of different regions. An intellectual property working mechanism for main sci-tech programs shall be established where tracing service shall be provided with the achievement and protection of intellectual properties as the major contents. Intellectual property policies regarding foreign trade shall be perfected and the administrative system, pre-warning and emergency system, overseas rights protection system and dispute settlement system with respect to intellectual property shall be established and improved. Policies on culture, education, scientific research and sanitation and those on intellectual property shall be coordinated and linked to safeguard public’s rights of lawful and reasonable use of innovations and information in activities in fields of culture, education, scientific research and sanitation, promote the reasonable share of innovative achievements, and guarantee state’s ability in dealing with public crisis.
(十一)将已经发表的汉族文字作品翻译成少数民族文字在国内出版发行;    (11) translation of a published work from the language of the Han nationality into minority nationality languages for publication and distribution in the country;
(十二)将已经发表的作品改成盲文出版。    (12) transliteration of a published work into Braille and publication of the work so transliterated.
(二)将他人开发的软件当作自己的作品发表;    (2) Taking software developed by others and publishing it in one's own name;
(二)发明或者实用新型说明书的摘要,外观设计的图片或者照片及其简要说明;    (2) the abstract of the specification of an invention or utility model, the drawings or photographs of a design and its brief explanation;
(二)申请属于专利法第五条、第二十五条的规定,或者不符合专利法第二十二条、本细则第十三条第一款、第二十条第一款、第二十一条第二款的规定,或者依照专利法第九条规定不能取得专利权的;    (2) the application falls under Article 5, Article 25 of the Patent Law; or it is not in conformity with Article 22 of the Patent Law, Paragraph 1 of Article 13, Paragraph 1 of Article 20, Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of these Rules; or the applicant is not entitled to a patent right in accordance with Article 9 of the Patent Law;
(二)未缴纳本细则第九十条第一款规定的申请费、公布印刷费和本细则第一百零一条第二款规定的宽限费的;    (2) the application fee or the publishing and printing fee provided in Paragraph 1 of Article 90 of these Rules or the fee for extending the time limit provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 101 of these Rules has not been paid;
(二)背景技术:写明对发明或者实用新型的理解、检索、审查有用的背景技术;有可能的,并引证反映这些背景技术的文件;    (2) the background technologies: indicating the background technologies useful to the understanding, retrieval and examination of the invention or utility model; and if possible, citing the documents which reflect these background technologies;
(二)特征部分:使用“其特征是……”或者类似的用语,写明发明或者实用新型区别于最接近的现有技术的技术特征。    (2) the characterizing portion: stating, in such diction as ""characterized in that ..."" or in similar diction, the technical features of the invention or utility model, which distinguish it from the closest technology currently available;
(二)拥有该软件著作权的公民死亡而无合法继承者。    (2) The citizen holding the software copyright dies without a legal heir.
(二)未提交附图副本或者摘要附图副本的;    (2) the copies of the appended drawings or of the drawings appended to the abstract have not been submitted;
(二)限定部分:写明发明或者实用新型附加的技术特征。    (2) the defining portion: stating the additional technical features of the invention or utility model.
2、有确定的接收方位、接收内容和收视对象范围;    (2) the direction of reception, the content thereof and the scope of eligible viewers have been definitely specified;?
(二)许可使用的权利是专有使用权或者非专有使用权;    (2) the exclusive or nonexclusive nature of the right to exploit the workcovered by the license;
(二) 抵押人被宣告破产或者被撤销;    (2) The mortgagor has been declared bankrupt or has been canceled;
(二) 担保物权实现;    (2) The real rights for security have been realized;
(二) 抵押权已登记的先于未登记的受偿;    (2) The registered mortgage right shall be cleared off prior to the unregistered one; and
(二)署名权,即表明作者身份,在作品上署名的权利;    (2) the right of authorship, that is, the right to claim authorship and to have the author's name indicated on his works;
(二) 建设用地使用权;    (2) the right to use construction land;
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