

(四) 选聘和解聘物业服务企业或者其他管理人;    (4) to hire or fire the realty service enterprise or any other manager;
(四)负责著作权涉外管理工作;    (4) To undertake administration as far as external copyright relation is concerned;
(四) 可以转让的基金份额、股权;    (4) transferable fund units and stock rights;
(4)实施国家知识产权战略,大力提升知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理能力,有利于增强我国自主创新能力,建设创新型国家;有利于完善社会主义市场经济体制,规范市场秩序和建立诚信社会;有利于增强我国企业市场竞争力和提高国家核心竞争力;有利于扩大对外开放,实现互利共赢。必须把知识产权战略作为国家重要战略,切实加强知识产权工作。    (4)???? The implementation of the national intellectual property strategy and endeavors in? largely improving abilities in creation, utilization, protection and administration of intellectual property are conductive to strengthen China’s independent innovation ability to build a innovative country, to improve socialist market economic system, regulating market orders and building an honest society, to enhance Chinese enterprises’ market competitiveness and national core competitiveness, and enlarge opening up to the outside world to achieve win-win result. Therefore, the intellectual property strategy shall be deemed as an important state strategy and the works concerning intellectual property shall be intensified.
(五)违约责任;    (5) the liability for breach of contract; and
(五) 债务人、抵押人被宣告破产或者被撤销;    (5) The obligor or the mortgagor is declared bankrupt or is revoked; or
(五)使用权和获得报酬权,即以复制、表演、播放、展览、发行、摄制电影、电视、录像或者改编、翻译、注释、编辑等方式使用作品的权利;以及许可他人以上述方式使用作品,并由此获得报酬的权利。    (5) the right of exploitation and the right to remuneration, that is, the right of exploiting one's work by means of reproduction, performance, broadcasting, exhibition distribution, making cinematographic, television or video production, adaptation, translation, annotation, compilation and the like, and the right of authorizing others to exploit one's work by the above-mentioned means, and of receiving remuneration therefor.
(五)转让权,即向他人转让由本条第(三)项和第(四)项规定的使用权和使用许可权的权利。    (5) The right of transfer, is the right to transfer to others the right of use and right of licensing under provisions 3 and 4 of this article.
(五)申请人或者专利代理机构的签字或者盖章;    (5) the signature or seal of the applicant or the patent agency;
(五)具体实施方式:详细写明申请人认为实现发明或者实用新型的优选方式;必要时,举例说明;有附图的,对照附图。    (5) the specific method of use: indicating in details the best method considered by the applicant to use the invention or utility model; when necessary, illustrating with examples; and comparing with the appended drawings, if any.
(五) 质押财产交付的时间。    (5) the time for the deliver of pledged properties.
5、有健全的管理制度。    (5) there is a sound system of administration in the applying unit..
(5)本商品的通用名称和图形;    (5) those relating to generic names or designs of the goods in respect of which the trademark is used;
(五)负责国家享有的著作权管理工作;    (5) To administer copyright of which the State is the owner;
(五) 筹集和使用建筑物及其附属设施的维修资金;    (5) to raise or use the funds for maintaining the building and affiliated facilities thereof;
(五)反映历史上各时代、各民族社会制度、社会生产、社会生活的代表性实物。    (5) typical material objects reflecting the social system, social production or the life of various nationalities in different historical periods.
(5)实施国家知识产权战略,要坚持以邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,按照激励创造、有效运用、依法保护、科学管理的方针,着力完善知识产权制度,积极营造良好的知识产权法治环境、市场环境、文化环境,大幅度提升我国知识产权创造、运用、保护和管理能力,为建设创新型国家和全面建设小康社会提供强有力支撑。    (5)???? To implement the national intellectual property strategy, we shall adhere to being guided by Deng Xiaoping Theory and important thoughts of the Three Representatives, effectively carry out the scientific view of development in an all-round way and follow guidelines of stimulation of creation, useful utilization, protection by law and scientific administration to improve the intellectual property system, actively create a good law, market and cultural environment for intellectual property and substantially enhance the state’s abilities in creation, utilization, protection and administration of intellectual property, so as to provide strong support for the building of an innovative country and a moderately prosperous society in all respects.
(52)构建国家基础知识产权信息公共服务平台。建设高质量的专利、商标、版权、集成电路布图设计、植物新品种、地理标志等知识产权基础信息库,加快开发适合我国检索方式与习惯的通用检索系统。健全植物新品种保护测试机构和保藏机构。建立国防知识产权信息平台。指导和鼓励各地区、各有关行业建设符合自身需要的知识产权信息库。促进知识产权系统集成、资源整合和信息共享。    (52) The national basic intellectual property information public service platform shall be established. We shall create high-quality intellectual property information data bases on patent, trademark, copyright, IC layout design, new variety of plant and geographic indications, accelerate to develop a general retrieval system adapt for Chinese retrieval modes and habits, perfect protecting and testing organizations and preserving organizations for new varieties of plants, establish national defense intellectual property information platform, guide and encourage regions and relevant trades to create intellectual property data base suitable for their own needs, and boost integration of intellectual property systems and resources, and information sharing.
(53)建立知识产权预警应急机制。发布重点领域的知识产权发展态势报告,对可能发生的涉及面广、影响大的知识产权纠纷、争端和突发事件,制订预案,妥善应对,控制和减轻损害。    (53) The intellectual property forewarning and emergency system shall be established. Efforts shall be made to issue intellectual property developing trend report in major areas, and formulate emergency plans for potential intellectual property disputes, conflicts and emergent incidents with extensive involvement and large influences, handling them properly and controlling and reducing damages incurred.
(55)建立知识产权中介服务执业培训制度,加强中介服务职业培训,规范执业资质管理。明确知识产权代理人等中介服务人员执业范围,研究建立相关律师代理制度。完善国防知识产权中介服务体系。大力提升中介组织涉外知识产权申请和纠纷处置服务能力及国际知识产权事务参与能力。    (55) The professional training system for intellectual property intermediary services shall be established to enhance professional training for intermediary services and regulate administration of professional qualifications. Business scopes for intermediary service providers including intellectual property agents shall be defined and the establishment of relevant attorney procuration system shall be studied. The intermediary service system for national defense intellectual properties shall be improved. More efforts shall be made to improve agencies’ abilities in overseas intellectual property application, dispute settlement service and engagement in international intellectual property tasks.
(59)建立部门协调机制,统筹规划知识产权人才队伍建设。加快建设国家和省级知识产权人才库和专业人才信息网络平台。    (59) The department coordination system shall be established and overall planning for construction of human resource fro intellectual property shall be made. The establishment of human resource pool for intellectual property as well as professionals information platform at national and provincial level shall be accelerated.
(六)专利权的终止;    (6) termination of the patent right;
(6)直接表示商品的质量、主要原料、功能、用途、重量、数量及其他特点的;    (6) those having direct reference to the quality, main raw materials, function, use, weight, quantity or other features of the goods in respect of which the trademark is used;
(六)指导地方著作权行政管理部门的工作;    (6) To provide guidance for local copyright authorities with their performance of administrative functions;
(六) 改建、重建建筑物及其附属设施;    (6) to rebuild the building or any of its affiliated facilities;
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