国务院专利行政部门应当自收到请求书之日起3个月内作出裁决,并通知当事人。 The administrative department for patent under the State Council shall, within 3 months as of its receipt of the written request, make the ruling, and notify the party concerned.县级以上地方各级人民政府体育行政部门或者本级人民政府D 授权的机构主管本行政区域内的体育工作。 The administrative departments for physical culture and sports of the local people's governments at or above the county level or the organs authorized by the people's governments at the corresponding levels shall be in charge of the work of physical culture and sports within their administrative areas.工商、公安、卫生等行政部门对违反本办法有关规定的行为,在法定的职权范围内,依照法律、法规和规章的规定进行处罚。 The administrative departments of industry and commerce, public security and public health shall punish the violations of relevant provisions hereunder as authorized and prescribed.专利专利代理机构的具体管理办法由国务院规定。 The administrative regulations governing the patent agency shall be formulated by the State Council.作品完成两年的期限,自作者向单位交付作品之日起计算。 The aforementioned 2 years period after the creation of the work shall be calculated from the date on which the work concerned is submitted to the institution.上述报酬,均以人民币支付,个别确属特别情况必须支付外汇者,经上级主管部门批准后,在本单位所得外汇中支付。 The aforesaid remunerations shall be paid in Renminbi. The few really special cases that require payment in foreign exchange, the payment shall, upon approval by the higher competent departments, be made out of the foreign exchange that the units concerned have obtained.侵犯布图设计专有权的赔偿数额,为侵权人所获得的利益或者被侵权人所受到的损失,包括被侵权人为制止侵权行为所支付的合理开支。 The amount of compensation for infringement of the exclusive rights in a layout-design is the interests sought by the infringer or losses inflicted to the infringee, including the reasonable expenses of the latter in stopping the infringement.申请文件中表示同一组成部分的附图标记应当一致。 The appended drawing reference signs for the same composite part used in the application documents shall be consistent throughout.附图标记不得解释为对权利要求的限制。 The appended drawing reference signs shall not be construed as limiting the claim.附图应当用制图工具和黑色墨水绘制,线条应当均匀清晰,并不得涂改。 The appended drawings shall be made in black ink with the aid of drafting instruments. The lines shall be uniformly thick and well-defined, and shall not be altered.附图中除必需的词语外,不应当含有其他注释。 The appended drawings shall not contain any other explanatory notes, except for words that are indispensable.申请人提出专利国际申请的,应当遵守前款规定。 The applicant filing an international application for patent shall comply with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.申请人依照本细则第一百零一条的规定向国务院专利行政部门提交文件,可以使用传真方式。申请人使用传真方式的,以国务院专利行政部门收到传真件之日为提交日。 The applicant may submit documents to the administrative department for patent under the State Council in accordance with Article 101 of these Rules by facsimile. Where the applicant submits a document by facsimile, the date when the administrative department for patent under the State Council receives the facsimile shall be regarded as the submission date.申请人应当在进入中国国家阶段声明中指明记载生物材料样品保藏事项的文件以及在该文件中的具体记载位置。 The applicant shall state in the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China the documents recording the matters on the deposit of the sample of the biomaterial and the specific location of the record in the documents.申请人应当将该序列表作为说明书的一个单独部分提交,并按照国务院专利行政部门的规定提交该序列表的计算机可读形式的副本。 The applicant shall submit the sequence table as an independent portion of the specification, and submit a copy of the sequence table which can be read by the computer in accordance with the provisions of the administrative department for patent under the State Council.申请人应当就每件外观设计产品所需要保护的内容提交有关视图或者照片,清楚地显示请求保护的对象。 The applicant shall submit, with respect to the contents of each design product which is in need of protection, relevant views or photographs, so as to clearly show the object for which protection is sought.申请人应当自发送传真之日起14日内向国务院专利行政部门提交传真件的原件。期满未提交原件的,视为未提交该文件。 The applicant shall, within 14 days as of the date when he/it sent the facsimile, submit the original version of the facsimile to the administrative department for patent under the State Council. Where the original version has not been submitted at the expiry of the time limit, the document shall be deemed to have not been submitted.申请人要求优先权的,应当在缴纳申请费的同时缴纳优先权要求费;期满未缴纳或者未缴足的,视为未要求优先权。 The applicant who claims the right of priority shall pay the fee for claiming the right of priority at the same time with the payment of the application fee. Where the fee has not been paid or fully paid at the expiry of the time limit, the right of priority shall be deemed to have not been claimed.分案申请的请求书中应当写明原申请的申请号和申请日。 The application number and the application date of the original application shall be indicated in the written request for the division of application.前三款规定依照中国同有关国家签订的有关著作权的双边协定的规定实施。 The application of the foregoing three paragraphs shall be subject to the provisions of the bilateral agreements on copyright concluded by China with the countries concerned.专利申请权或者专利权的转让自登记之日起生效。 The assignment shall take effect as of the date of registration.有下列情形之一的职务作品,作者享有署名权,著作权的其他权利由法人或者非法人单位享有,法人或者非法人单位可以给予作者奖励: The author of a work created in the course of employment in one of the following circumstances shall enjoy the right of authorship, while the legal person or entity without legal personality shall enjoy the other rights included in the copyright and may reward the author:创作作品的公民是作者。 The author of a work is the citizen who has created the work.被许可人应当在合同规定的方式、条件、范围和时间内行使使用权。 The authorized person should implement the right of use within the form, conditions, scope, and period of the contract.电影、电视、录像作品中剧本、音乐等可以单独使用的作品的作者有权单独行使其著作权。 The authors of screenplay, musical works and other works that are included in a cinematographic, television or video-graphic work and can be exploited separately shall be entitled to exercise their copyright independently.