下列事项应当依照法定程序经本集体成员决定: The following issues shall be determined by the members of the collective according to the statutory procedures:有关职能部门要进一步明确职责,在政府统一领导下互相配合、共同搞好文物保护工作。 The functional departments concerned should further clearly define their respective responsibilities, coordinate with one another and jointly do a good job of the protection of cultural relics under the unified leadership of the government.县级以上行政区划的地名或者公众知晓的外国地名,不得作为商标,但是,地名具有其他含义的除外;已经注册的使用地名的商标继续有效。 The geographical names as the administrative divisions at or above the county level and the foreign geographical names well-known to the public shall not be used as trademarks, but such geographical names as have otherwise meanings shall be exclusive. Where a trademark using any of the above-mentioned geographical names has been approved and registered, it shall continue to be valid.对不具备安全条件的收藏单位所收藏的珍贵文物,上级文物行政管理部门有权将其调运到指定单位保管。 The higher departments of administration of cultural relics have the power to ship the rare and precious cultural relics collected by the collection units with no safety conditions to designated units for safekeeping.布图设计权利人对国务院知识产权行政部门撤销布图设计登记的决定不服的,可以自收到通知之日起3个月内向人民法院起诉。 The holder of right of the layout-design who is not satisfied with the decision by the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council on the revocation of the layout-design registration may institute legal proceedings in the People's Court within three months from the date of receipt of the notification thereof.有违法收入的予以没收; Where the circumstances are serious, the persons who are directly in charge and the other persons who are directly responsible shall be given disciplinary sanction in accordance with?law.???? The illegal earnings, if any, shall be confiscated.??? 投保方有权要求保险方对申报的每一笔保险,出具单独的保险单。 The Insured may ask the Insurer to issue a separate policy for any one risk declared.如果投保方向保险方提出赔偿要求时, 保险方可以按照保险合同规定,先予赔偿,但投保方必须将向第三者追偿的权利转让给保险方,并协助保险方向第三者追偿。 The Insurer may make compensation in advance according to the provisions of the contract if the Insured claims against him, in such case, however, the Insured shall subrogate to the Insurer the right of recovery against the third party and assist the latter in pursuing such recovery.??? 保险方可以对被保险财产的安全情况进行检查,如发现不安全因素,应及时向投保方提出消除不安全因素的合理建议,投保方应及时采取措施消除。否则,由此引起保险事故造成的损失,由投保方自己负责,保险方不负赔偿责任。 The Insurer shall be entitled to make inspections as to the security condition of the insured property, and shall, in case of any potential unsafe factors being discovered, make reasonable recommendation to the Insured in good time for the removal thereof and the Insured shall take measures to eliminate them without delay, failing which he shall be liable for any less arising from an insured event caused thereby, and the Insurer shall exenterate himself from liability.保险方有权查对申报内容,如有遗漏,投保方必须补报。 The Insurer shall be entitled to verify the contents of the declarations, and in cases of any omission, the Insured shall rectify it by filing the omitted declaration or declarations.应当事人的请求,国务院知识产权行政部门可以就侵犯布图设计专有权的赔偿数额进行调解;调解不成的,当事人可以依照《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》向人民法院起诉。 The intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council, at the request of an interested party, may mediate on the amount of compensation for the infringement of the exclusive rights in the layout-design. Where the mediation fails, the interested party may institute legal proceedings in the People's Court according to the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China.不动产登记簿记载的权利人不同意更正的,利害关系人可以申请异议登记。登记机构予以异议登记的,申请人在异议登记之日起十五日内不起诉,异议登记失效。异议登记不当,造成权利人损害的,权利人可以向申请人请求损害赔偿。 The interested party may apply for dissidence registration, in case the holder recorded in the realty register does not agree to the alteration. Where the registration organ grants the dissidence registration but the applicant fails to lodge an action within 15 days as of the date of dissidence registration, the dissidence registration shall lose its effect. In case the dissidence registration is improper and bring into damages to the right holder, the holder may require the applicant to compensate for damages.要求获得发明专利权的国际申请,适用本细则第五十一条第一款的规定。 The international application for the patent right for invention shall be subject to Paragraph 1 of Article 51 of these Rules.布图设计登记申请人对国务院知识产权行政部门的复审决定仍不服的,可以自收到通知之日起3个月内向人民法院起诉。 The layout-design applicant who is still not satisfied with the reexamination decision by the intellectual property administrative authority under the State Council may institute legal proceedings in the People's Court within three months from the date of receipt of the notification.被许可人无权允许合同规定以外的任何单位或者个人实施该专利。 The licensee has no right to authorize any entity or individual, other than that referred to in the contract for exploitation, to exploit the patent.县级以上地方人民政府应当向土地承包经营权人发放土地承包经营权证、林权证、草原使用权证,并登记造册,确认土地承包经营权。 The local people's government at the country level or above shall issue a certificate of the right to the contracted management of land, a forestry right certificate or a grassland-use right certificate to the holder, register it in the brochure so as to confirm such rights.要统筹规划、集中资金、保证重点、讲究效益,切实抓好“九五”计划期间的文物维修工作。 The maintenance and repair work of cultural relics must be done well in real earnest during the ""Ninth Five-year Plan” period with overall planning, concentration of funds, guarantee for major sites and efficiency.为他人创作进行组织工作,提供咨询意见、物质条件,或者进行其他辅助活动,均不视为创作。 The making of arrangement and the provision of consultation, material means or supporting service, done for others in their creating activities, shall not be deemed as acts of creating.要发动、组织人民群众参与文物保护工作,根据实际需要建立群众性的文物保护组织,明确责任和权利;尽快改变许多文物实际处于无人保护的状况。 The masses should be motivated and organized to participate in the work of the protection of cultural relics and mass organizations for the protection of cultural relics set up in accordance with actual requirements and responsibilities and rights should be clearly defined so as to effect a change in the situation under which many cultural relics have been in an actual state of no protection.新闻单位要对知识产权保护工作加强报导,做好宣传教育和舆论监督工作。 The media should intensify the reporting on intellectual protection and fulfil satisfactorily the tasks of propagation, education, and supervision through public opinion.依照本法第一百八十一条规定抵押的,不得对抗正常经营活动中已支付合理价款并取得抵押财产的买受人。 The mortgage as provided for in Article 181 of the present Law may not challenge the buyer which has paid a reasonable price and obtained the mortgaged property in normal business operations.对不符合本办法规定条件的举办人,市体委或者区、县体育行政部门不予办理体育竞赛登记,并应当书面告知举办人。 The MPCSC or district or county physical cultural administrative department must not allow the sponsor who fails to meet the requirements hereunder to go through the registration of sports contest and must notify in writing the sponsor.对违反本办法有关规定的单位和个人,由市体委或者区、县体育行政部门按照下列规定给予处罚: The MPCSC or district or county physical cultural administrative department shall punish the units or individual persons who are in violation of relevant provisions of these Procedures as follows:前款条件的具体内容,由市体委予以公布。 The MPCSC shall publish the specific contents of the preceding Section.国家版权局负责查处著作权法第四十六条所列侵权行为中的下列行为: The National Copyright Administration shall investigate and redress the following infringements against copyright: