

全国重点文物保护单位的保护范围和记录档案,由省、自治区、直辖市文化行政管理部门报国家文化行政管理部门备案。    The scope of protection and records and files for the major sites to be protected at the national level shall be reported by the departments for cultural administration of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government to the state department for cultural administration for the record.
申请文件的文字部分应当横向书写。纸张限于单面使用。    The script of application documents shall run horizontally. Only one side of each sheet shall be used.
体育运动项目的范围,由上海市体育运动委员会(以下简称市体委)根据国家体育行政部门规定的体育运动项目,结合本市实际情况予以公布。    The Shanghai Municipal Physical cultural and Sports Commission (hereinafter called the MPCSC) shall publish the scope of sports events according to the sports events set by the State physical cultural administrative department and in line with the practicalities currently existing in this Municipality.
国家实行社会主义市场经济,保障一切市场主体的平等法律地位和发展权利。    The socialist market economy system shall be practiced by the state as well as the equal legal status and development rights of all market subjects shall be protected.
保证金的具体标准,由市体委根据体育竞赛的规模大小和竞赛项目的危险程度另行规定。    The specific standard of deposit shall be prescribed separately by the MPCSC according to the scale of sports contest and the degree of danger of contest events.
发明或者实用新型说明书应当用词规范、语句清楚,并不得使用“如权利要求……所述的……”一类的引用语,也不得使用商业性宣传用语。    The specification of the invention or utility model shall be written in standard terminologies and clear sentences, and shall not contain such phrases as: ""as described in Part ... of the claim,"" or any commercial advertising diction.
发明或者实用新型的说明书及其附图、权利要求书由国务院专利行政部门另行全文出版。    The specifications, appended drawings and patent claims of inventions or utility models shall be separately published in full by the administrative department for patent under the State Council.
举办人应当采取安全保卫措施,维护体育竞赛的正常秩序。    The sponsor must take safety and security measures to maintain normal order of sports contests.
举办人委托符合规定资格条件的体育机构举办体育竞赛的,除提交本条第一款规定的材料外,还应当提交委托举办合同和受托体育机构的批准设立、登记注册等有关证明材料。    The sponsor, authorizing a duly qualified physical cultural institution to organize a sports contest, must submit the contract and credentials of the commissioned physical cultural institution''s approved establishment and registration in addition to the documents prescribed in the Section 1 of this Article.
体育竞赛经准予登记后,举办人需要取消竞赛的,应当依法清理有关的债权债务后,向原竞赛登记部门办理注销登记,并发布公告。    The sponsor, who needs to cancel the contest approved for registration, must go through the cancellation registration with the original contest registry after legally clearing up related credits and debts, and must publish an announcement thereof.
前款所称的体育竞赛,是指采用售票、收报名费、接受赞助或者获取广告收入等形式举办,由举办人自负盈亏的体育运动项目竞赛活动。    The sports contests under the preceding section refer to the contests of sports events in the forms of selling tickets, collecting entry fees, accepting sponsorship or securing proceeds from advertisements, and with the sponsors assuming responsibility for their own profits and losses.
前款所列各种费用的缴纳标准,由国务院价格管理部门会同国务院专利行政部门规定。    The standards for the payment of all fees enumerated in the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by the administrative department for price under the State Council jointly with the administrative department for patent under the State Council.
国务院    The State Council
国务院将不定期地组织各知识产权行政执法机关和科技、经济、文化、新闻出版、广播电影电视、公安等有关部门,    The State Council is going to organize nonperiodically the various administrative authorities and enforcement agencies for intellectual property affairs, together with the departments concerned such as scientific, technological, economic, cultural, press, publishing, broadcasting, cinematic, television and public security matters, etc.,
国有财产由国务院代表国家行使所有权;法律另有规定的,依照其规定。    The State Council shall exercise the ownership of state-owned properties on behalf of the state; in case there is any otherwise provision in any law, such provision shall prevail.
国务院将抓紧研究、制定对知识产权实行边境保护措施的行政法规。    The State Council will pay close attention to the study and formulation of administrative regulations for carrying out border measures in respect of intellectual property protection.
国家文化行政管理部门在各级文物保护单位中,选择具有重大历史、艺术、科学价值的作为全国重点文物保护单位,或者直接指定全国重点文物保护单位, 报国务院核定公布。    The state department for cultural administration shall select, from among the sites to be protected at different levels, those which have a significant historical, artistic or scientific value as major sites to be protected at the national level, or shall directly designate such sites and report them to the State Council for approval and announcement.
国家鼓励企业事业组织、社会团体和公民依法举办体育专业教育。    The State encourages enterprises, institutions, public organizations and citizens to operate professional institutions for physical culture and sports education in accordance with law.
国家对公民出售个人所有的传世珍贵文物有优先购买权。    The State has priority purchasing right over rare and precious cultural relics handed down from generations and owned by individuals which are put on sale by citizens.
国家实行社会体育指导员技术等级制度。社会体育指导员社会体育活动进行指导。    The State practices a skill-grading system for social sports instructors, who shall guide social sports activities.
国家推进体育管理体制改革。国家鼓励企业事业组织、社会团体和公民兴办和支持体育事业。    The State promotes reform in the sports administration system. The State encourages enterprises, institutions, public organizations and citizens to run and support undertakings of physical culture and sports.
把加强知识产权保护提到科技、经济、文化工作的重要议事日程,    The strengthening of intellectual property protection should be placed on the agenda of scientific, technical, economic and cultural work as an important matter.
一项发明专利的奖金最低不少于2000元;一项实用新型专利或者外观设计专利的奖金最低不少于500元。    The sum of money prize for a patent for invention shall be no less than 2,000 Yuan; the sum of money prize for a patent for utility model or design shall be no less than 500 Yuan.
重要文物和其他珍品的摄影和使用,涉及国界线的地图的出版,应严格按照国家有关规定办理。    The taking of photographs of important cultural relics and other rare, precious objects and the use of such photographs, and the publication of maps that involve boundary lines of China shall be handled in strict accordance with the pertinent provisions of the State.
权利要求中的技术特征可以引用说明书附图中相应的标记,该标记应当放在相应的技术特征后并置于括号内,便于理解权利要求。    The technical features mentioned in the claim may quote the corresponding reference signs in the appended drawings of the specification, and such reference signs shall follow the corresponding technical features and be placed between parentheses, so that the claim can be easily understood.
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