现将《国家知识产权战略纲要》印发给你们,请认真贯彻实施。 The National Intellectual Property Strategy Compendium is hereby printed and distributed to you, please implement it fully.不予退还的保证金,专项用于对体育竞赛参赛者、消费者的损害补偿或者抵充罚款。 The non-refundable deposit is to be exclusively used for damage compensation to contestants and consumers or as payment for fines.最高额抵押权设立前已经存在的债权,经当事人同意,可以转入最高额抵押担保的债权范围。 The obligee's rights existing prior to the establishment of the mortgage right at maximum amount may, upon the consent of the parties concerned, be incorporated into the scope of obligee's rights under the mortgage security at maximum amount.享有软件著作权的单位发生变更,不改变该软件权利的保护期。 The occurrence of succession will not change the term of protection of the software's rights.??? 预约保险合同应当订明预约的保险责任范围、保险财产范围、每一保险或一地点的最高保险金额、保险费结算办法等。 The open cover shall stipulate the scope of cover, the range of property insured, the maximum amount of insurance each risk or at each place and the method of settling premium, etc.建筑区划内,规划用于停放汽车的车位、车库的归属,由当事人通过出售、附赠或者出租等方式约定。 The ownership of the parking places and garages shall be agreed upon by the related parties in the manners of selling, complementary using or leasing, etc.占用业主共有的道路或者其他场地用于停放汽车的车位,属于业主共有。 The parking places, which occupy the roads or other fields commonly owned by all owners, shall be in the common ownership of all the owners.当事人一方不履行仲裁裁决的,另一方可以申请人民法院执行。 The parties shall implement the arbitration award. If one of the parties fails to implement the award, the other party may apply to a people's court for execution.国务院专利行政部门依照中华人民共和国参加的有关国际条约、本法和国务院有关规定处理专利国际申请。 The patent administration department under the State Council shall handle any international application for patent in accordance with the international treaty concerned to which China is party, this Law and the relevant regulations of the State Council.国务院专利行政部门认为必要的时候,可以自行对发明专利申请进行实质审查。 The Patent Administration Department Under the State Council? may, on its own initiative, proceed to examine any application for a patent for invention as to its substance when it deems it necessary.代理机构应当遵守法律、行政法规,按照被代理人的委托办理专利申请或者其他专利事务; The patent agency shall comply with the provisions of laws and administrative regulations, and handle patent applications and other patent matters according to the instructions of its clients.除绝对必要的外,不得使用“如说明书……部分所述” 或者“如图……所示”的用语。 The patent claim may contain chemical or mathematical formulas but no drawings, and shall not contain such dictions as: ""as described in Part ... of the specification"" or ""as illustrated in Figure ..."" unless such dictions are absolutely necessary.专利权人和无效宣告请求人应当在指定期限内答复专利复审委员会发出的转送文件通知书或者无效宣告请求审查通知书; The patent holder and the person making the request for invalidation shall, within a specified time limit, make a response to the notification on transmitting the documents sent by the Patent Re-examination Board or the notification on examining the request for invalidation;发明或者实用新型专利的专利权人不得修改专利说明书和附图,外观设计专利的专利权人不得修改图片、照片和简要说明。 The patent holder of a patent for invention or utility model shall not amend the specification or the appended drawings of a patent, and the patent holder of patent for design shall not amend the drawings, photographs or brief explanation.专利复审委员会复审后,作出决定,并通知专利申请人。 The Patent Reexamination Board shall, after reexamination, make a decision and notify the applicant for patent.??发明专利权自公告之日起生效。 The patent right for invention shall take effect as of the date of the announcement.实用新型专利权和外观设计专利权自公告之日起生效。 The patent right for utility model or design shall take effect as of the date of the announcement.人民法院应当通知无效宣告请求程序的对方当事人作为第三人参加诉讼。 The people's court shall notify the person that is the opponent party of that party in the invalidation procedure to appear as a third party in the legal proceedings.人民法院处理前款申请,适用《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》第九十三条至第九十六条和第九十九条的规定。 The people's court, when dealing with the request mentioned in the preceding paragraph, shall apply the provisions of Article 93 through Article 96 and of Article 99 of the Civil Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China各级人民政府要充分认识知识产权制度在推动科技进步和经济发展中的重要意义, The People’s Governments at various levels have to understand fully the importance of the intellectual property system in giving impetus to scientific and technical progress and economic development.许可合同的有效期限一次不得超过十年。合同期满可以续订。 The period of effectiveness an authorizing contract may not exceed 10 years. When the period is complete, the contract may be extended.每次续展注册的有效期为十年。 The period of validity of each renewal of registration shall be ten years.督促解决一些地方存在的执法不严和对侵权行为处罚不力的现象。 The phenomena such as laxity in law enforcement and leniency in punishing infringing acts existing in some local authorities should also be supervised and eliminated.对举办人有下列行为之一的,体育行政部门不予退还保证金: The physical cultural administrative department must not refund the deposit to the sponsor involved in any of the following:最高额质权除适用本节有关规定外,参照本法第十六章第二节最高额抵押权的规定。 The pledge right of maximum amount shall be governed by, in addition to the related provisions in this Section, the provisions on mortgage right at maximum amount prescribed in Section 1I of Chapter 16 of the present Law by reference.