

(六)为学校课堂教学或者科学研究,翻译或者少量复制已经发表的作品,供教学或者科研人员使用,但不得出版发行;    (6) translation or reproduction in a small quantity of copies, of a published work for use by teachers or scientific researchers, in classroom teaching or scientific research, provided that the translation or reproduction shall not be published or distributed;
(61)制定培训规划,广泛开展对党政领导干部、公务员、企事业单位管理人员、专业技术人员、文学艺术创作人员、教师等的知识产权培训。    (61) Training plans shall be made out and training on intellectual property for party and government leaders, civil servants, administrators from enterprises and institutions, professional technical personnel, cultural and art creators and teachers shall be extensively launched.
(7)带有民族歧视性的;    (7) those having the nature of discrimination against any nationality;
(七)承担国务院交办的其他著作权管理工作。    (7) To carry out other duties assigned by the State Council in relation to copyright administration.
(八)专利权的终止;    (8) termination of the patent right;
(8)夸大宣传并带有欺骗性的;    (8) those having the nature of exaggeration and fraud in advertising goods;
(九)翻译,指将作品从一种语言文字转换成另一种语言文字;    (9) Translation is the conversion of the language of a work into another language;
——运用知识产权的效果明显增强,知识产权密集型商品比重显著提高。企业知识产权管理制度进一步健全,对知识产权领域的投入大幅度增加,运用知识产权参与市场竞争的能力明显提升。形成一批拥有知名品牌和核心知识产权,熟练运用知识产权制度的优势企业。    -The effect of utilization of intellectual properties is shown more prominently and the proportion of knowledge-intensive goods in the total goods rises substantially. Enterprise intellectual property management system is further improved. Enterprises’ inputs in intellectual property field are increased considerably and their abilities in utilization of intellectual properties to participate in market competition are well improved. A group of excellent enterprises possessing renowned brands and core intellectual properties as well as abilities in maturely use of intellectual property systems are formed.
——自主知识产权水平大幅度提高,拥有量进一步增加。本国申请人发明专利年度授权量进入世界前列,对外专利申请大幅度增加。培育一批国际知名品牌。核心版权产业产值占国内生产总值的比重明显提高。拥有一批优良植物新品种和高水平集成电路布图设计。商业秘密、地理标志、遗传资源、传统知识和民间文艺等得到有效保护与合理利用。    -The level of independent intellectual property is substantially improved and the ownerships of them are further increased. The annual authorization number of patents for invention for Chinese appliers ranks front in the relevant international rankings and overseas patent applications increase considerably. A group of world famous brands are to be established. The proportion of the outputs of core copyright industry in the GDP rises largely. A batch of new varieties of plants and high-level IC layout designs are owned by China. Business secrets, geographical indications, generic resources, traditional knowledge and folk literature are effectively protected and rationally utilized.
——全社会特别是市场主体的知识产权意识普遍提高,知识产权文化氛围初步形成。    -The whole society, especially market subjects, generally has a better sense of intellectual property and the cultural atmosphere of intellectual property is formed primarily.
(一)对未按规定申报登记,擅自举办体育竞赛的,责令停止违法活动,并处以2000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以1万元以上3万元以下罚款。    1. Those who fail to apply for registration accordingly and organize sports contests without authority shall be ordered to stop illegal activities and be fined between 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.
十一、国务院有关部门可以根据本决定制定加强企事业单位知识产权工作的具体办法。    11. The departments concerned of the State Council may formulate, on the basis of this Decision, specific rules for strengthening the intellectual property work in enterprises and institutions.
二、保护知识产权是一项涉及立法、司法、执法和行政管理等多方面的综合性工作。    2. The protection of intellectual property is a comprehensive task involving many aspects such as legislation, judicature, law enforcement, and administration.
(二)对未按规定办理变更登记或者注销登记,擅自变更体育竞赛的名称、内容、举办主体或者取消体育竞赛的,责令限期改正,并处以2000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以1万元以上3万元以下罚款。    2. Those who fail legally to cancel a registration, or alter the name, contents or the sponsor of a sports contest or cancel a sports contest without authority shall be ordered to comply within a time limit and be fined between RMB 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, shall carry fines of between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.
(二)商标。    2. Trademark
(三)对不按照经登记的体育竞赛规程、规则和实施方案组织体育竞赛的,责令限期改正,并可以处以500元以上2000元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以5000元以上1万元以下罚款。    3. Those who fail to organize sports contests according to the registered regulations, rules and implementation schemes of sports contests shall be ordered to comply within a time limit and may be fined between RMB 500 yuan and 2,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, between RMB 5,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan.
(四)对擅自更改已向社会公布的体育竞赛时间或者地点的,给予警告,并可以处以500元以上2000元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以5000元以上3万元以下罚款。    4. Those who alter without authorization the time or venue of sports contest already made public shall be given warnings and may be fined between RMB 500 yuan and 2,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, between RMB 5,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.
六、各行业要把加强知识产权工作作为推动行业科技进步和经济发展的一项重要措施。    6. The various trades should take the strengthening of intellectual property work as an important measure for promoting the scientific-technological progress and economic development within the trade.
(六)对将募捐性体育竞赛的收入挪作他用的,责令限期改正,并处以2000元以上1万元以下罚款;情节严重的,处以1万元以上3万元以下罚款。    6. Those who divert the proceeds in donation from sports contests to any other purposes shall be ordered to make correction within a time limit and be fined between RMB 2,000 yuan and 10,000 yuan, or, in serious cases, between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.
七、各项科技发展计划的主管部门要把知识产权工作作为计划管理的重要环节,要针对计划的实施和发展制定统一的知识产权战略,特别要加强与计划有关的领域中的知识产权调查、分析及相应的对策研究,使知识产权工作贯穿于计划项目的立项、成果的法律保护以及成果商品化、产业化和国际化的全过程。    7. The departments responsible for various plans of scientific-technological development should take intellectual property work as an important link in the management of their plans and formulate a unified intellectual property strategy in the light of the execution and development of the plans, and should in particular strengthen the investigation and analysis of intellectual property in the fields related to the plans and the corresponding study of countermeasures, so that the intellectual property work will run through the entire process of planning projects’ approving, achievements’ legal protecting and their commercialization, industrialization and internationalization.
(七)对未按规定向体育行政部门提交竞赛情况总结、成绩册和具有审计资格的机构出具的竞赛经费收支审计报告的,给予警告,并可以处以500元以上1万元以下罚款。    7. Those who fail to submit a contest summary, contest results and an auditing report on the revenue and expenditure of contest funds made by an agency with auditing qualification to the physical cultural administrative department according to provisions shall be given warnings and may be fined between RMB 500 yuan and 10,000 yuan.
(八)对组织管理不善,造成参赛者或者消费者重大伤亡的,处以1万元以上3万元以下罚款。    8. Those whose improper organization-management causes heavy casualties to contestants and consumers shall be fined between RMB 10,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan.
九、科技、经济、文化领域的各类行业协会以及专门的知识产权社会团体和社会化服务组织,是推动知识产权法律实施、加强知识产权保护工作的一支重要力量。    9. The various categories of trade associations in the scientific, technical, economic and cultural fields, together with specialized public organizations concerning intellectual property and socialized service organizations, are an important force in promoting the implementation of intellectual property laws and strengthening the work in intellectual property protection.
举办体育竞赛的收入,应当依法纳税。    Taxes on proceeds from sports contests must be paid according to law.
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