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(三)使用权,即在不损害社会公共利益的前提下,以复制、展示、发行、修改、翻译、注释等方式使用其软件的权利;    (3) The right of use, is the right to use the software by copying, demonstrating, distributing, altering, translating, annotating, etc., under the precondition of not harming the public interest.
(三) 以招标、拍卖、公开协商等方式取得的荒地等土地承包经营权;    (3) the right to contracted management of such land as barren land, etc. that is acquired through bid invitation, auction and public consultation, etc.;
(三)许可使用的范围、期间;    (3) the scope and term of the license;
(3)同政府间国际组织的旗帜、徽记、名称相同或者近似的;    (3) those identical with or similar to the flags, emblems or names, of international intergovernmental organizations;
(三)批准设立著作权集体管理机构、涉外代理机构和合同纠纷仲裁机构,并监督、指导其工作;    (3) To approve the formation of and to supervise the operation of collective administration of copyright, copyright agent business dealing with cross-border transactions and arbitrations scheme for disputes raised in relation to copyright contracts;
(三)许可他人从现场直播;    (3) to authorize others to make live broadcasts; and
(三)许可他人复制发行其制作的广播、电视节目,并获得报酬。    (3) to authorize others to reproduce and distribute the radio or television programme, and to receive remuneration therefor.
(3)伪造、擅自制造他人注册商标标识或者销售伪造、擅自制造的注册商标标识的;    (3) to counterfeit, or to make, without authorization, representations of a registered trademark of another person, or to sell such representations of a registered trademark as were counterfeited, or made without authorization;
(三) 如实、及时登记有关事项;    (3) to register the related items in accordance with the facts and in a timely manner; and
(三) 选举业主委员会或者更换业主委员会成员;    (3) to vote for the owners' committee or alter the members thereof t;
(四) 集体出资的企业的所有权变动等事项;    (4) the alteration of ownership or any other related issue of an enterprise set up with the funds invested in by the collective; and
(四)申请的修改不符合专利法第三十三条规定,或者分案的申请不符合本细则第四十三条第一款规定的。    (4) the amendment to the application is not in conformity with Article 33 of the Patent Law, or the divisional application is not in conformity with Paragraph 1 of Article 43 of these Rules.
(四)付酬标准和办法;    (4) the amount of remuneration and the method of its payment;
4、有合格的专职管理人员;    (4) the applying unit possesses qualified professional personnel for the administration of such programs; and
(四)进入中国国家阶段声明的内容或者格式不符合规定的。    (4) the content or format of the declaration for the entry of the National Phase in China is not in conformity with relevant provisions.
(四) 抵押财产被查封、扣押;    (4) The mortgaged property is sealed up or seized;
(四)保护作品完整权,即保护作品不受歪曲、篡改的权利;    (4) the right of integrity, that is, the right to protect one's work against distortion and mutilation;
(四)使用许可权和获得报酬权,即许可他人以本条第(三)项中规定的部分或者全部方式使用其软件的权利和由此而获得报酬的权利;    (4) The right of licensing use and receiving remuneration, is the right to license others, under provision 3 of this article, to use the entire software or a part of it, and the right to get remuneration for this.
(四) 担保的范围;    (4) the scope of security; and
(四) 担保的范围。    (4) the security scope.
(四)附图说明:说明书有附图的,对各幅附图作简略说明;    (4) the statement of the appended drawings: if the specification is appended with drawings, briefly stating each appended drawing;
(4)同“红十字”、“红新月”的标志、名称相同或者近似的;    (4) those identical with or similar to the symbols, or names, of the Red Cross or the Red Crescent;
(四)发现文物及时上报或者上交,使文物得到保护的;    (4) timely communication of information on, or delivery of, the cultural relics discovered, which facilitates their protection;
(四)许可他人为营利目的录音录像,并获得报酬。    (4) to authorize others to make sound recordings and video recordings for commercial purposes, and to receive remuneration therefor.
(4)给他人的注册商标专用权造成其他损害的。    (4) to cause, in other respects, prejudice to the exclusive right of another person to use a registered trademark.
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