

第一百零一条 国际申请的申请人应当在专利合作条约第二条所称的优先权日(本章简称“优先权日”)起20个月内,向国务院专利行政部门办理国际申请进入中国国家阶段的下列手续;    Article 101 The applicant of an international application shall, within 20 months as of the priority date mentioned in Article 2 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty (which is referred to as ""priority date"" in this Chapter), fulfill the following formalities for the international application to enter the National Phase in China to the administrative department for patent under the State Council;
第一百零二条 因共有的不动产或者动产产生的债权债务,在对外关系上,共有人享有连带债权、承担连带债务,但法律另有规定或者第三人知道共有人不具有连带债权债务关系的除外;在共有人内部关系上,除共有人另有约定外,按份共有人按照份额享有债权、承担债务,共同共有人共同享有债权、承担债务。偿还债务超过自己应当承担份额的按份共有人,有权向其他共有人追偿。    Article 102 As regards an obligee's right or a debt generated from a commonly owned realty or chattel, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law or the third party is aware of the fact that the co-owner does not have the relationship of joint and several creditor's right or debt, a co-owner shall enjoy joint and several creditor's right or undertake joint and several debt in terms of external relationship. In terms of the internal relationship among the co-owners, unless it is otherwise stipulated by the co-owners, a co-owner shall enjoy the creditor's right or undertake the debt on the basis of his own share, while joint owners shall enjoy the creditor's right or undertake the debt on a common basis. In case any several co-owner overpays his share of the debt, he/she has the right to recover the overpaid amount from the other co-owners.
第一百零二条 申请人在本细则第一百零一条第二款规定的期限内未办理进入中国国家阶段手续,或者在该期限届满时有下列情形之一的,其国际申请在中国的效力终止:    Article 102 Where the applicant fails to fulfill the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China within the time limit provided in Paragraph 2 of Article 101 of these Rules, or in case of any of the following circumstances at the expiry of this time limit, the effectiveness of his/its international application in China shall be terminated:
第一百零三条 共有人对共有的不动产或者动产没有约定为按份共有或者共同共有,或者约定不明确的,除共有人具有家庭关系等外,视为按份共有。    Article 103 In case the co-owners does not stipulate whether the commonly owned realty or chattel is under several co-ownership or joint ownership, or if the stipulation is unclear, unless there is a family relationship among the co-owners, it shall be considered as a several co-ownership.
第一百零三条 申请人办理进入中国国家阶段手续时有下列情形之一的,国务院专利行政部门应当通知申请人在指定期限内补正:    Article 103 Where the applicant falls under any of the following circumstances when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, the administrative department for patent under the State Council shall notify the applicant to rectify his/its application within a specified time limit:
第一百零四条 按份共有人对共有的不动产或者动产享有的份额,没有约定或者约定不明确的,按照出资额确定;不能确定出资额的,视为等额享有。    Article 104 A several co-owner's share of a commonly owned realty or chattel shall be decided on according to his contribution amount in the case of no or unclear stipulation; each several co-owner shall enjoy an equal share where it is impossible to determine the contribution amount.
第一百零四条 国际申请在国际阶段作过修改,申请人要求以经修改的申请文件为基础进行审查的,申请人应当在国务院专利行政部门作好国家公布的准备工作前提交修改的中文译文。    Article 104 Where an international application has been amended in the International Phase, and the applicant requests examination on the basis of the amended application documents, the applicant shall submit the amended Chinese translation before the administrative department for patent under the State Council has completed the preparation of national publication.
第一百零五条 两个以上单位、个人共同享有用益物权、担保物权的,参照本章规定。    Article 105 In case two or more entities or individuals commonly own the usufractuary right or real right for security of a realty or chattel, the provisions in this Chapter shall be applicable by reference.
第一百零五条 申请人办理进入中国国家阶段手续时,还应当满足下列要求:    Article 105 The applicant shall also, when fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, meet the following requirements:
第一百零六条 无处分权人将不动产或者动产转让给受让人的,所有权人有权追回;除法律另有规定外,符合下列情形的,受让人取得该不动产或者动产的所有权:    Article 106 In case a person unauthorized to dispose a realty or chattel alienates the realty or chattel to an assignee, the owner is entitled to recover the realty or chattel. The assignee shall obtain the ownership of the realty or chattel if meeting all of the following conditions, unless it is otherwise prescribed by law:
第一百零六条 申请人按照专利合作条约的规定,对生物材料样品的保藏已作出说明的,视为已经满足了本细则第二十五条第(三)项的要求。    Article 106 Where the applicant has made a statement on deposit of the sample of biomaterial in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty, he/it shall be deemed to have met the requirements in Item (3) of Article 25 of these Rules.
第一百零七条 所有权人或者其他权利人有权追回遗失物。该遗失物通过转让被他人占有的,权利人有权向无处分权人请求损害赔偿,或者自知道或者应当知道受让人之日起二年内向受让人请求返还原物,但受让人通过拍卖或者向具有经营资格的经营者购得该遗失物的,权利人请求返还原物时应当支付受让人所付的费用。权利人向受让人支付所付费用后,有权向无处分权人追偿。    Article 107 The owner or any other holder has the right to recover a lost property. In case the lost property is possessed by any other person through alienation, the owner has the right to require the person unauthorized to dispose of the property to compensate for damages, or, ask the assignee to return the original property within 2 years as of the date when he knows who is the assignee. But in case the assignee purchases the lost property through auction or from a qualified operator, the holder shall, when requiring the returning of the original property, pay the assignee the amount that the assignee has paid for purchasing the property. After paying the amount, the owner has the right to recover the amount from the person unauthorized to dispose of the property.
第一百零七条 申请人在国际阶段已要求一项或者多项优先权,在进入中国国家阶段时该优先权要求继续有效的,视为已经依照专利法第三十条的规定提出了书面声明。    Article 107 Where the applicant has claimed one or more rights of priority in the International Phase, and claimed the right(s) of priority to continue to be effective at the time of entering into the National Phase in China, the written declaration shall be deemed to have been made in accordance with Article 30 of the Patent Law.
第一百零八条 善意受让人取得动产后,该动产上的原有权利消灭,但善意受让人在受让时知道或者应当知道该权利的除外。    Article 108 After a bona fide assignee obtains a realty, the original rights on the realty shall be terminated, unless the bona fide assignee has already been or ought to be aware of the right when the transfer is made.
 第一百零八条 在优先权日起20个月期满前要求国务院专利行政部门提前处理和审查国际申请的,申请人除应当办理进入中国国家阶段手续外,还应当依照专利合作条约第二十三条第二款规定提出请求。    Article 108 Where an applicant requests before the expiry of a period of 20 months as of the priority date the administrative department for patent under the State Council to dispose of and examine the international application in advance, he/it shall, in addition to fulfilling the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, make the request in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 23 of the Patent Cooperation Treaty.
第一百零九条 拾得遗失物,应当返还权利人。拾得人应当及时通知权利人领取,或者送交公安等有关部门。    Article 109 A lost-and-found object shall be returned to the right holder. The person finding such object shall inform the right holder to claim the object or hand it over to such related departments as the public security department in time.
第一百零九条 要求获得实用新型专利权的国际申请,申请人可以在办理进入中国国家阶段手续之日起1个月内,向国务院专利行政部门提出修改说明书、附图和权利要求书。    Article 109 For an international application for the patent right for utility model, the applicant may, within 1 month as of the date when he/it fulfills the formalities for the entry of the National Phase in China, make a request to the administrative department for patent under the State Council for amending the specification, appended drawings and patent claim.
第十一条 专利法第六条所称执行本单位的任务所完成的职务发明创造,是指:    Article 11 ""Service invention-creation made by a person in execution of the tasks of the entity to which he belongs"" mentioned in Article 6 of the Patent Law means any invention-creation made:
第十一条 著作权属于作者,本法另有规定的除外。    Article 11 Except where otherwise provided in this Law, the copyright in a work shall belong to its author.
第十一条 违反本办法第八条、 第九条规定的单位,由省、自治区、直辖市广播电视厅(局)会同公安、国家安全厅(局)视情节轻重,给予警告、二万元以下罚款、直至吊销《许可证》的处罚。    Article 11 If any unit violates the provisions in Articles 8 and 9 of these Measures, the department (or bureau) of radio and television of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall, in conjunction with the department (or bureau) of public security and the department (or bureau) of state security at the same level and in accordance with the seriousness of the case, give such penalties as issuing a warning, imposing a fine of not more than Renminbi 20,000 yuan or, in an extreme case, revoking the permit..
第十一条 当事人申请登记,应当根据不同登记事项提供权属证明和不动产界址、面积等必要材料。    Article 11 In light of the different registration items, an applicant shall, when applying for the registration of a realty, provide the ownership certificate of the realty and such necessary materials as the [] and area of the realty.
第十一条 文物保护单位的保护范围内不得进行其他建设工程。如有特殊需要,必须经原公布的人民政府和上一级文化行政管理部门同意。    Article 11 No additional construction project may be undertaken within the scope of protection for a historical and cultural site. In cases of a special need, consent must be obtained from the people's government which made the original announcement on the designation of such a site and from the department for cultural administration at the next higher level.
第十一条(其他手续)法律、法规和规章规定举办体育竞赛需办理治安、工商、卫生、税务等其他审批手续的,举办人应当按照有关规定办理。    Article 11 Other Formalities Where laws, statutes and regulations provide that the examination and approval formalities of public security, industry and commerce, public health, taxation and others must be completed for conducting sports contests, the sponsor must comply therewith as required.
第十一条 受委托创作的布图设计,其专有权的归属由委托人和受托人双方约定;未作约定或者约定不明的,其专有权由受托人享有。    Article 11 The exclusive rights of a layout-design invented by entrustment are owned according to the agreement concluded between the entrusting and entrusted parties; where no agreement does reached or the agreement is not clearly specify, the exclusive rights are shared by the entrusted party.
第十一条 国家推行全民健身计划,实施体育锻炼标准,进l行体质监测。    Article 11 The State implements the National Fitness Program, carries out the Physical Training Qualification Standards and conducts monitoring of the people's physique.
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