

第一条 根据《中华人民共和国专利法》(以下简称专利法),制定本细则。    Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Patent Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as ""the Patent Law"")
第一条 为保护文学、艺术和科学作品作者的著作权,以及与著作权有关的权益,鼓励有益于社会主义精神文明、物质文明建设的作品的创作和传播,促进社会主义文化和科学事业的发展与繁荣,根据宪法制定本法。    Article 1 This Law is enacted, in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of protecting the copyright of authors in their literary, artistic and scientific works and rights and interests related to copyright, of encouraging the creation and dissemination of works which would contribute to the building of an advanced socialist culture and ideology and to socialist material development, and of promoting the development and flourishing of socialist culture and sciences.
第一条 为了发展体育事业,增强人民体质,提高体育运动水平,促进社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设,根据宪法,制定本法。    Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution for the purpose of developing undertakings of physical culture and sports, building up the people's physique, raising sports performance level and promoting the socialist material, ideological and cultural development.
第一条 为了加强国家对文物的保护,有利于开展科学研究工作,继承我国优秀的历史文化遗产,进行爱国主义和革命传统教育,建设社会主义精神文明,特制定本法。    Article 1 This Law is formulated with a view to strengthening state protection of cultural relics, contributing to the development of scientific research, inheriting the splendid historical and cultural legacy of our nation, conducting education in patriotism and in the revolutionary tradition, and building a socialist society with an advanced culture and ideology.
第一条 为了保护集成电路布图设计专有权,鼓励集成电路技术的创新,促进科学技术的发展,制定本条例。    Article 1 With a view to protecting the exclusive right of layout-design of integrated circuits, encouraging the innovation of integrated circuit technology and boosting the development of science and technology, the Regulations are hereby formulated as follows.
第一条 根据中华人民共和国著作权法(以下简称著作权法)第五十四条的规定,制定本实施条例。    Article 1. The present Regulations are formulated according to the Article 54 of the Copyright Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Copyright Law).
??? 第一条? 本条例依据《中华人民共和国经济合同法》的有关规定制定。    Article 1. The Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Contracts of Property Insurance are drawn up in accordance with relevant provisions of the Economic Contract Law of the People's Republic of China.
第一条 为了加强商标管理,保护商标专用权,促使生产者保证商品质量和维护商标信誉,以保障消费者的利益,促进社会主义商品经济的发展,特制定本法。    Article 1. This Law is enacted for the purposes of improving the administration of trademarks, protecting the exclusive right to use a trademark, and of encouraging producers to guarantee the quality of their goods and maintain the reputation of their trademarks, with a view to protecting consumers' interests and to promoting the development of socialist commodity economy.
第一条 为实施国际著作条约,保护外国作品著作权人的合法权益,制定本规定。    Article 1.These Provisions are formulated to implement the international copyright treaties and to protect the legitimate rights and interests of the owners of copyright in foreign works.
第十条 广播电视、 公安和国家安全部门负责监督检查卫星地面接收设施接收外国卫星传送的电视节目的管理工作,对违反本办法接收、录制、传播外国卫星传送的电视节目的行为有权予以制止。    Article 10 Departments of radio and television, public security and state security shall be responsible for exercising supervision and inspection over the administration of the reception of television programs transmitted via foreign satellites by ground satellite receiving facilities and shall have the power to stop any acts of violation of these Measures in receiving, recording or transmitting television programs transmitted via foreign satellites..
第十条 除专利法第二十八条和第四十二条规定的情形外,专利法所称申请日,有优先权的,指优先权日。    Article 10 Except for the circumstances provided in Article 28 and Article 42 of the Patent Law, the application date mentioned in the Patent Law means the priority date if there is a right of priority concerned.
第十条(担保和保证金)举办人向体育行政部门申报登记体育竞赛,应当提供担保;不能提供担保的,举办人应当向体育行政部门缴纳保证金。    Article 10 Guarantee and Deposit Applying to the physical cultural administrative department for registration of a sports contest, the sponsor must supply a guarantee; failing which, the sponsor must give a deposit to the physical cultural administrative department.
第十条 不动产登记,由不动产所在地的登记机构办理。    Article 10 The registration of a realty shall be handled by the registration organ at the locality of the realty.
第十条 国家提倡公民参加社会体育活动,增进身心健康。    Article 10 The State advocates citizens' participation in social sports activities so as to improve their physical and mental health.
第十条 著作权包括下列人身权和财产权:    Article 10 The term ""copyright"" shall include the following personal rights and property rights:
第十条 各级人民政府制定城乡建设规划时,事先要由城乡规划部门会同文化行政管理部门商定对本行政区域内各级文物保护单位的保护措施,纳入规划。    Article 10 When drawing up plans for urban and rural construction, the people's governments at various levels must see to it that protective measures for the historical and cultural sites to be protected at different levels are first worked out through consultation between the departments for urban and rural planning and the departments for cultural administration and that such measures are included in the plans.
第十条 两个以上自然人、法人或者其他组织合作创作的布图设计,其专有权的归属由合作者约定;未作约定或者约定不明的,其专有权由合作者共同享有。    Article 10 Where two or more natural persons, legal entities or other organisations have jointly invented a layout-design, the exclusive rights therein are owned according to what is agreed upon by the co-operating persons or parties; where no agreement is reached or the agreement does not clearly specify, the exclusive rights are shared by the co-operating persons or parties.
第十条 外国人或者外国企业在中国申请商标注册和办理其他商标事宜的,应当委托国家指定的组织代理。    Article 10. Any foreigner or foreign enterprise intending to apply for the registration of a trademark or for any other matters concerning a trademark in China shall entrust any of such organizations as designated by the State to act as his or its agent.
??? 第十条? 保险合同一经成立,保险方不得在保险有效期内终止合同。    Article 10. Once a contract of insurance is concluded, the Insurer shall not terminate it during its currency.
第十条 注释、整理他人已有作品的人,对经过自己注释、整理而产生的作品享有著作权,但对原作品不享有著作权,并且不得阻止其他人对同一已有作品进行注释、整理。    Article 10. Persons who have glossed or sorted-out preexisting works shall enjoy the copyright in the works thus created, in so far as they are not entitled to copyright in the works they used and do not have the right to prohibit the glossing or sorting-out done by other person in relation to the same pre-existing work.
第十条 专利申请权和专利权可以转让。    Article 10.? The right to apply for a patent and the patent right may be assigned.
第十条 将外国人已经发表的以汉族文字创作的作品,翻译成少数民族文字出版发行的,应当事先取得著作权人的授权。    Article 10.Prior authorization of the copyright owner shall be required if a published for eign work created in Chinese is to be translated into and published in the language of a minority nationality.
第一百条 按照专利合作条约已确定国际申请日并指定中国的国际申请,视为向国务院专利行政部门提出的专利申请,该国际申请日视为专利法第二十八条所称的申请日。    Article 100 An international application on which the international application date has been determined in accordance with the Patent Cooperation Treaty and which has designated China shall be deemed to be an application filed to the administrative department for patent under the State Council, and the international application date shall be deemed to be the application date mentioned in Article 28 of the Patent Law.
第一百条 共有人可以协商确定分割方式。达不成协议,共有的不动产或者动产可以分割并且不会因分割减损价值的,应当对实物予以分割;难以分割或者因分割会减损价值的,应当对折价或者拍卖、变卖取得的价款予以分割。    Article 100 The co-owners of a commonly owned realty or chattel may decide on through negotiation the way of partition. The real object shall be partitioned in case no agreement is achieved and the realty or chattel may be partitioned without impacting its value,;, the partition shall be executed by distributing the purchase price obtained from converting its value into money, the auction or selling off the realty or chattel in case it is difficult to partition it or its value would be affected because of the partition.
第一百零一条 按份共有人可以转让其享有的共有的不动产或者动产份额。其他共有人在同等条件下享有优先购买的权利。    Article 101 A several co-owner may alienate his share of the commonly owned realty or chattel. And the other several co-owners have the preemptive right for purchase on an equal footing.
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