国家鼓励、支持综合利用资源,对固体废物实行充分回收和合理利用,并采取有利于固体废物综合利用活动的经济、技术政策和措施。 The State encourages and supports the comprehensive use of resources, full recovery and rational utilization of solid waste, and adopts economic and technical policies and measures that facilitate the comprehensive use of solid waste.国家鼓励和支持环境保护产业的发展。 The State encourages and supports the development of environmental protection industries.国家鼓励、扶持开展洪水保险。 The state encourages and supports the flood insurance.国家鼓励和支持生产、使用优质燃料油,采取措施减少燃料油中有害物质对大气环境的污染。单位和个人应当按照国务院规定的期限,停止生产、进口、销售含铅汽油。 The State encourages and supports the production and consumption of superior fuel oil, and takes measures to reduce the pollution of atmospheric environment by harmful substances in the fuel oil. Units and individuals shall, according to the time limit prescribed by the State Council, stop the production, import and marketing of leaded gasoline.国家鼓励企业采用先进的脱硫、除尘技术。 The State encourages enterprises to adopt advanced technology for desulphurization and dust removal. 国家鼓励开发、利用新能源和可再生能源。 The State encourages the development and utilization of new and renewable resources of energy. 国家渔政渔港监督管理机构负责渔港船舶排污的监督和渔业港区水域的监视。 The state fisheries administration and fishing harbour superintendency agencies shall be responsible for supervising the discharge of pollutants by vessels in the fishing harbours and for exercising surveillance over the waters thereof. 国家制定优惠政策,对节能示范工程和节能推广项目给予支持。 The State formulates preferential policies in support of projects for demonstration and dissemination of energy conservation.国家保护依法开发利用野生动物资源的单位和个人的合法权益。 The state protects the lawful rights and interests of units and individuals engaged in the development or utilization of wildlife resources according to law. 国家保护承包造林的集体和个人的合法权益,任何单位和个人不得侵犯承包造林的集体和个人依法享有的林木所有权和其他合法权益。 The State protects the legitimate rights and interests of the collectives and private individuals who have contracted for forestation; no organization and private individual shall encroach upon the ownership of trees and other legitimate rights and interests entitled according to the law to the collectives and private individuals who have contracted for forestation.??? 国家指导、帮助集体矿山企业和个体采矿不断提高技术水平、资源利用率和经济效益。? The State provides guidance and assistance to collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings in unceasingly raising their technical level and in increasing utilization rate of the mineral resources and the economic results.??? 国家保障矿产资源的合理开发利用。禁止任何组织或者个人用任何手段侵占或者破坏矿产资源。各级人民政府必须加强矿产资源的保护工作。? The State safeguards the rational development and utilization of mineral resources. Seizing or damaging mineral resources by any means and by any organization or individual shall be prohibited. People's governments at various levels must make serious efforts to protect mineral resources. 国家采取措施取缔土法炼焦。禁止新建土法炼焦窑炉;现有的土法炼焦限期改造。 The State shall adopt measures to ban coke making by indigenous methods. The construction of kilns for making coke with indigenous methods shall be forbidden, and the existing kilns for making coke with indigenous methods shall be renovated within a time limit.国家对严重污染大气环境的落后生产工艺和严重污染大气环境的落后设备实行淘汰制度。 The State shall eliminate backward production techniques and equipment that seriously pollutes the atmospheric environment. 国家鼓励和扶持煤矿企业发展多种经营。 The State shall encourage and support coal mining enterprises to develop a diversified economy. 国家鼓励煤矿企业进行复采或者开采边角残煤和极薄煤。 The State shall encourage coal mining enterprises to carry out second mining or extract residual coal at the margins of mining areas and very thin coal seams. 国家鼓励煤矿企业发展煤炭洗选加工,综合开发利用煤层气、煤矸石、煤泥、石煤和泥炭。 The State shall encourage coal mining enterprises to develop coal washing and processing as well as comprehensive exploitation and utilization of coalbed methane, gangue, coal slime, stone coal and peat. 国家鼓励在农、林、牧区和城镇种草,促进畜牧业的发展,改善生态环境。 The state shall encourage the growing of grass in farming, forestry and pastoral areas and in cities and towns so as to promote the development of animal husbandry and improve the ecological environment. 国家设立森林生态效益补偿基金,用于提供生态效益的防护林和特种用途林的森林资源、林木的营造、抚育、保护和管理。 The State shall establish the forestry ecological efficiency compensation fund, which shall be used for the building, cultivation and management of protection forests with ecological efficiency and the forest resources and trees with special uses.国家对严重污染水环境的落后生产工艺和严重污染水环境的落后设备实行淘汰制度。 The State shall institute a system for eliminating outdated production techniques and equipment which seriously pollute the water environment. 国家保护草原的生态环境,防治污染。 The state shall protect the ecological environment of the grasslands, to prevent and control pollution.国家保护承包治理合同当事人的合法权益。在承包治理合同有效期内,承包人死亡时,继承人可以依照承包治理合同的约定继续承包。 The state shall protect the lawful rights and interests of the parties to a contract for rehabilitation. Within the term of the contracted rehabilitation, if a contractor dies, his or her successor(s) may, in accordance with the agreements stipulated in the contract, continue to undertake the contract. 国家保护依法开发利用水资源的单位和个人的合法权益。 The state shall protect the lawful rights and interests of units and individuals engaged in the development and utilization of water resources in accordance with law. 国家保障国有煤矿的健康发展。 The State shall protect the sound development of State-owned coal mines. 国家对煤矿井下作业的职工采取特殊保护措施。 The State shall take special protective measures for miners working in underground coal mines.