

(三)大气污染防治设施的有关技术资料齐全。 大气污染防治设施经验收合格,建设项目方能投入生产或者使用。    (3) That the technical data regarding anti-air pollution installations are made to be complete and readily available.
(三)监测仪器、设备的型号和规格以及校验情况;    (3) The model and specifications of monitoring instruments and equipment, and information on their checkouts performances;
(三)“有毒污染物”是指那些直接或者间接为生物摄入体内后,导致该生物或者其后代发病、行为反常、遗传异变、生理机能失常、机体变形或者死亡的污染物。    (3) ""Toxic pollutant"" means a pollutant that, when ingested by organisms directly or indirectly, leads to diseases, abnormal behaviour, genetic mutation, physiological functional disturbance, organism deformity or death of the organisms themselves or their offsprings.
  (三)临时征用房屋、运输工具和通信设备等;    (3) temporary requisition of houses, transportation vehicles and telecommunications equipment, etc.; and
(三)受让人资质条件的证明文件;    (3) testimonial documents of human quality of the transferee;
(三)矿井生产系统符合国家规定的煤矿安全规程;    (3) The mine production system accords with rules of coal mine safety prescribed by the state;
(三)按照国家有关规定已经缴纳采矿权使用费、采矿权价款、矿产资源补偿费和资源税;    (3) the mineral exploration right user’s fee, mineral exploration right purchase price, mineral resources compensation fee and resources tax have already been paid pursuant to relevant state provisions; and
(三)矿井提升、运输、通风、排水、供电等生产系统符合国家规定的煤矿安全规程,并完善可靠,经依法验收合格;    (3) The production system including mine elevator, transport, ventilation, drainage and power supply, etc., is perfect and reliable, accords with rules of coal mine safety prescribed by the state, and has been checked and accepted in accordance with law;
(三)预备役少校晋升预备役中校、预备役上尉晋升预备役少校,由有军官职务任免权的军级单位正职首长批准;    (3) The promotion from reserve Major to reserve Lieutenant Colonel or from reserve Captain to reserve Major shall be approved by the heads of units at the corps level that have the power to appoint and remove officers.
(三)预备役中校、少校,由有军官职务任免权的军级单位正职首长批准授予;    (3) The ranks of reserve Lieutenant Colonel and Major shall be conferred with the approval of the heads of units at the corps level that have the power to appoint and remove officers; and
(三)探矿权属无争议;    (3) there is no dispute over the ownership of the mineral exploration right;
(三)投入生产的煤矿企业,经检查不符合取得煤炭生产许可证的条件,又不按照煤炭工业主管部门的要求进行整顿改进或者经整顿改进后仍不符合条件的;    (3) Those already in operation who are found failing to meet the requirements for obtaining coal production license, but fail to make rectification or improvement according to the demand of the department in charge of coal industry, or fail to meet said requirements even after rectification or improvement; or
(三)负责矿山建设工程安全设施的竣工验收;    (3) to be responsible for the inspection for acceptance upon completion of safety facilities in mine construction projects;
(三)经法律法规授权或主管部门委托,进行行业统计、行业调查,发布行业信息;    (3) to carry out industrial statistics, survey if authorized by laws and regulations or administrative department, and release industrial information; and
  (三)扰乱煤矿矿区秩序,致使生产、工作不能正常进行的;    (3) to disrupt the order of coal mining areas, so that coal production and other work cannot be carried on normally; or
(三)检查矿山劳动条件和安全状况;    (3) to inspect the working conditions and state of safety in mines;
(三)符合本法规定的服军官预备役的年龄;    (3) to meet the requirements for service age of reserve officers as specified in the present Law;
(三)承训单位组织培训;    (3) training by the units undertaking such missions;
(三)未采取密闭措施或者其他防护措施,运输、装卸或者贮存能够散发有毒有害气体或者粉尘物质的;    (3) transportation, loading and unloading, and storage of substances that may diffuse toxic or harmful gases or dust without adopting sealing or other protective measures;
(四)矿长经依法培训合格,取得矿长资格证书;    (4) The director of the coal enterprise has received proper training and obtained a credential for directors of coal enterprises;
(四)矿长经依法培训合格,取得矿长资格证书;    (4) The director of the coal enterprise has received proper training and obtained a credential for directors of coal enterprises;
(四)按照国家有关规定已经缴纳探矿权使用费、探矿权价款;    (4) the mineral exploration right user’s fee and mineral exploration right purchase price have already been paid pursuant to relevant state provisions; and
(四)预备役中尉晋升预备役上尉、预备役少尉晋升预备役中尉,由有军官职务任免权的师级单位正职首长批准。    (4) The promotion from reserve Lieutenant to reserve Captain or from reserve Second Lieutenant to reserve Lieutenant shall be approved by the heads of units at the divisional level that have the power to appoint and remove officers.
(四)预备役上尉、中尉、少尉,由有军官职务任免权的师级单位正职首长批准授予。    (4) The ranks of reserve Captain, Lieutenant and Second Lieutenant shall be conferred with the approval of the heads of units at the divisional level that have the power to appoint and remove officers.
(四)伪造、转让或者冒用他人煤炭生产许可证的。    (4) Those counterfeiting, transferring or using other than their own coal production license.
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