

??? (四)领海及中国管辖的其他海域的矿产资源;?    (4) those in the territorial seas and other sea areas under China's jurisdiction; and
(四)配合行业主管部门研究制定行业发展规划、产业政策和回收标准。    (4) to cooperate administrative departments to carry out research and stipulate industrial development program, policies and recovery standard.
(四)退出现役或者接受过军事专业培训并经考核合格,具有与其职务相应的科学文化知识、组织指挥能力或者专业技能;    (4) to have been released from active service or have received military professional training and passed due examinations, possessing the scientific and cultural knowledge and the organizing and commanding ability or the technical proficiency corresponding to their posts; and
(四)检查矿山企业职工安全教育、培训工作;    (4) to inspect the work of giving education and training in safety to workers and staff by mining enterprises;
(四)组织矿山和矿山企业安全工作人员的培训工作;    (4) to organize the training of managers of mines and personnel in charge of safety work in mining enterprises;
  (四)拒绝、阻碍监督检查人员依法执行职务的。    (4) to prevent or obstruct supervisors and inspectors from performing their duties.
  (四)将列入限期淘汰名录淘汰的设备转让给他人使用的;    (4) transferring, for use by another, the eliminated equipment that is included in the list of equipment to be eliminated within a specified period of time;
  (五)“排放”是指把污染物排入海洋的行为,包括泵出、溢出、泄出、喷出和倒出。    (5) "" To discharge "" means to drain pollutants into the sea, including pumping, spilling, releasing, gushing and pouring.
(五)瓦斯检验工、采煤机司机等特种作业人员持有县级以上地方人民政府负责管理煤炭工业的部门按照国家有关规定颁发的操作资格证书;    (5) The gas inspector, coal miner driver and other special technical workers have operation credentials issued in accordance with relevant stipulations of the state by administrative department in charge of coal industry of the local people’s government at or above the county level;
(五)瓦斯检验工、采煤机司机等特种作业人员,持有县级以上地方人民政府负责管理煤炭工业的部门按照国家有关规定颁发的操作资格证书;    (5) The gas inspector, coal miner driver and other special technical workers have operation credentials issued in accordance with relevant stipulations of the state by administrative department in charge of coal industry of the local people’s government at or above the county level;
(五)身体健康。    (5) to be in good health.
(五)调查和处理重大矿山事故;    (5) to investigate and deal with serious accidents in mines; and
(五)监督矿山企业提取和使用安全技术措施专项费用的情况;    (5) to supervise the allocation and use of the special funds for safety technical measures by mining enterprises;
????(五)将产生严重污染的生产设备转移给没有污染防治能力的单位使用的。    (5) transferring a production facility that causes severe pollution for use by a unit that is unable to prevent and control pollution.
  (五)处置,是指将固体废物焚烧和用其他改变固体废物的物理、化学、生物特性的方法,达到减少已产生的固体废物数量、缩小固体废物体积、减少或者消除其危险成份的活动,或者将固体废物最终置于符合环境保护规定要求的场所或者设施并不再回取的活动。    (5) Treatment means activities conducted to reduce the quantity or volume of the discharged solid waste, reduce or eliminate their dangerous composition through incineration or other methods that can change the physical, chemical or biological characterstics of the solid waste, or activities conducted ultimately to put solid waste in sites or installations that meet the requirements of environmental protection, from which the solid waste shall never be taken back again.
  (六) “倾倒”是指通过船舶、航空器、平台或其他载运工具,向海洋处置废弃物或其他有害物质的行为,包括弃置船舶、航空器、平台和其他浮动工具的行为。    (6) "" To dump "" means to dispose of wastes or other harmful substances into the sea from vessels, airborne vehicles, platforms or other means of transport, including the abandonment of vessels, airborne vehicles, platforms and other floating apparatus.
(六)井上、井下、矿内、矿外调度通讯畅通;    (6) The communication of production management up or down the pit, inside or outside the mine is unblocked;
(六)井上、井下、矿内、矿外调度通讯畅通;    (6) The communication of production management up or down the pit, inside or outside the mine is unblocked;
(六)参加并监督矿山事故的调查和处理;    (6) to participate in and supervise investigation and disposition of accidents in mines;
  (七)擅自转移固体废物出省、自治区、直辖市行政区域贮存、处置的。    (7) transferring solid waste out of the administrative area of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government for storage and treatment without authorization.
  (一) 用材林、经济林、薪炭林;    1) Timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests;
  (一) 对森林实行限额采伐,鼓励植树造林、封山育林,扩大森林覆盖面积;    1) To impose a quota on forest cutting and encourage forest planting in order to expand the area of forest coverage;
  (一) 规定森林防火期,在森林防火期内,禁止在林区野外用火;因特殊情况需要用火的,经过县级人民政府或者县级人民政府授权的机关批准;    1) To specify a forest fire prevention period, during which no fire shall be used out in the field in the forest area; should special circumstances demand the use of fire, approval shall be obtained from the people's government at the county level or the authorities authorized by the people's government at the county level;
  (二) 用材林、经济林、薪炭林的林地使用权;    2) The woodland use right for timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests;
  (二) 在林区设置防火设施;    2) To erect fire prevention facilities;
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