(二) 根据国家和地方人民政府有关规定,对集体和个人造林、育林给予经济扶持或者长期贷款; 2) To offer economic support or long-term loans to the collectives and private individuals who plant and cultivate forests according to relevant stipulations of the central and local people's governments; (三) 用材林、经济林、薪炭林的采伐迹地、火烧迹地的林地使用权; 3) The woodland use right for the cutting blanks and the burns of timber stands, economic forests and firewood forests; (三) 提倡木材综合利用和节约使用木材,鼓励开发、利用木材代用品; 3) To advocate comprehensive utilization and saving on the use of timber and encourage the development and utilization of timber substitutes; (三) 发生森林火灾,必须立即组织当地军民和有关部门扑救; 3) To immediately mobilize the local military and civilian population and relevant authorities to fight a fire upon its breakout; and三、 作为合作对象的外国企业应具备: 3. The foreign enterprise as a collaborator shall satisfy the following requirements: (四) 国务院规定的其他森林、林木和其他林地使用权。 4) The use right for other forests, trees and other woodlands stipulated by the State Council. (四) 征收育林费 ,专门用于造林育林; 4) To collect forest cultivate levies which shall be used exclusively for forest planing and cultivation purposes; (五) 煤炭、造纸等部门,按照煤炭和木浆纸张等产品的产量提取一定数额的资金,专门用于营造坑木、造纸等用材林; 5) To make sure that coal and paper sectors shall apportion out of their output of coal, pulp and paper a certain amount of funds which shall be used exclusively for the nurturing of mine timber and timber for paper making; and五、 中外合作双方必须订立合同,除法律、法规另有规定或者合同另有约定外,应当由签订合同的外国企业(以下称外国合同者)单独提供勘探资金,并承担勘探风险; 5. The collaboration parties shall conclude a contract. Until and unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or agreed upon by contractual parties, the foreign enterprises that signed the contract (hereinafter referred to as foreign collaborators) shall provide the prospecting fund solely and independently and bear the risks; (六) 建立林业基金制度。 6) To establish the forestry fund system.六、 外国合同者可以按照合同约定,从生产的煤层气中回收其投资和费用,并取得报酬。外国合同者可根据国家有关规定和合同约定,将其应得的煤层气运往国外或在境内销售。 6. The foreign collaborators may, under the contract, reclaim their investment and expenses from the coal-bed methane produced and receive rewards. They may, in the light of relevant regulations by the State and agreements put in the contracts, transport their share of coal-bed methane produced abroad or directly sell it in China.联系电话:65197260 Tel: 65197260联系电话:66556449 Tel: 66556449水行政主管部门检查时,被检查者应当如实提供有关的情况和资料。 The acceptance of engineering structures mentioned in the preceding paragraph upon completion should be taken part in by the water conservancy administrative department.工商行政管理部门对进入市场的野生动物或者其产品,应当进行监督管理。 The administrative authority for industry and commerce shall exercise supervision and control over wildlife or the products thereof that are placed on the market.禁止新建的耗能过高的工业项目的名录和具体实施办法,由国务院管理节能工作的部门会同国务院有关部门制定。 The administrative department for energy conservation under the State Council shall, together with the other relevant departments under the State Council, prepare a catalogue of highly energy-consuming industrial projects that are prohibited from being constructed and shall formulate specific measures for implementation. 重点用能单位的节能要求、节能措施和管理办法,由国务院管理节能工作的部门会同国务院有关部门制定。 The administrative department for energy conservation under the State Council shall, together with the relevant departments under the State Council, set the requirements and formulate measures for energy conservation and administration in the key energy-using units. 县级以上各级人民政府管理节能工作的部门应当组织有关部门对重点用能单位的能源利用状况进行监督检查,可以委托具有检验测试技术条件的单位依法进行节能的检验测试。 The administrative departments for energy conservation of the governments at or above the county level shall see to it that the relevant departments exercise supervision over and conduct inspection of energy utilization in the key energy-using units, and they may entrust units that are technically qualified with the test and measurement of energy conservation. 县级以上地方人民政府管理节能工作的部门主管本行政区域内的节能监督管理工作。 The administrative departments for energy conservation under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall be in charge of supervision over and administration of the work for energy conservation in their respective administrative areas.省、自治区、直辖市人民政府负责管理地震工作的部门,根据全国地震监测预报方案,负责制定本行政区域内的地震监测预报方案,并组织实施。 The administrative departments for seismic work under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall be responsible for formulating plans of earthquake monitoring and prediction for their own administrative areas in accordance with the national plans of earthquake monitoring and prediction and making arrangements for their implementation respectively.县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门可以在机动车停放地对在用机动车的污染物排放状况进行监督抽测。 The administrative departments of environmental protection under the local people's governments at or above the county level may conduct supervisory pick-test of the pollutants discharge by active motor-vehicles at their place of parking.各级公安、交通、铁道、渔业管理部门根据各自的职责,对机动车船污染大气实施监督管理。 The administrative departments of public security, transportation, railways and fishery at various levels shall, by performing their respective functions, conduct supervision and management of the atmospheric pollution caused by motor-driven vehicles and vessels. 县级以上地方人民政府负责管理地震工作的部门或者机构和其他有关部门在本级人民政府的领导下,按照职责分工,各负其责,密切配合,共同做好本行政区域内的防震减灾工作。 The administrative departments or institutions for seismic work and the other departments concerned under the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, under the leadership of the said people's governments, join efforts and closely cooperate with each other, while acting in accordance with the division of their functions and duties, to make a success of the work for protection against and mitigation of earthquake disasters within their own administrative areas. 地震重点监视防御区的县级以上地方人民政府负责管理地震工作的部门或者机构,应当加强地震监测工作,制定短期与临震预报方案,建立震情跟踪会商制度,提高地震监测预报能力。 The administrative departments or institutions for seismic work under the people's governments at or above the county level located in the key areas for earthquake surveillance and protection shall improve their work in earthquake monitoring, work out plans for short-term and imminent earthquake prediction, establish the system for the tracking of and consultation about earthquake situations and enhance their capability of earthquake monitoring and prediction. 自然保护区的管理办法,由国务院林业主管部门制定,报国务院批准施行。 The administrative methods for natural protection zones shall be formulated by the competent forestry authorities under the State Council, upon whose approval such methods shall be implemented.