流域管理机构直接管理的河道、湖泊管理范围,由流域管理机构会同有关县级以上地方人民政府依照前款规定界定; The scope of river courses and lakes under direct control of river basin administrative agencies shall be delimited by river bas in administrative agencies in conjunction with local people's governments concerned at or above the county level in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.从前款规定以外的其他人员中选拔预备役军官,按照下列程序办理: The selection of reserve officers from among persons other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph shall follow the procedures set forth below:安全技术措施专项费用必须全部用于改善矿山安全生产条件,不得挪作他用。 The special funds for safety technical measures must be used exclusively to improve conditions of safe production in mines and may not be diverted to any other purposes.禁止开垦的陡坡地的具体范围由当地县级人民政府划定并公告。 The specific area of the reclamation-forbidden slope shal1 be determined and announced by the local people's government at the county leve1.??? 前款规定的具体办法和实施步骤由国务院规定。? The specific measures and implementation procedures concerning the provisions in the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by the State Council.危险废物排污费征收的具体办法由国务院规定。 The specific measures for imposition of such fees shall be prescribed by the State Council.具体办法由国务院规定。排污费用于环境污染的防治,不得挪作他用。 The specific measures therefor shall be prescribed by the State Council. Pollution discharge fee shall be used for the prevention and control of environmental pollution and shall not be appropriated for other purposes. 具体办法由国务院规定。 The specific methods shall be formulated by the State Council.??? 矿产储量规模的大型、中型的划分标准,由国务院矿产储量审批机构规定。? The standards for large and medium quantities of mineral reserves shall be formulated by the department in charge of examination and approval of mineral reserves under the State Council.征收排污费必须遵守国家规定的标准,具体办法和实施步骤由国务院规定。 The standards provided by the State shall be observed in the collection of fees for discharge of pollutants, the concrete measures therefor and. State Council shall enact the implementing procedures???省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会可以根据本法及其实施细则,制定实施办法。 The standing committees of people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulate measures of implementation in accordance with this Law and the rules for its implementation. 自治区、省的人民代表大会常务委员会可以根据宪法和本法规定的原则,结合本地方的特点,制定实施细则,报全国人民代表大会常务委员会备案。 The standing committees of the people's congresses of autonomous regions and provinces may formulate rules for the implementation of this Law in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the principles laid down in this Law and in the light of the characteristics of their respective localities, and they shall submit the rules to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record.省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会可以根据本法和本地区的实际情况,制定实施办法。 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with this Law and in light of the actual conditions of their respective areas, draw up measures of implementation. 省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会可以依据本法,制定实施办法。 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with this Law, formulate measures for its implementation.省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会可根据本法制定实施办法。 The standing committees of the people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with this Law, formulate measures for its implementation. 省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会可以根据本法和国务院的规定制定本地区煤炭生产许可证管理办法。 The standing committees of the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may according to this Law and the regulations of the State Council, formulate local measures for administration of coal production licenses.省、自治区、直辖市人民代表大会常务委员会,可以根据本法和本地区的实际情况制定实施办法。 The standing committees of the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may, in accordance with this Law and in the light of the respective actual conditions, formulate measures of implementation. 国家海洋管理部门负责组织海洋环境的调查、监测、监视,开展科学研究,并主管防止海洋石油勘探开发和海洋倾废污染损害的环境保护工作。 The state administrative department of marine affairs shall be responsible for organizing investigations and monitoring of and exercising surveilance over the marine environment and conducting scientific research therein; it shall also be in charge of environmental protection against marine pollution damage caused by offshore oil exploration and exploitation and by the dumping of wastes into the sea.????国家海洋行政主管部门、港务监督、渔政渔港监督、军队环境保护部门和各级公安、交通、铁道、民航管理部门,依照有关法律的规定对环境污染防治实施监督管理。 The state administrative department of marine affairs, the harbour superintendency administration, the fisheries administration and fishing harbour superintendency agencies, the environmental protection department of the armed forces and the administrative departments of public security, transportation, railways and civil aviation at various levels shall, in accordance with the provisions of relevant laws, conduct supervision and management of the prevention and control of environmental pollution.国务院及其有关行政主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,应当制定有利于实施清洁生产的产业政策、技术开发和推广政策。 The State Council and other relevant administrative departments having corresponding responsibility and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall formulate and implement beneficial industrial development policies and technological development and popularization policies and undertake supervision and management measures conducive to the implementation of cleaner production.国务院和有关的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府可以制定洪泛区、蓄滞洪区安全建设管理办法以及对蓄滞洪区的扶持和补偿、救助办法。 The State Council and relevant people's government s of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government may formulate measures for control of safety and construction within flooded areas and flood storage and detention areas and measures for giving support, compensations and aids to flood storage and detention areas.国务院和有关的省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当建立对蓄滞洪区的扶持和补偿、救助制度。 The State Council and relevant people's government s of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government should establish a system to support and give compensations and aids to flood storage and detent ion areas. 国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当分别对所管辖的滞洪区、蓄洪区内有关居民的安全、转移、生活、生产、善后恢复、损失补偿等事项,制定专门的管理办法。 The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall separately formulate special administrative measures for the safety, evacuation, livelihood, production, rehabilitation, compensation for losses, etc. for the inhabitants in the flood detention basins and the flood storage basins within their respective jurisdiction. 国务院和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当加强节能工作,合理调整产业结构、企业结构、产品结构和能源消费结构,推进节能技术进步,降低单位产值能耗和单位产品能耗,改善能源的开发、加工转换、输送和供应,逐步提高能源利用效率,促进国民经济向节能型发展。 The State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall strengthen their efforts in energy conservation; readjust in a rational way the industrial structure, pattern of enterprises, product mix and pattern of energy consumption; facilitate technological progress for energy conservation; reduce energy consumption per unit output value and per unit product; and improve the exploitation, processing, conversion, transmission and supply of energy so as to gradually increase the utilization rate of energy and promote the development of the national economy in an energy-efficient manner.国务院可以授权国务院林业主管部门,对国务院确定的国家所有的重点林区的森林、林木和林地登记造册,发放证书,并通知有关地方人民政府。 The State Council may authorize the competent forestry authorities under the State Council to register and record the forests, trees and woodlands in key forest districts determined by the State Council to be owned by the state, issue certificates and inform relevant local people's governments.