第六十条违反本法第三十四条规定,因城市建设擅自填堵原有河道沟汊、贮水湖塘洼淀和废除原有防洪围堤的,城市人民政府应当责令停止违法行为,限期恢复原状或者采取其他补救措施。 Article 60 Any violator of the provisions of Article 34 of this Law who, without authorization, stuffs or blocks up originally existing river courses, ditches, branching streams and waterlogging lakes, pools or depressions, or demolishes originally exiting embankments used for flood control in urban construction shall be ordered by the people's government of the city to stop the illegal act, restore to the original state or take other remedies.第六十条 违反本法规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令限期建设配套设施,可以处二万元以上二十万元以下罚款: Article 60 Any violator of this Law shall be ordered to construct supporting facilities within a time limit, and may be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200, 000 yuan for any of the following acts by the administrative department of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level:第六十条本法中下列用语的含义是: Article 60 For the purpose of this Law, the definitions of the following terms are: 第六十条 违反本法规定,生产、销售、进口或者使用淘汰的设备,或者采用淘汰的生产工艺的,由县级以上人民政府经济综合主管部门责令改正; Article 60 If anyone, in violation of the provisions of this Law, produces, sells, imports or uses eliminated equipment or employs eliminated production techniques, the competent department in charge of comprehensive administration of economic affairs of the people's government at or above the county level shall order him to put it right; 第六十条未经煤矿企业同意,任何单位或者个人不得在煤矿企业依法取得土地使用权的有效期间内在该土地上种植、养殖、取土或者修建建筑物、构筑物。 Article 60 Without consent of coal mining enterprises, no units or individuals may grow plants or crops or breed animals, take soil or put up buildings or other structures on the land during the validity period for use of the land legally obtained by coal mining enterprises.第六十一条 对违反本法规定,造成大气污染事故的企业事业单位,由所在地县级以上地方人民政府环境保护行政主管部门根据所造成的危害后果处直接经济损失百分之五十以下罚款,但最高不超过五十万元; Article 61 An enterprise or institution which causes an atmospheric pollution accident through violation of this Law shall be fined less than fifty percent of the direct economic losses thus caused but not more than 500,000 yuan to the maximum level. Fines shall be administered by the competent administrative department of environmental protection under the local people's government at or above the county level on the basis of the damages incurred.第六十一条 受到环境噪声污染危害的单位和个人,有权要求加害人排除危害;造成损失的,依法赔偿损失。 Article 61 Any unit or individual suffering from the hazards of environmental noise pollution shall have the right to demand the polluter to eliminate the hazards; if a loss has been caused, it shall be compensated according to law.第六十一条违反本法规定,破坏、侵占、毁损堤防、水闸、护岸、抽水站、排水渠系等防洪工程和水文、通信设施以及防汛备用的器材、物料的,责令停止违法行为,采取补救措施,可以处五万元以下的罚款; Article 61 Any violator of this Law who damages, occupies or destroys embankments, sluices, bank revetments, pumping stations, drainage systems or other flood control works, or hydrological or communications facilities, or stand--by apparatuses or materials for flood control shall be ordered to stop the illegal act, take remedies and may be concurrently fined not more than RMB 50, 000 yuan. 第六十一条 建设项目中需要配套建设的固体废物污染环境防治设施未建成或者未经验收合格即投入生产或者使用的,由审批该建设项目的环境影响报告书的环境保护行政主管部门责令停止生产或者使用,可以并处十万元以下的罚款。 Article 61 If a construction project is put into production or operation while its supporting installations required for the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste have not been completed or have not passed examination, the competent administrative department of environmental protection that examined and approved the statement of the effect on the environment to be occasioned by the the construction project shall order suspension of production or operation and may also impose a penalty of not more than 100,000 yuan.第六十一条国务院环境保护部门根据本法制定实施细则,报国务院批准后施行。 Article 61 The environmental protection department under the State Council shall, on the basis of this Law, formulate detailed rules for implementation of this Law, which shall be put into effect after being submitted to and approved by the State Council. 第六十一条未经煤矿企业同意,任何单位或者个人不得占用煤矿企业的铁路专用线、专用道路、专用航道、专用码头、电力专用线、专用供水管路。 Article 61 Without consent of coal mining enterprises, no units or individuals may occupy the railways, roads, navigation channels, wharves, power lines and water supply pipes specially used by coal mining enterprises.第六十二条 造成大气污染危害的单位,有责任排除危害,并对直接遭受损失的单位或者个人赔偿损失。 Article 62 Any unit that has caused an atmospheric pollution hazard shall have the responsibility of removing the hazard and of making compensations to the units or individuals that have suffered direct losses. 第六十二条任何单位或者个人需要在煤矿采区范围内进行可能危及煤矿安全的作业时,应当经煤矿企业同意,报煤炭管理部门批准,并采取安全措施后,方可进行作业。 Article 62 Any units or individuals that wish to conduct operations within coal mining areas that may threaten safety of the coal mines must first obtain consent of the coal mining enterprises, report to the department in charge of the coal industry for approval and take safety measures. 第六十二条 对经限期治理逾期未完成治理任务的企业事业单位,可以根据所造成的危害后果处十万元以下的罚款,或者责令停业、关闭。 Article 62 If an enterprise or institution fails to eliminate or control the pollution within a specified period of time, it may be imposed with a penalty of not more than 100,000 yuan or ordered to suspend operation or to shut down, depending on the damage it causes.第六十二条 环境噪声污染防治监督管理人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的,由其所在单位或者上级主管机关给予行政处分;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 62 If any person who is in charge of supervision or administration of prevention and control of noise pollution abuses his power, neglects his duty or conducts malpractice for personal gain, the unit to which he belongs or the competent authority at the higher level shall give him administrative penalty. If a crime is constituted, criminal liability shall be investigated according to law.第六十二条本法自1984年11月1日起施行。 Article 62 This Law shall come into force on May 15,1996.第六十二条阻碍、威胁防汛指挥机构、水行政主管部门或者流域管理机构的工作人员依法执行职务,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪,应当给予治安管理处罚的,依照治安管理处罚条例的规定处罚。 Article 62 Whoever obstructs or threatens any functionary of the flood control headquarters,water conservancy administrative departments or river basin administrative agencies who performs duties according to law shall, If a crime has been constituted,be investigated for criminal liability according to law. If a crime has not been constituted and administrative penalty for public security should be given,the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security shall apply.第六十三条 本法中下列用语的含义是: Article 63 For purposes of this Law, the meanings of the following terms are: 第六十三条 贮存、运输、处置城市生活垃圾违反本法规定的,按照国务院关于环境保护和城市环境卫生的有关规定予以处罚。 Article 63 If any person or unit stores, transports or treats urban house refuse against the provisions of this Law, he or it shall be punished in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council regarding environmental protection and urban environmental sanitation.第六十三条 完全由于不可抗拒的自然灾害,并经及时采取合理措施,仍然不能避免造成大气污染损失的,免于承担责任。 Article 63 If atmospheric pollution losses result directly from uncontrollable natural disasters which cannot be averted even after reasonable measures have been promptly taken, the party concerned shall be exempted from any liability. 第六十三条煤炭管理部门和有关部门依法对煤矿企业和煤炭经营企业执行煤炭法律、法规的情况进行监督检查。 Article 63 The departments in charge of the coal industry and other relevant departments shall, in accordance with law, exercise supervision over and inspection of the implementation of the laws and regulations governing the coal industry by coal mining enterprises and coal trading enterprises.第六十三条截留、挪用防洪、救灾资金和物资,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,给予行政处分。 Article 63 Whoever intercepts or appropriates funds and materials for flood control and disaster relief shall,If a crime has been constituted,be investigated for criminal liability according to law. If a crime has not been constituted,administrative sanctions shall be given.第六十四条除本法第六十条的规定外,本章规定的行政处罚和行政措施,由县级以上人民政府水行政主管部门决定,或者由流域管理机构按照国务院水行政主管部门规定的权限决定。 Article 64 Administrative penalties and administrative measures stipulated in this Chapter with exception of the provisions in Article 60 of this Law shall be decided by water conservancy administrative departments of people's governments at or above the county level,or by river basin administrative agencies within the scope of powers provided for by the water conservancy administrative department under the State Council. 第六十四条 违反本法有关危险废物污染环境防治的规定,有下列行为之一的,由县级以上人民政府环境保护行政主管部门责令停止违法行为、限期改正,并处五万元以下的罚款: Article 64 If any person or unit, in violation of the provisions of this Law on the prevention and control of environmental pollution by hazardous waste, commits any of the following acts, he or it shall be ordered by the competent administrative department of environmental protection of the people's government at or above the county level to stop the illegal act, to put it right within a time limit and also imposed with a penalty of not more than 50,000 yuan: 第六十四条煤炭管理部门和有关部门的监督检查人员应当熟悉煤炭法律、法规,掌握有关煤炭专业技术,公正廉洁,秉公执法。 Article 64 Supervisors and inspectors of the departments in charge of the coal industry and other relevant departments shall have adequate knowledge of the laws and regulations governing the coal industry, be proficient in the relevant technology, be fair and honest and enforce the law impartially.