

  第七十三条违反本法第六十条的规定,未经煤矿企业同意,在煤矿企业依法取得土地使用权的有效期间内在该土地上修建建筑物、构筑物的,由当地人民政府动员拆除;拒不拆除的,责令拆除。    Article 73 If any units or individuals, in violation of the provisions of Article 60 of this Law and without consent of the coal mining enterprise concerned, put up buildings or other structures on the land during the validity period for use of the land legally obatained by the coal mining enterprise, the local people's government shall persuade them to pull down the buildings or other structures; if they refuse to do so, they shall be ordered to pull them down.
  第七十四条 本法中下列用语的含义:    Article 74 For the purposes of this Law, the following terms mean:
  第七十四条违反本法第六十一条的规定,未经煤矿企业同意,占用煤矿企业的铁路专用线、专用道路、专用航道、专用码头、电力专用线、专用供水管路的,由县级以上地方人民政府责令限期改正;    Article 74 If any units or individuals, in violation of the provisions of Article 61 of this Law and without consent of the coal mining enterprise concerned, occupy the railways, roads, navigation channels, wharves, power lines or water supply pipes specially used by the enterprise, the local people's government at or above the county level shall order them to make rectification within a time limit;
  第七十五条违反本法第六十二条的规定,未经批准或者未采取安全措施,在煤矿采区范围内进行危及煤矿安全作业的,由煤炭管理部门责令停止作业,可以并处五万元以下的罚款;造成损失的,依法承担赔偿责任。    Article 75 If any units or individuals, in violation of the provisions of Article 62 of this Law and without obtaining approval or taking any safety measures, conduct operations within coal mining areas that threaten safety of the coal mines, the department in charge of the coal industry shall order them to stop such operation and may also impose on them a fine of not more than 50,000 yuan; if they cause losses, they shall bear liability in accordance with law.
  第七十五条 液态废物和置于容器中的气态废物的污染防治,适用本法;    Article 75 This Law shall apply to the prevention and control of pollution by liquid waste and gaseous waste in containers.
  第七十六条有下列行为之一的,由公安机关依照治安管理处罚条例的有关规定处罚;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任:    Article 76 If a person commits one of the following acts, the public security organ shall punish him in accordance with the relevant provisions in the Regulations on Administrative Penalties for Public Security; if a crime is constituted, the judicial organ shall investigate the criminal responsibility according to law:
  第七十六条 中华人民共和国缔结或者参加的与固体废物污染环境防治有关的国际条约与本法有不同规定的,适用国际条约的规定;但是,中华人民共和国声明保留的条款除外。    Article 76 If an international treaty regarding the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste concluded or acceded to by the People's Republic of China contains provisions differing from those contained in this Law, the provisions of the international treaty shall prevail, with the exception of the provisions on which the People's Republic of China has announced reservation.
  第七十七条对不符合本法规定条件的煤矿企业颁发煤炭生产许可证或者对不符合本法规定条件设立煤炭经营企业予以批准的,由其上级主管机关或者监察机关责令改正,并给予直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员行政处分;构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。    Article 77 If a department issues a coal production license to a coal mining enterprise that does not meet the requirements prescribed in this Law or gives approval for the establishment of a coal trading enterprise that does not meet the requirements prescribed in this Law, the competent department or the supervisory organ at the higher level shall order it to put it right and impose administrative sanctions on the person who is directly in charge and other persons who are directly responsible for the matter; if a crime is constituted, the judicial organ shall investigate the criminal responsibility according to law.
  第七十八条煤矿企业的管理人员违章指挥、强令职工冒险作业,发生重大伤亡事故的,依照刑法第一百一十四条的规定追究刑事责任。    Article 78 Where administrators of a coal mining enterprise give directions against regulations and order miners to work at risk, thus causing serious casualty, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to the provisions of Article 114 of the Criminal Law.
  第七十九条煤矿企业的管理人员对煤矿事故隐患不采取措施予以消除,发生重大伤亡事故的,比照刑法第一百八十七条的规定追究刑事责任。    Article 79 Where administrators of a coal mining enterprise take no measures against hidden danger of accident in the mine, thus resulting in serious casualty, they shall be investigated for criminal responsibility by applying mutatis mutandis the provisions of Article 187 of the Criminal Law.
第八条探矿权人或者采矿权人在申请转让探矿权或者采矿权时,应当向审批管理机关提交下列资料:    Article 8 A person with mineral exploration right or a person with mining right should, in applying for the transfer of mineral exploration right or mining right, present the following materials to the examination and approval administration organ:
  第八条 任何单位和个人都有依法参加防震减灾活动的义务。    Article 8 All units and individuals are obligated to take part in protecting against and mitigating earthquake disasters in accordance with law.
第八条煤矿企业申请领取煤炭生产许可证,应当依照本办法第六条的规定,在煤矿(井)建成投产前向国务院煤炭工业主管部门或者省、自治区、直辖市人民政府煤炭工业主管部门(以下统称煤炭生产许可证的颁发管理机关)提交申请书和本办法第四条、第五条规定的有关文件、资料。    Article 8 Coal enterprises applying for coal production license shall, in accordance with provisions of Article 6 of the Measures, before completing the construction of the mine(pit) and putting it into operation, submit an application and related papers and data prescribed by Articles 4 and 5 of the Measures to the department in charge of coal industry of the State Council or of the people’s government of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government (hereinafter referred to as ""agency for issue and administration of coal production licenses"").
第八条 回收生产性废旧金属的再生资源回收企业和回收非生产性废旧金属的再生资源回收经营者,除应当按照本办法第七条规定向商务主管部门备案外,还应当在取得营业执照后15日内,向所在地县级人民政府公安机关备案。    Article 8 Enterprises engaging in recovery of producing waste metals and operators of non-producing waste metals shall register with public security organs of the people's government of the county level within 15 days after obtaining business in addition to registration with departments of commercial administration in accordance with article 7 of these Measures.
第八条 外国的组织和个人在中华人民共和国领域和中华人民共和国管辖的其他海域从事气象活动,必须经国务院气象主管机构会同有关部门批准。    Article 8 Meteorological activities that organizations and individuals of other countries wish to conduct in the territory of the People's Republic of China and the sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China shall be subject to approval by the competent meteorological department under the State Council in conjunction with relevant departments.
第八条 县级以上人民政府经济贸易行政主管部门,应当会同环境保护、计划、科学技术、农业、建设、水利等有关行政主管部门制定清洁生产的推行规划。    Article 8 The above departments responsible for economics and trade under the people's governments at or above county level shall formulate plans for the popularization of cleaner production jointly with relevant departments responsible for environmental protection, planning, science and technology, agriculture, construction and water conservation.
 第八条 国务院管理节能工作的部门主管全国的节能监督管理工作。    Article 8 The administrative department for energy conservation under the State Council shall be in charge of supervision over and administration of the work for energy conservation throughout the country.
第八条矿山建设工程的设计文件,必须符合矿山安全规程和行业技术规范,并按照国家规定经管理矿山企业的主管部门批准;不符合矿山安全规程和行业技术规范的,不得批准。    Article 8 The design papers for mine construction projects must comply with the safety rules and technological standards for mining industry and shall, according to regulations of the State, be subject to the approval of the authorities in charge of mining enterprises; those failing to comply with the safety rules and technological standards for mining industry may not be approved.
第八条国务院环境保护部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府,应当根据水污染防治的要求和国家经济、技术条件,适时修订水环境质量标准和污染物排放标准。    Article 8 The environmental protection department under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall, in line with the requirements of prevention and control of water pollution and the country's economic and technological conditions, amend in due time their standards for water environment quality and for discharge of water pollutants.
  第八条各级人民政府及其有关部门和煤矿企业必须采取措施加强劳动保护,保障煤矿职工的安全和健康。    Article 8 The people's governments at all levels and the relevant departments thereof and the coal mining enterprises must take measures to strengthen occupational protection so as to guarantee the safety and health of coal mine workers and staff members.
  第八条 各级人民政府对在固体废物污染环境防治工作以及相关的综合利用活动中作出显著成绩的单位和个人给予奖励。    Article 8 The people's governments at various levels shall give awards to units and individuals that have achieved outstanding successes in the prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste and in its comprehensive use.
第八条 国家采取有利于大气污染防治以及相关的综合利用活动的经济、技术政策和措施。    Article 8 The State adopts economic and technological policies and measures to facilitate the prevention and control of atmospheric pollution and comprehensive utilization.
  第八条 国家对森林资源实行以下保护性措施:    Article 8 The State adopts the following protective measures on the forest resources:
第八条 国家鼓励、支持环境噪声污染防治的科学研究、技术开发,推广先进的防治技术和普及防治环境噪声污染的科学知识。    Article 8 The State encourages and supports scientific research and technological development relating to the prevention and control of environmental noise pollution, promotes wide adoption of advanced technologies in this area and disseminates scientific knowledge about prevention and control of such pollution.
??? 第八条? 国家鼓励矿产资源勘查、开发的科学技术研究,推广先进技术,提高矿产资源勘查、开发的科学技术水平。?    Article 8 The State encourages scientific and technological research on the exploration and development of mineral resources, promotes advanced technology so as to raise the scientific and technological level of mineral exploration and development.
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