

工商行政管理机关对外资企业的投资情况进行检查和监督。    The industry and commerce administration authorities shall inspect and supervise the investment situation of an enterprise with foreign capital.
下列各项信息皆属内幕信息:    The information below is inside information:
基础设施的建设,应当由外资企业所在地县级或者县级以上地方人民政府统一安排。    The infrastructure construction shall be carried out under the unified arrangement of the local people's government at or above the county level in the place where the enterprise is to be located.
对侵犯他人企业名称专用权的,被侵权人也可以直接向人民法院起诉。    The infringed party may bring a suit directly in the people's court for handling a case of infringement on the exclusive right to use of a registered name.
建设工程的竣工验收,应以施工图纸及说明书、国家颁发的施工验收规范和质量检验标准为依据。    The inspection and acceptance of construction projects upon completion shall be carried out according to the blueprints and written instructions, and to the work testing norms and quality inspection standards issued by the state.
在本市重要地区和重要道路设置本办法第三条第(一)项规定的户外广告设施,应当符合户外广告设施设置阵地规划。    The installation of outdoor advertising facilities that fall under Article 3, Item 1 of these Procedures in important areas and along important roads shall conform with the planning for the installation of positions of outdoor advertising facilities.
设置户外广告设施应当符合城市规划要求,与城市区域规划功能相适应,合理布局、规范设置。    The installation of outdoor advertising facilities, shall comply with the requirement of the city planning, and be suited to the functions of the city regional planning, and shall be rationally distributed and be installed standardized.
设置户外广告设施应当遵守户外广告设施设置技术标准。户外广告设施设置技术标准由市规划局会同有关部门,结合户外广告设施设置阵地规划的要求制定。    The installation of outdoor advertising facilities, shall comply with the technical standards. The municipal planning bureau shall formulate jointly with other relevant departments the technical standards for the installation of outdoor advertising facilities in combination with the requirements of the plans for installation of positions of outdoor advertisement facilities.
商检机构对报关出口的货物应严格按规定进行商检。    The institution of import and export commodities inspection should inspect the commodities declared for export strictly according to the regulations.
省、自治区、直辖市负责密码管理的机构根据国家密码管理机构的委托,承担商用密码的有关管理工作。    The institutions in charge of the administration of the commercial passwords in the provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall, in accordance with the entrustment of the State Password Administration Institution, be responsible for the relevant administration of the commercial passwords.
各口岸的联检机构及各有关部门要在地方政府的领导下,忠于职守、廉洁奉公、密切配合、齐抓共管,将制止假冒伪劣商品出境工作抓出成效。    The institutions of the joint-inspection and the departments concerned should be devoted to their service, be honest in performing their duties, coordinate each other closely, take charge of the issue together, and make progress in the prevention of the flow of fake and low-quality commodities across the border.
有报关权的单位均可接受旅客委托,代办报关手续。    The institutions with the authority of customs declaration can be entrusted to go through the procedure of declaration for passengers.
保险公司拟订的其他险种的保险条款和保险费率,应当报金融监督管理部门备案。    The insurance clauses and premium rates for other types of insurance formulated by an insurance company shall be filed with the financial supervision and regulation department .
合营企业的各项保险应向中国的保险公司投保。?    The insurances appropriate to an joint venture shall be furnished by Chinese insurance companies.
原保险的被保险人或者受益人,不得向再保险接受人提出赔偿或者给付保险金的请求。    The insured or the beneficiary of the direct insurance shall not claim for the indemnity or payment of the insurance benefits from the reinsurer.
被保险人是指其财产或者人身受保险合同保障,享有保险金请求权的人,投保人可以为被保险人。    The insured refers to anyone whose property or person is protected by the insurance contract and who is entitled to claim for compensation. An applicant may be the insured.
由于被保险人的过错致使保险人不能行使代位请求赔偿的权利的,保险人可以相应扣减保险赔偿金。    The insurer may deduct a corresponding sum from the amount of indemnity if it is not able to exercise the right of indemnity by subrogation due to the fault of the insured.
保险人为维护保险标的的安全,经被保险人同意,可以采取安全预防措施。    The insurer may, with the consent of the insured, take safety preventive measures to protect the subject matter of the insurance.
保险事故发生后,被保险人为防止或者减少保险标的的损失所支付的必要的、合理的费用,由保险人承担;保险人所承担的数额在保险标的损失赔偿金额以外另行计算,最高不超过保险金额的数额。    The insurer shall bear the expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred by the insured in taking measures to prevent or mitigate further loss or damage of the subject matter of the insurance after the occurrence of the insured event; the amount of such expenses borne by an insurer shall be calculated separately from the indemnity for the loss of the subject matter of the insurance and it shall not exceed the sum insured.
投保人故意隐瞒事实,不履行如实告知义务的,或者因过失未履行如实告知义务,足以影响保险人决定是否同意承保或者提高保险费率的,保险人有权解除保险合同。    The insurer shall have the right to terminate the insurance contract, in the case that the applicant intentionally conceals facts, or does not perform his/her obligation of making a full and accurate disclosure, or negligently fails to perform such obligation to the extent that it would materially affect the insurer's decision whether or not to underwrite the insurance or whether or not to increase the premium rate.
保险人应当及时向投保人签发保险单或者其他保险凭证。     The insurer shall issue an insurance policy or other insurance certificates to the insurance without delay.
中国人民银行、国家发展和改革委员会共同制定了《境内金融机构赴香港特别行政区发行人民币债券管理暂行办法》,现予以公布实施。中国人民银行?国家发展和改革委员会二○○七年六月八日    The Interim Measures for the Administration of the Issuance of RMB Bonds in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region by Financial Institutions Within the Territory of China have been formulated jointly by the People's Bank of China and the National Development and Reform Commission. They are hereby promulgated for entry into force. People's Bank of China National Development and Reform Commission June 8, 2007
一九八五年五月二十三日国务院批准,一九八五年六月十五日国家工商行政管理局公布的《工商企业名称登记管理暂行规定》同时废止    The Interim Provisions on the Registration of Names of Industrial and Commercial Enterprise, approved on May 23, 1985 by the State Council and promulgated on June 15, 1985 by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, shall annulled on the same date.
1984年1月10日国务院发布的《中华人民共和国进口货物许可制度暂行条例》,1992年12月21日国务院批准、1992年12月29日对外经济贸易部发布的《出口商品管理暂行办法》,1993年9月22日国务院批准、1993年10月7日国家经济贸易委员会、对外贸易经济合作部发布的《机电产品进口管理暂行办法》,1993年12月22日国务院批准、1993年12月29日国家计划委员会、对外贸易经济合作部发布的《一般商品进口配额管理暂行办法》,1994年6月13日国务院批准、1994年7月19日对外贸易经济合作部、国家计划委员会发布的《进口商品经营管理暂行办法》,同时废止。    The Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the License of Import of Goods which was promulgated by the State Council on January 10, 1984, the Interim Measures on the Administration of Export Commodities which was ratified by the State Council on December 21, 1992 and issued by the MOFTEC on December 29, 1992, the Interim Measures on the Administration of the Import of Machinery and Electrical Equipments which was jointly issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission and the MOFTEC on October 7, 1993, the Interim Measures on the Administration of Quotas for the Import of General Commodities which was ratified by the State Council on December 22, 1993 and jointly issued by the State Development Planning Commission and the MOFTEC on December 29, 1993, and the Interim Measures on the Administration and Management of Imported Goods which was ratified by the State Council on June 13, 1994 and jointly issued by the MOFTEC and the State Development Planning Commission on July 19, 1994 shall be concurrently repealed...
一九八二年二月六日国务院发布的《广告管理暂行条例》同时废止。    The Interim Regulations on Control of Advertisement promulgated by the State Council on February 6, 1982 shall be abrogated as of the same date.
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