

申请设置户外广告设施,应当提供下列材料:    The following materials shall be submitted in applying for installation of outdoor advertising facilities:
《办法》的制定坚持和遵循了以下原则:    The following principles are adhered to and abided by in formulating the Methods:
下列情况为前款所称重大事件:    The following situation can be termed as major incident stated in the preceding paragraph:
业经双方外交主管部门分别于2006年3月30日和2006年8月9日互致照会,确认已经完成生效所必需的法律程序。    The foreign affairs departments of both governments have exchanged notes with each other on March 30, 2006 and August 9, 2006, respectively, confirming that the necessary legal procedures for entry into force have been accomplished.
第四十三条 中外合作者可以采用分配利润、分配产品或者合作各方共同商定的其他方式分配收益。    The foreign and Chinese parties may distribute their income by distributing the profits, products or by other methods agreed upon by all parties.
境外上市外资股在境外上市,可以采取境外存股证形式或者股票的其他派生形式。    The foreign capital stock listed abroad may be in the form of stock deposit receipts or in other derivations.
外资企业的外汇收入,应当存入其开户银行的外汇帐户;外汇支出,应当从其外汇帐户中支付。    The foreign exchange revenue of a foreign-capital enterprise shall be deposited in the foreign exchange account of the bank where it has opened an account: and the foreign exchange expenses shall be paid from the foreign exchange account.
外汇指定银行的结算周转外汇,实行比例幅度管理,具体幅度由中国人民银行根据实际情况核定。    The foreign exchange revolving funds used by designated foreign exchange banks for settlement shall be within a specified limit, the magnitude of which shall be decided upon by the People's Bank of China in consideration of the actual circumstances.
国家工商行政管理总局外资局    The Foreign Fund Department under the State Administration for Industry and Commerce
合作企业的亏损未弥补前,外国合作者不得先行回收投资。    The foreign party shall not first recover its investment before the venture has covered all of its losses.
代表处的外籍工作人员入境后应当按照有关法律规定办理居留手续。    The foreign staff members of a representative office shall handle the formalities for residence under the pertinent laws upon entry.
清理整顿后保留下来的各级各类对外经贸公司 ,由其对外经贸主管部门报经贸部备案。    The foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types have been retained after the checking up and rectification shall be submitted by their respective competent departments for foreign economic relations and trade to the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade for the record.
海南省及各经济特区的各级各类对外经贸公司,按照有关规定和统一部署进行清理整顿 。    The foreign trade companies at various levels and of various types located in Hainan Province and in the special economic zones shall be checked up and rectified in accordance with the pertinent provisions and the unified arrangement.
中央各部门所属的外贸公司按经贸部批准的经营范围经营本系统产品或按批准的经营范围经营第二、三类出口商品;    The foreign trade companies attached to various departments under the Central Government shall handle products of their own industries in accordance with the business scope approved by the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade, or handle export commodities of the second or third category in accordance with the approved business scope;
审定保留的对外经贸公司,凭经贸部颁发的审定证书报工商行政管理部门核准,办理注册登记手续。    The foreign trade companies that have been retained after verification and confirmation shall present the examination and confirmation certificate issued by the Ministry Foreign Economic Relations and Trade to the administrative departments for industry and commerce for examination and approval, and then go through the procedures for registration.
国务院外经贸主管部门或者国务院有关经济管理部门应当在收到申请后,立即发放自动进口许可证明;在特殊情况下,最长不得超过10天。    The foreign trade department of the State Council or the relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council shall issue automatic import licenses immediately after receiving the applications; if the circumstances are special, the time space shall no longer than 10 days.
外资企业经批准延长经营期限的,应当自收到批准延长期限文件之日起三十天内,向工商行政管理机关办理变更登记手续。    The foreign-capital enterprise shall, after obtaining the approval for an extension of its term of operations and within 30 days from the day of receiving the approval for the extension, go through the procedure for the change of registration with the administrative department for industry and commerce.
国家旅游度假区内的外商投资企业,减按24%税率征收企业所得税。?    The foreign-invested enterprises in the national tourist vacation areas shall be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced rate of 24%.
设在沿海经济开放区和经济特区、经济技术开发区所在城市的老市区的生产性外商投资企业,减按24%的税率征收企业所得税。?    The foreign-invested enterprises set up in open coastal economic areas, or in the old areas of the cities where the special economic zones or the economic and technological development zones are placed shall be subject to the enterprise income tax at the reduced rate of 24%.
“发票专用章”式样和使用办法由省级税务机关确定。    The form and use method of the ""special invoice seal"" shall be determined by provincial- level tax authorities.
本条所说发票的式样包括发票所属的种类、各联用途,具体内容、版面排列、规格、使用范围等。    The form of invoice referred to in this Article include the variety of the invoice, the purposes, concrete contents, layout, specification and scope of use of various sheets of invoice.
一般贸易货物集中申报手续不得跨年度办理。    The formality of centralized declaration for the goods of general trade may not be gone through beyond the year.
完税凭证的式样,由国家税务总局制定。    The format of a tax paid certificate shall be determined by the State Administration of Taxation.
票据凭证的格式和印制管理办法,由中国人民银行规定。    The forms and measures for administration of printing of negotiable instruments and relevant documents shall be prescribed by the People's Bank of China.
已列入我国政府与周边国家政府开放口岸协定的边境口岸,应由外交部统一协调,尽早通过外交途径予以确认;    The frontier ports which are listed in the agreements of opening up ports between our country and the neighboring countries should be coordinated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and verified as soon as possible through diplomatic channels.
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