审查批准机关应当自收到规定的全部文件之日起45天内决定批准或者不批准;审查批准机关认为报送的文件不全或者有不当之处的,有权要求合作各方在指定期间内补全或者修正。 The examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to approve the application or not within 45 days from receipt of all required documents. The authorities have the right to demand mending and revision of the submitted documents within a set time if they think the documents are incomplete or have inappropriate parts.审查批准机关应当自接到申请之日起30天内,决定批准或者不批准。 The examination and approval authorities shall decide whether to approve the extension or not within 30 days from receiving the application.审查批准机关应自接到申请之日起一个月内决定批准或不批准。? The examination and approval authority shall, within 1 month of receipt of the application, decide whether to approve or disapprove it.国务院授权的部门对公司债券发行申请的审批,参照前二款的规定执行。 The examination and approval of a company's application for bond issue by State Council?authorized departments shall be implemented in accordance with the stipulations of the previous two paragraphs.外国公司分支机构的审批办法由国务院另行规定。 The examination and approval procedure for branches of foreign companies shall be separately prescribed by the State Council.经营外汇业务的金融机构擅自超出批准的范围经营外汇业务的,由外汇管理机关责令改正,有违法所得的,没收违法所得,并处违法所得1倍以上5倍以下的罚款;没有违法所得的,处10万元以上50万元以下的罚款; The exchange administration agencies shall order the financial institutions that conduct any activities without authorization beyond the prescribed business scope for foreign exchange operations to redress the case, confiscate the illegal income, if any, and impose a penalty fine in the range of one to five times the amount of the illegal foreign exchange income; if no illegal income is involved, a penalty fine of 100, 000 to 500, 000 Yuan shall be imposed.执法人员进行询问和调查,应当制作笔录,并由被询问人或者被调查人签字。 The executor conduct inquiring and investigating, shall fabricate written notes which are signature by the inquired or investigated person.债权人参加破产程序的费用不得作为破产债权。 The expenses of creditors for participating in the bankruptcy proceedings may not constitute bankruptcy claims.债权人参加破产程序的费用不得作为破产债权。 The expenses of creditors for participating in the bankruptcy proceedings may not constitute bankruptcy claims.债权人参加破产程序的费用不得作为破产债权。 The expenses of creditors for participating in the bankruptcy proceedings may not constitute bankruptcy claims.经国务院批准,调整部分商品的出口退税率,现就有关事项通知如下: The export rebate rates for some commodities have been adjusted upon approval of the State Council. The related matters are hereby noticed as follows:以上商品出口退税率调整自2007年7月1日起执行。具体执行时间,以海关“出口货物报关单(出口退税专用)”上注明的出口日期为准。 The export rebate rates which have been adjusted for the commodities mentioned above shall be enforced as of July 1, 2007. The specific implementation time shall be the date of export as indicated on the customs' ""Declaration Form for the Export of Goods (specially used for export rebates)"".享受上述过渡优惠政策的企业,是指2007年3月16日以前经工商等登记管理机关登记设立的企业;? The expression ""enterprises enjoying the preferential policies"" as referred to above means the enterprises set up and registered in the industrial and commercial administrative department and in other registration administrative departments before March 16, 2007.国家需要重点扶持的高新技术企业,是指拥有核心自主知识产权,同时符合《中华人民共和国企业所得税法实施条例》第九十三条规定的条件,并按照《高新技术企业认定管理办法》认定的高新技术企业。 The expression ""high-tech enterprises under the powerful support of the State"" means the high-tech enterprises which have their own kernel independent intellectual property rights and meanwhile meet the conditions as referred to, in Article 93 of the Regulation on Carrying out of the Enterprise Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China and have been realized in pursuance of the Measures for the Determination of High-tech Enterprises.当事人协议不愿写明争议事实和裁决理由的,以及按照双方当事人和解协议的内容作出裁决的,可以不写明争议事实和裁决理由。 The facts of the dispute and the reasons on which the arbitral award is based may not be stated in the arbitral award if the parties have agreed not to state them in the arbitral award, or the arbitral award is made in accordance with the contents of the settlement agreement reached between the parties.被申请人未提交答辩书的,不影响仲裁程序的进行。 The failure of the respondent to submit a defence shall not affect the proceeding of the arbitration procedures.股份有限公司的财务会计报告应当在召开股东大会年会的二十日以前置备于本公司,供股东查阅。 The financial and accounting reports of a joint stock limited company shall be available at the company's premises for shareholders' inspection as from the 20th day prior to the annual meeting of shareholders' general committee.财务会计报告应当包括下列财务会计报表及附属明细表: The financial and accounting reports shall include the following financial and accounting statements and subsidiary statements:?? 金融监督管理部门根据保险公司业务范围、经营规模,可以调整其注册资本的最低限额。但是,不得低于第一款规定的限额。 The financial supervision and regulation department may adjust the amount of the minimum registered capital, in accordance with the proposed scope of business and scale of operations; however, the minimum capital shall not be less than the amount stipulated in the first paragraph of this Article.国家规定的第一类出口商品,由国家指定的外贸、工贸进出口总公司及直属的分公司、子公司按批准的范围经营,并承担国家下达的出口计划和上缴中央外汇任务。 The first category or export commodities, as prescribed by the State, shall be handled by the national foreign trade corporations, or the national industry and trade import and export corporations as well as by their branch offices and subsidiaries in accordance with the approved business scope, and the aforesaid corporations shall also undertake to fulfil the export plan transmitted by the State, and the tasks to turn over a definite amount of foreign exchange earnings to the Central Government.粘单上的第一记载人,应当在汇票和粘单的粘接处签章。 The first entry maker of the allonge shall sign on the abutting edge.中国人民银行的会计年度自公历1月1日起至12月31日止。 The fiscal year of The People's Bank of China begins on the first day of January and ends on the thirty-first day of December of the Gregorian calendar.仲裁协议应当具有下列内容: The following contents shall be included in an arbitration agreement:企业下列经营业务的收入可以分期确定,并据以计算应纳税所得额: The following income from business operations of an enterprise may be determined by stages and used as the basis for the computation of taxable income:对下列所得,免征、减征所得税: The following income is exempted from, or reduced of, the income tax: