

债务人的法定代表人必须列席债权人会议,回答债权人的询问。    The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors' meetings and answer the creditors inquiries.
债务人的法定代表人必须列席债权人会议,回答债权人的询问。    The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors' meetings and answer the creditors inquiries.
债务人的法定代表人必须列席债权人会议,回答债权人的询问。    The legal representative of the debtor must attend the creditors' meetings and answer the creditors inquiries.
前款规定以外的其他驻华机构的合法人民币收入,需要汇出境外的,应当持有关证明材料向外汇管理机关申请,凭外汇管理机关的售汇通知单到外汇指定银行兑付。    The legitimate Renminbi incomes of other foreign organization in China than those specified in the preceding clause can be exchanged at banks designated to handle foreign exchange businesses on the strength of the notice on foreign exchange sale issued by the foreign exchange management administration after applying to the foreign exchange management administration on the strength of relevant documents of certification, if these incomes should be remitted abroad.
承租方因工作需要,可以把租赁物转让给第三方承租使用,但必须事先征提出租方的同意。    The lessee may, because of work requirements, assign the use of the leased property to a third party, but it must first obtain the consent of the lessor.
出租方应按照合同规定时间和标准,将出租的财产交给承租方使用。如果出租方将财产所有权转移给第三方时,租赁合同对财产新的所有方继续有效。     The lessor shall, in accordance with the time and standards provided in the contract, turn over the leased property for the use of the lessee. If the lessor transfers the ownership of the property to a third party, the lease contract shall continue to be effective with respect to the new owner of the property.
对拟任外国保险公司分公司主要负责人的授权书,是指由外国保险公司董事长或者总经理签署的、对拟任外国保险公司分公司总经理的授权书。    The letter of attorney issued to the person to be appointed as the main person-in-charge of the proposed branch of the foreign insurance company, refers to the letter of attorney issued to the person to be appointed as the general manager of the proposed branch of the foreign insurance company, which is signed by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or General Manager of the foreign insurance company.
授权书应当明确记载被授权人的权限范围。    The letter of attorney shall explicitly specify the scope of authorization granted to the authorized person.
公司分立前的债务按所达成的协议由分立后的公司承担。    The liabilities of the company prior to its division shall be assumed by the companies resulting from the division according to the agreement reached among them.
违反用水合同、供用气合同的责任,可参照本条规定处理。    The liability for breach of a contract for the supply and use of water or of a contract for the supply and use of gas may be handled with reference to the provisions of this Article.
付款人委托的付款银行的责任,限于按照汇票上记载事项从付款人账户支付汇票金额。    The liability of the bank authorized by the drawee to make payment shall be limited to paying the sum on the bill from the drawee's account according to the particulars specified on the bill.
保险行业特定资格的许可程序,中国保监会另有规定的,从其规定。    The licensing procedure of specific qualifications of the insurance sector, if otherwise stipulated by the CIRC, shall follow such stipulations.
供方应保证技术资料的完整、正确和可靠。由于供方的原因,引进的技术没有达到合同规定的要求,供方应承担违约责任,赔偿损失。    The licensor should make sure that the technical data are complete, correct and reliable. If, for reasons the responsibility for which rests solely on licensor himself (herself), the technology is found to be not up to the requirements as stipulated in the contract, the licensor should bear the responsibility for violations of the contract and for payment of the liquidated damages.
该应纳税额即为扣除限额,应当分国不分项计算,其计算公式如下:境外所得税税款扣除限额=境内、境外所得按税法计算的应纳税总额×来源于某外国的所得额/境内、境外所得总额    The limit of the amount of tax payable that can be deducted shall be computed on a country-by-country basis; the method of computation is as follows: Limit on deduction Total amount of tax Amount of of tax payable on = payable on domestic * income from income from abroad income and foreign sources income from ---------------- abroad computed Total domestic in accordance with income and the Tax Law income from abroad
有限责任公司应当符合下列规定:    The limited-liability company shall comply with the following provisions:
有限责任公司投资者超过三十人的,应当向工商行政管理机关作专项申报,经同意后始得办理登记。    The limited-liability company with more than 30 investors shall ap ply and report specially to the department in change of administration of industrial and commercial, and go through the registration formalities upon the permission.
受权的市(地区)工商行政管理局对外商投资企业违反登记管理法规的行为进行处罚的权限,由其所在的受权的省、自治区、直辖市工商行政管理局区别具体情况,按照本规定的原则加以规定,并报国家工商行政管理局批准。    The limits of authority of the empowered city (prefectural) administrations for industry and commerce over punishment of foreign investment enterprises that violate the registration administrative decrees are defined by their respective empowered provincial, autonomous regional and municipal administration in the light of specific conditions and in accordance with these Regulations and should be reported to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for approval.
清算组对人民法院负责并且报告工作。    The liquidation team is responsible to, and shall make report on its work to, the people's court.
清算组对人民法院负责并且报告工作。    The liquidation team is responsible to, and shall make report on its work to, the people's court.
清算组对人民法院负责并且报告工作。    The liquidation team is responsible to, and shall make report on its work to, the people's court.
指定经营企业名录由国务院外经贸主管部门公布。    The list of enterprises to engage in designated management shall be publicized by the foreign trade department of the State Council..
境外上市外资股股东名册为证明境外上市外资股股东持有公司股份的充分证据;但是有相反证据的除外。    The list of foreign capital stock holders is the full evidence testifying the holding of the company's foreign capital stocks, except otherwise testified by opposite evidence.
实行国营贸易管理的进出口货物目录由国务院外经贸主管部门会同国务院有关经济管理部门制定、调整并公布。    The list of goods for import and export under the state-run trade administration shall be formulated, adjusted and promulgated by the foreign trade department of the State Council in collaboration with other relevant economic administrative departments of the State Council..
限制出口的货物目录由国务院外经贸主管部门会同国务院有关部门制定、调整并公布。    The list of goods limited in exportation shall be formulated, adjusted and promulgated by the foreign trade department of the State Council in collaboration with other relevant departments of the State Council.
限制出口的货物目录,应当至少在实施前21天公布;在紧急情况下,应当不迟于实施之日公布。    The list of goods limited in exportation shall be promulgated at least 21 days prior to the implementation thereof; where the circumstances are urgent, it shall be promulgated at no later than 4/9 the day of implementation..
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